Grow Your Own Food: The Top Health Benefits of Growing a Vegetable Garden

Cultivating and nourishing your vegetable garden can undