Live Better Through Natural Living

Natural living is more than a saying. It’s prioritizing what’s necessary for a healthy life and focusing on those things that are beneficial to a higher quality of life. 

For some, a higher quality of life may be the ability to travel to far-off destinations and explore the wonders of the world. For others, the definition of a better life includes time to spend with loved ones, showering them in our love, and appreciating the memories being made. 

Whatever your definition of a higher quality of life, the foundation is by adopting positive behaviors and beliefs. One of the keys to that is to focus on a more natural way of living. 

What do I mean by natural living? 

Natural Living Defined

Natural living means to be in harmony with the earth and choosing only to use sustainable, non-toxic, organic products rather than synthesized products. It focuses on the type of refuse we leave behind and the impacts on the environment that occur when making the product and foods we use. 

For example, too often, cleaning products are made from harsh, toxic chemicals that may harm you and your family’s health over time. Choosing non-toxic ways and cleaning products that reduce your carbon footprint as well as eliminate any potential poisons from your home is a good tactic. 

In fact, I made a video that walks you through how to clean your bathroom with non-toxins that illustrate the benefits of using sustainable products without compromising cleanliness. 

Natural living is gaining traction throughout society, and the more people subscribe to that philosophy, the larger the impact on prices will be. Natural Living isn’t just for the rich, though processed foods are cheaper, they come with a hidden cost, impacting your health over time. 

Positive Changes That Impact Our Lives And Our World

The health-cost of malnutrition and treatment options will far outweigh the grocery bill, so pivoting to healthier food alternatives is crucial for your health and wallet. 

Most foods can be substituted for healthier alternatives, and some don’t even cost that much to replace. Switching to a plant-based diet can be more affordable than the processed foods we are constantly bombarded with at the grocer, on TV, and everywhere we go. 

Another way to make a positive change in your life with the concept of natural living is to change your consumption of non-sustainable products. There is a whole slew of alternatives to many products, and a list of organic health products that cover a wide array of products from beauty, to cleaning, to mental health can be easily found online.

Taking an approach that prioritizes self-care is another way to shift toward a more natural living philosophy. We know that stress can build up and have subtle but severe effects on our health, and finding strategies to minimize that in our lives is crucial to a better life. 

Establishing positive habits in our lives builds momentum to continue along that path. Whether it’s beginning to use more sustainable products in our homes, establishing an exercise routine, or taking time for mindfulness, these small actions start to take root. They are the foundation of the tree of natural living philosophy. 

In other words, one small action creates energy that becomes another action. The series of chain-reactions creates a positive energy that we can build upon as we choose a better way to live. 

Small Actions Create Major Change

Small actions and positive thoughts build upon themselves and become self-sustaining over time. As we adopt one new positive habit, we can add another one, then another, until we’ve established positive practices in our lives. The concept of natural living is a philosophy we can choose to live better and healthier. 

Natural living is a philosophy, and we can take small actions daily toward living better. 

It’s good for the environment, and it’s good for our health. To make the change to natural living is a process that starts with one small change than another. That chain of positive changes will create a momentum all its own, and one that will better our lives and our planet at the same time.

Natural Living For A Healthier You

Natural living is a philosophy that focuses on being responsible for the environment, prioritizing organic and sustainable options, and avoiding any toxins in products and packaging.

It’s a philosophy that strives to make less of a negative impact on our surroundings and places importance on living in harmony with the natural world around us. 

From food to consumer products, cleaning materials, personal care, and alternative therapies, natural living offers an environmentally friendly solution for everyone.  

When shopping for a sustainable solution, the first thing to do is read the ingredient label for organic, natural sources. Next, look for a PETA certification, a symbol that certified the packaging to be made of recyclable materials and avoids any chemical toxins in the label. 

The process of living naturally is a habit and one that doesn’t happen overnight. Yes, you could throw out all your toxic, non-sustainable products in your house, but that doesn’t mean that you’re immediately living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. 

To make a positive impact in your life, there are a few suggestions: repurposing old packaging, choosing a more active way of life, and considering natural remedies and alternative therapies before traditional medicinal options.

Repurpose Old Packaging Rather Than Toss It Out

Think about all the packaging waste you just tossed out! 

Instead, you can repurpose some of those items and use them around the house for things other than their design. 

For example, you can use an empty laundry detergent bottle, cut off the top, rinse it, and use it as a planter for some herbs or flowers. 

You can decorate the planter and place it on a shelf or outside along a wall for a flowery garden rather than toss out the empty plastic that will just sit in a landfill. 

As you change to an eco-friendly lifestyle, you will need to look at other solutions to your daily activities that are more suited to your new way of living. 

Examples are switching from a meat-oriented diet to a plant-based menu or switching from your regular hair care to more natural hair products and personal care solutions. 

Take A Hands-on Approach To Healthier Living

Changing your purchasing decisions to make them more sustainable is just one step. 

There are a few daily habits and rituals you can do as well. 


From industry leaders to artists and even Presidents, a daily journal is a way for you to write out your thoughts and dreams. Doing this practice every morning is a great way to focus the mind, open up creativity, and explore your subconscious thoughts and bring them to the conscious mind. 


Take 15 minutes every day to focus on slowly breathing and directing your attention to the soothing sounds of the breath as you inhale and exhale. This daily practice will relax the body and calm the mind. 

A relaxed body has less stress, lowered blood pressure, slower heart-rate, and deeper respiration. This process will allow you to focus your mind on the moment, eliminate outside anxiety, and is part of the practice of mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is a state of consciousness focused on the moment and not too far into the past or worries about the future. 


Adding a daily exercise routine should be part of your plan for healthier living. Combining exercise with meditation such as yoga or Tai Chi is a great way to improve your heart rate while also clearing your mind. The World Health Organization recommends that you exercise daily, even with activities such as a light walk or hike. 


Take time away from electric devices to clear your mind and direct your attention. The brain acts like a muscle. The more it’s challenged, the stronger it becomes, and taking information and stimuli in a passive form such as screens and TVs makes the brain lazy. You need to stimulate the brain through reading, physical movement, arts, and crafts to stretch and grow. 

Natural Remedies And Alternative Therapies

For minor aches and pains, or sleep issues, trying a natural remedy is a great option. CBD and THC oils are often reviewed well on websites like Herald Net for treatment of these symptoms. They offer pain reduction and deeper sleep patterns and can be taken in a variety of different ways. Pure CBD oil is the most popular of these oils as they do not have the intoxicating effects often associated with cannabis.

Acupuncture and massage therapies can help with muscle ache and joint pain. Adding Turmeric and other natural ingredients may aid with digestive issues and healing. 

Considering a more natural lifestyle is easier to maintain once you dedicate your behaviors to making that change. Take it slow, make one change at a time, and as it becomes permanent, you can focus on another action to change.

Living Naturally As A Way To Being Happier

Learning different ways to handle stress and other challenges in our lives can be tricky but is crucial. 

There are times in our lives that things seem to be overwhelming and it feels like no matter what we do we’re behind the eight-ball and life is stacked against us. 

The reality is that this is just a perception of what is happening around us and not absolutely true at all. Not to discredit your concerns, but the truth is that a lot of the obstacles that we face are strengthened by how we perceive them. 

Studies show that perceptions affect us in a variety of ways and that these expectations influence what information we select to adhere to.

Why does this matter? 

Well, if the challenges we are confronted with are strengthened or weakened by how we perceive them, then how we think becomes how we act. 

Saying that there are real challenges that we sometimes can’t understand why they’re occurring. For example, a chronic illness doesn’t become any less serious because we think about it differently, but how we adapt and handle those situations is important. 

Or consider a sleep disorder. The underlying cause could be from the feeling of anxiety or stress, which may also be an underlying cause of something more severe, but there are things you can do to minimize how much sleep is impacted. 

Strategies to Make a Happier, Healthier Life

So what can you do to minimize the feeling of overwhelm that we all have to deal with at times?

Making the decision to transition from standard ways of doing things to a more alternative way can be stressful, especially if you’re unsure of what you can do. 

We have some great strategies that can help you regardless of the circumstance, so read on to find the one that is right for you.

Learn Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of having a calm about you and focus on the present moment. The act of mindfulness is thinking only about the moment and ignoring fears, concerns, and excitement about any time other than the present. To achieve mindfulness it takes a routine that allows for a relaxed body and mind, and a focus on the moment. Yoga and meditation are good routines to relax the body and brain. 

Set An Exercise Routine

Exercise does a variety of positive things for the body. First, it elevates the heart rate, improves the cardiovascular system, strengthens bones and muscles, enhances the immune system, aids in digestion, and releases stress from the body. 

The main thing to keep in mind about exercise is that in order to get any real benefits from the workout is that you have to create a routine that you can continue. Too often people make the mistake of trying to do too much all at once, get injured or burned out, and lose the motivation to continue, ruining any positive progress they’ve already made. 

Choose Natural Living

Natural living is the philosophy of having harmony with nature meaning prioritizing sustainable foods, non-toxic, and organic products. A person living by this philosophy can have a sense of calm, freedom, and connection with themselves and others. 

Alternative Therapies

Choosing to live a natural living philosophy also informs the majority of our thoughts and actions. Exploring alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, use of pure cbd oil, massage, and meditation are great ways to minimize any pain or other issues and help change the way you think about the obstacles you face. Additionally, alternative therapies can help alleviate sleep disorders, mental focus, and cognitive functions. 

Eat Better

As the saying goes, “you are what you eat” should be in front of mind any time you think about what types of foods to eat. Moving away from a diet of processed foods to a more plant-based diet isn’t just healthy, it’s also a responsible way to eat sustainably. 

Too many people think of better eating as being only something the rich can afford, the reality is that eating healthier provides the body with more energy, strengthens the immune system, and is more affordable than other diets that may lack any real nutritional value. The lack of any nutrition in standard diets also leads to possible costly long-term health issues.

Making a change from the typical lifestyle that we’re surrounded by can be difficult, but choosing a natural living philosophy is one that benefits your health, makes you more responsible toward your impact on the environment, and provides you with tools and mechanisms to live a long, healthy life.

Enjoy a Better Life Through Natural Living

When you make the decision to live a more organic lifestyle, commonly referred to as natural living, it can seem overwhelming on where to start, what to do, and how to make that change. 

The concept of natural living is to be in harmony with the earth by using sustainable, non-toxic ingredients, leaving as minimal a carbon footprint as possible. 

Deciding to be in harmony with the earth is something that we should all consider, whether in the foods we eat, the products we consume, and our activities. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to make the world as sustainable today as the next. 

There are various ways to change a natural living lifestyle, but like any behavior change, the key is to start small and make incremental gains toward the larger goal

Take exercise, for example. 

Start Slow and Focus on Small Steps Toward Major Gains

When starting, it’s easy to push too far and overdo it. The problem is that by doing too much, you’re more susceptible to injury, soreness, and burnout. All three of these factors can impact your motivation to continue with the exercise routine, and whatever gains you made in a day or two will be lost without maintaining the habit. 

When deciding that it’s time for you to get more fit, it’s better to start slowly. Especially depending on your age and physical condition, starting an exercise routine that builds on your progress every few days will benefit your health and be more comfortable to maintain in time. 

That slow go, step-by-step approach used to get in better shape is also one you should consider in other facets of your life. 

When transitioning toward a more sustainable lifestyle, take stock of the types of products you have in your home and consider ways to replace them with products that reflect your focus on sustainability. 

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

For example, instead of using toxic cleaning products, look at the ingredient list for ones that are safer to use and better for the environment. When scanning through the ingredients, the label looks for a recycled symbol or approval from organizations such as PETA, which supports products that don’t allow for animal testing. 

By switching to more natural cleaning products for your home or kitchen, you’re creating demand for those products and encourage manufacturers to continue to pursue all-natural, green products. 

The move toward a lifestyle focused on eco-friendly actions, and natural living isn’t limited to cleaning products. There are food sources to consider, especially for people with diabetes and people with other chronic illnesses, as well as personal care products. 

For example, you can eliminate much of the waste that your shampoo and other personal hygiene products have by switching to a more sustainable product such as dry shampoo.  

What is dry shampoo, and how is it helpful to the environment? 

Dry shampoo is a product that works to clean your hair without water. That means you don’t need wet hair to clean it and eliminates the resulting run-off.

As the shampoo is almost entirely made from water, it can be heavy and difficult to package.

On the other hand, dry shampoo is more compact, allowing for more cleaning agents in less space. That means that you don’t have to purchase more containers of shampoo and that the waste associated with washing your hair isn’t being flushed down the drain toward your local water source. 

Another tip to help you pivot toward a more natural living lifestyle is to assess the packaging of the products you do purchase. 

As you look at the product label for its list of ingredients, check how the product is packaged. Is it in plastic with multiple layers of packaging? Instead of purchasing a product with multiple layers of packaging, which ends up in the trash bin causing excess waste, look for lighter packaging options. 

Making a lifestyle change that supports more positive choices and lessens the impact on the environment takes a commitment and is also gratifying. Our actions now help make the world a better place tomorrow, and that should be motivating enough to consider transitioning our lifestyle toward one that prioritizes the concept of natural living. 

Taking stock of what’s in your cabinets, what’s in your refrigerator, and what you’re putting into your body is crucial for your long-term health.

5 Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Better

The inability to fall asleep at night affects many people. Luckily, there are natural remedies available to help you sleep better. While there are several over the counter (OTC) remedies to help you sleep, they may cause more problems than they solve. This is why natural remedies have been sought out.

Natural remedies are effective in the short term as well as long term. This assures you better sleep on a more regular basis. With these tips, you will improve your sleep quality. Your productivity will increase. Best of all, you will wake up ready to tackle the day. No more mashing that snooze bar.

Here we will discuss different natural remedies you can turn to. Try one, or try them all. Find which ones work best for you. These include:

  • Valerian Root
  • Melatonin
  • CBD Oil
  • Glycine
  • Passionflower

Valerian Root

This is a naturally occurring herbal element shown to have an effect on sleep quality. This is not recommended for long term use. Those who are pregnant or lactating should avoid using valerian root.

The effect of valerian root is believed to have the strongest effect on sleep latency. Adults may experience some minor, infrequent side effects. The recommended dosage is 300-900 mg of valerian taken right before bedtime. Keep in mind the effectiveness is anecdotal. Its effects work differently on different people.


Your body naturally produces melatonin. It helps to control your sleep cycles. Those who spend more time outside experience better sleep as a result. Exposure to light increases levels of melatonin in the body. This is just one of the reasons why it is recommended to spend some time outside every day.

Those who work at night receive increased benefits from taking melatonin. It also helps with jet lag by working to reset your sleep cycle. It assists with reducing sleep latency when taken before bedtime. The recommended dosage is between 3-10 milligrams. This is one of the natural remedies that is recommended for both short and long durations.


Usage of CBD (cannabidiol) has been increasing over the years. It has a natural effect in regulating different mental aspects. Sleep is just one of the ways CBD can benefit you. There are many forms CBD that can be administered. CBD oil is the most common method for utilization. This can be used with an oil vaporizer, in tinctures, or just consumed directly.

CBD interacts with receptors to regulate mood and reduce anxiety. It helps to reduce sleep latency and increases levels of REM. The dosage of CBD will depend on the individual. More research is needed in order for doctors to recommend specific dosages.


An amino acid that plays an important role in the nervous system is glycine. While studies have shown that consuming glycine before bedtime can improve sleep, there is still discussion as to how this occurs. It is thought that reducing the body temperature, allows you to feel more comfortable and experience more restful sleep.

The normal dosage for glycine is up to 0.8 grams/kg of body weight per day. Those in sleep studies were given 3 grams a day. They reported feeling less fatigue throughout the day.




Cultivated throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, passionflower is a popular natural remedy for insomnia. Made into a tea, it has been shown to promote better quality sleep. This includes better sleep time, sleep efficiency, and wake time after sleep onset.

Drinking tea has been shown to have a better effect than taking a supplement. While it is unclear as to why the studies suggest no noticeable difference in sleep quality from taking the supplement. This is another natural remedy safe for use for extended periods of time.

Final Thoughts

As with anything, you should consult your doctor before starting any natural remedy. You can be given important information about how any of the above may interact with drugs you are taking or known allergies you have.

It is important to keep in mind these sleeping remedies are intended for short term usage. Any long term usage may create dependency. Always start at the lower end of dosage and increase as needed over time. This will allow you to see how your body reacts to the different remedies.



Michael is a writer and content marketing strategist with 10+ years of experience currently enjoying his work at GotVape. His idea is to break some of the stereotypes people have towards health by providing educational pieces. He gets motivation by doing things he always assumed he can’t do but secretly wanted to try. Work hard, challenge yourself, stay focused, take a rest, and surround yourself with good people – this is the path to a balanced life.

How to Pick Sustainable Food For Your Pup

These days, dog owners are more conscientious about the impact that they and their pets might have on the environment. The majority of people want to learn to live more sustainably, and that starts with making small changes at home.


Switching to a more sustainable dog food brand can help reduce your carbon footprint and is often a better choice for your four-legged friend. Here, we’re going to go over how to find a dog food that’s both healthy and eco-friendly.

The Environmental Impact of Dog Food

When most of us consider our impact on the environment, we think of things such as our daily commute or our nightly energy usage. It’s easy to assume that we’re the only ones with a carbon footprint, but this isn’t the case for pet owners. It can take over two acres of land to feed a medium-sized dog, using over twice the amount of land that it would take to run the average SUV.


A large part of why pet food is so unsustainable is the high protein content. Typically, dog food contains around 20% to 40% protein, while cat food has around 30% to 60%. High-quality pet foods often advertise that they use human-grade meat, which means that it meets federal manufacturing and packaging standards used in human foods.


Following a meat-based diet means a high carbon footprint for both humans and their pets. It takes much more energy and many more resources to raise livestock than it does plants and other foods. As a result, pet foods with high protein content, particularly those marked as “human-grade,” tend to be the least sustainable option when it comes to pet food.


Unfortunately, major pet food corporations’ marketing efforts have muddled the truth about what’s healthy for pets and what’s not. Myths abound about what people should be feeding their dogs in terms of protein and grain content.


Big brands often use the emotionally appealing approach of feeding pets like family members. However, dogs have very different nutritional needs than humans. Just because “human grade” meat and organic “superfoods” might be best for us doesn’t always mean that they make an ideal meal for our four-legged friends. What’s more, it isn’t what’s best for the environment.


Understanding what your pet truly needs from its diet can help you to choose a food that’s not only healthy but also sustainable. You should know what to look for on the label and select brands that cater to your pup’s nutritional needs.

How to Pick Sustainable Food For Your Pup


Ingredients to Look For

Nutrition is a complicated science to navigate. We don’t know much more about our pets’ nutritional needs than we do our own. However, there are certain vitamins, minerals, and more that we know domestic dogs need to stay healthy.


As most pet owners know, dogs are carnivores who require plenty of protein in their diet. However, they often don’t need as much as major pet food brands advertise. Dogs only need healthy portions of around 18% to 25% protein in their food to stay in peak physical condition.


Instead of looking for expensive human-grade meat, look for pet brands that use byproducts such as organs. These are just as healthy, if not healthier, than the cuts of meat that we’re used to eating. What’s more, using meat byproducts ensures that we use every part of an animal without any unnecessary waste. This helps to improve sustainability in the meat processing industry.


Whole, cooked grains are another ingredient to look for in sustainable pet food. Contrary to popular belief, grains and other plant ingredients are most often completely healthy for dogs. In fact, one of the main differences between wild wolves and domesticated dogs is that our four-legged friends are better adapted to digesting plants.


According to the FDA, adding grain to a pet’s diet won’t usually cause indigestion or disease. The current grain-free trend is more of a marketing ploy than anything else. Food with a higher protein content sells at a higher price, and so big brands are willing to push grain-free products regardless of the actual health implications.


Using high-quality grain in dog food is perfectly safe, and it can help reduce the protein content to healthy, sustainable levels. It’s best to choose a high-quality, sustainable dog food containing grain filler over a high-protein, grain-free option.

Ingredients to Avoid

While human-grade meat may sound appealing on the surface, it’s not always the best choice for your pet. It uses high-grade cuts of meat, wasting healthy byproducts such as liver and kidney. Not only is this an unsustainable practice, but it can significantly increase the cost of a bag of food. Try to avoid pet foods that advertise themselves as human-grade.


On the other end of the scale, don’t opt for pet foods that contain only plant-based proteins. Plant and animal proteins have very different nutritional properties thanks to their chemical makeup.


Dogs are adapted to eat and digest animal proteins better than plant proteins, and a strictly vegetarian diet may lead to severe health problems. While you don’t want to opt for unsustainable, high-protein food, you also want to avoid anything that leaves out meat altogether.


It’s always a good idea to avoid food with too many unrecognizable ingredients. Chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and more can all have a negative impact on your dog’s health. They can also run off into the environment and natural water sources, which can cause catastrophic damage to local ecosystems. Try to stick to dog foods with limited, whole ingredients and as few chemicals as possible.

Don’t Forget the Packaging

When you’re looking for sustainable dog food, it can be easy to get caught up on the ingredients. However, the packaging can have just as much of an impact on the environment. Many plastic bags and containers take no small amount of energy to make, and the process can spew toxins into the air.


It’s a good idea to look for companies that are conscientious about how they package their food. Many sustainable pet food brands are making the move towards recycled, biodegradable packaging. You can even find brands that use materials such as heavyweight paper or cardboard.


Some brands take the extra step to ensure their manufacturing and shipping processes are as green as possible. Try to look for pet food manufacturers with eco-friendly policies in place, such as using renewable energy or having an electric shipping fleet.

Making Dog Food at Home

If you don’t like any of the options available at your local supermarket, you can make your own pet food from scratch. This is a healthy and sustainable way to make sure your pup gets all of the nutrients it needs, but it’s not always easy.


You need to include a variety of essential nutrients, including protein and fat, preferably from a meat source, as well as carbohydrates from whole grains or vegetables. You should also include calcium and essential fatty acids from certain healthy oils, egg yolks, or oatmeal. If your dog has special needs, you may need to include additional vitamins and minerals. It’s best to follow a recipe developed by a veterinary expert with special training in dog nutrition. Moreover, you might also want to consider adding some dog-friendly supplements to give your furry friend an extra boost. Nutra Thrive for Dogs for example is a hugely popular option – accordingly, you can even secure a nutra thrive for dogs discount if you do some research online so do not be afraid to shop around to get the supplements you need at the best possible price.

Final Thoughts

As most dog owners know, not all pet food is created equal. However, there are many common misconceptions about what comprises healthy dog food. While the biggest brands might lead you to believe protein content is everything, this isn’t the case. High-protein dog foods are unhealthy and unsustainable, leading to a larger carbon footprint for both you and your pooch.


You need to know what you’re looking for if you want to find high-quality, eco-friendly food for your pup. By looking for foods that use meat byproducts and healthy grains for a lower protein content, you and your four-legged friend can both do your part to protect the environment.

Health and Wellness Business Ideas You Can Start From Home

Being healthy enhances every aspect of your life. When you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally sound, you’re capable of achieving so many great things. As you know, it takes hard work and discipline to reach this level of health and happiness, and the journey isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s for that very reason that you want to support others in their experience. 

Starting a health and wellness business could be an excellent way for you to help so many people as they make the transition. Though you’re excited to get started, you want to find something easy to manage and affordable to start. While the health and wellness industries are huge, here are some of the most popular home-based business ideas you could start right away. 

Life Coach

Some people are surviving but long to live. They have no idea what their purpose is in life or how to get started on creating a brighter future. From diet and exercise to finances and careers, having the support of an expert can help them accomplish their goals faster. If you’d like to help improve the lives of others and enhance their overall wellness, you could become a life coach. 

As a life coach, you’d assess your client’s needs, desires, strengths, and weaknesses and help them to devise a plan that can get them on track. From encouraging them to sit with a nutritionist or personal trainer to routing them to resources like to lower their debts and reduce financial pressures, you can give them the assurance, accountability, and support they need to live the lives they’ve always dreamed of. 

Fitness Instructor

Have you developed a workout regimen that has helped you lose weight, strengthen your muscles, or tone your body? If so, there are millions of people out there that would love to know your secrets. As a fitness instructor, you’d be able to teach others to exercise routines that accelerate their health and wellness goals. And in case you are on the journey of application as an online personal trainer this personal trainer bio guide might help you get the career of your dreams.

You can hold classes in your home, at a nearby gym, or create videos and live streams to post online. The more effective your lessons are, the easier it becomes to acquire new clients taking your business to new heights. 

Health and Wellness Store

You don’t need an expensive commercial property to sell health and wellness products to consumers. These days, you can create an online store and set up a shop with ease. Essentially, all you have to do is decide what you’ll offer on your eCommerce site. If you make your own soaps, lotions, or essential oils with all-natural ingredients, you could sell them to others. If there are products that you have used along your journey, you could always become an independent sales rep and earn commissions. 

Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is a meaningful way to help individuals with physical or emotional problems. A good rub down can relieve stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation, reduce pain, expand the range of motion, and speed recovery from surgeries and injuries. Instead of working for a massage parlor or salon, you could go into business for yourself. You can mobilize your business and meet your clients in their homes for scheduled appointments. 

Things to Know

If one of these health and wellness business ideas seems like something you’re interested in, there are a few things you’ll need to do to start your home-based company. Some will require you to have adequate training and certifications. No matter what type of business you intend to begin, however, you’ll need a reliable website, capital, and a marketing strategy to help you acquire new business. 

In times when a global health crisis plagues millions, everyone is looking for the best way to enhance their health and wellness. As such, now is the perfect time to start a business in this industry. You can help others live happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives, which only enhances your own well-being. With a little time, money, and effort, your business could help change the world. 

3 Staples to Include in a Healthy and Natural Everyday Diet

Are you looking to transition to a healthy more natural everyday diet? Do you feel as though you’re not giving your body enough vitamins and nutrients to perform at its peak levels? If so, you’re not alone, as it has been a real trend as of late to start questioning what you eat, where the ingredients are sourced from, and how you can make things more natural and healthier overall.

While it may seem overwhelming to completely overhaul your diet, making a few small changes to get started can be much less intimidating and act as a launching pad to better choices down the road. So, here are three staples you’ll want to include right away.

Oatmeal – the Ultimate Breakfast Food

Are you like many others who find it difficult to get up and get moving in the mornings? Are you really slow to wake up and find that energy to carry you through the day? If so, it’s probably time to switch up your breakfast routine, and oatmeal is just the way to do that.

Oatmeal has all kinds of wonderful benefits such as the fact that it keeps you feeling fuller for longer, which means you can make it to lunchtime without having to reach for the biscuit tin. It also helps to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level, is high in soluble fiber, and it helps to limit your risk of developing heart disease. Considering how many different ways you can eat oatmeal, including all the different mix-ins and toppings, you won’t get bored of it any time soon.

Dark Leafy Green Vegetables are the Ideal Side Dish 

As you browse through the produce aisle, you’re going to want to be sure you grab a supply of dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, arugula, Romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard. 

These are all high in such vitamins as K, C, A, and folate. Not only that, but they are also packed full of calcium, iron, and fiber. In other words, they do your body a whole lot of good. They can act as the perfect side dish to a variety of meals.

Filtered Water Should be the Beverage of Choice

Of course, your diet is made up of more than just food – you also need beverages. Most people are well aware of just how important water is to your body, as it works to re-hydrate your body throughout the day, help with digestion, regulate your body temperature, and basically keep your body functioning well. At the same time, you want to be picky about the water you’re putting into your body to ensure it is free of containments.

Installing your own home water filtration system is typically the best plan. You’ll always have a fresh supply of clean natural water at your fingertips. Be sure to check out this “Everything Guide to Filters” to discuss the various filtration systems you can use, what their pros and cons are when to replace the filter, and more. 

Let This Be the Starting Point

Adding each of these items to your diet can be a simple starting point and really propel you to keep making more healthy choices.

Keto Diet: Seven Tips on How to Stick to Your Keto Lifestyle

The ketogenic (keto) diet has become prominent over the last couple of years, as a great method to lose weight and improve various health conditions, such as cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar levels. It involves the power of calorie restriction with the benefits of nutritional ketosis to provide the body with energy from stored fat instead of glucose.

At the same time for some people counting calories, only eating certain foods, and having to cook more might sound extremely difficult and scary, even if you are someone with the strongest willpower. It is only natural to feel overwhelmed while embarking on any change, but with a healthy mindset and a few steps that can help you get into good habits, you won’t look back.

Keep Only Keto-Friendly Food In Your House

When you are hungry, it might become much easier to forget about your goals and cheat on a diet. Hunger is a strong motivator, and for this reason, it is best to be prepared and plan for the worst, especially if you are the only one in your family on a diet. Consider cleaning out your fridge and cupboards or at least hide carb-rich foods in a hard to access place. Cleaning your kitchen reduces temptation and the likelihood of consumption by eliminating foods that are not on your meal plan.

Plan Your Meals & Social Situations In Advance

Planning your meals and visits to restaurants and cafes in advance is a great way to stay on track during your keto diet. Each week mark in the calendar nutrition plan for the week, including snacks and how many meals you need when going out. Also, make sure to add eating in the office, social engagements, or unique circumstances that might impact your routine.

Once you determine how many meals you need, find healthy, low-carb recipes for each day of the week. From there, create your shopping list and hit the grocery store. You don’t have to prepare all meals at one time. You can just set aside 1-2 hours to chop vegetables, marinate protein, or cook parts of meals to stick to your diet.

Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand

Instilling good habits doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why it is essential to be fully prepared in case of unforeseen long hours at the office or hunger pains during the day.

Consider always keeping healthy snack options on hand to prevent a fast-food run or purchase of ‘bad choices’ at the corner store. Keto-friendly yogurt, sliced veggies, low-carb hummus, hard-boiled eggs, homemade trail mix, or bars are some of the possible good snacks.

Get Inspired

Successful and sustainable changes in your life require enjoyment along the way. Since food is an essential part of our life, enjoying your meals is not something you need to miss out on just because you maintain a keto diet.

Instead of running for the carbs, try to reconnect to your inner foodie, don’t get stuck in a repetitive mealtime, and find appropriate substitutes for the food you love. Luckily, there are so many great resources to discover the keto recipe of your dreams like purchasing a cookbook/guidebook or just searching in Google.

Try Out Help Of CBD Oil

While CBD oil is commonly used as a natural alternative and effective remedy for anxiety and pain relief, improved mood, concentration, and sleep, the intake of this product can also offer beneficial effects.

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a generally safe, non-addictive, and non-psychoactive compound extracted from Cannabis Sativa plants. To provide positive CBD effects, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system involved in vital body functions such as sleep, appetite, stress, pain, inflammation, memory, mood, and many others. Therefore, CBD might promote weight loss by decreasing appetite, boosting metabolism, and activating the “browning” of fat cells.

You can incorporate CBD products into your daily cooking routine to add health benefits into a nutrition system and sustain a well-balanced, complete diet as well as spice up your cooking experience. The nutritional content of CBD oil can also provide your body with needed components like protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, etc.

Stick To A Fitness Plan

While you have made the one step in pursuing a healthier lifestyle by choosing a Keto diet, you also need to dedicate yourself to a regular workout regimen. In case you already have a workout routine, but you don’t do it often, try to add a few more days to your schedule. To maximize your results, make sure that you are getting into physical activity at least four times a week.

If fitness has never been your thing, there is a lot of easy options that you can use, and that requires a yoga mat and some dumbbells. You can find different at-home workouts on platforms like YouTube to help get you started. As an alternative, you can also look for gyms in your area to be sure you will prioritize the workout regimen.

Get Your Friends On Board

Since we are social animals, it can be hard to undergo such a substantial lifestyle change when everyone else carries on like before. Also, the word “diet” is typically associated with a negative connotation, resulting in a pessimistic attitude from your friends and family, even when dieting done for the right reasons. This can make you feel alienated and more likely to succumb to peer pressure. Instead, try to talk to your loved ones and explain that this is an essential change for you, and you would appreciate their support.

Alternatively, you can connect to like-minded people on various groups or forums on keto topics. Here you will feel understood and can share struggles and successes, encourage each other, and swap interesting recipes. When you use social support to your advantage and have individuals to share your questions, concerns, and accomplishments, it will be much easier for you to stay on the keto diet and achieve the results you want.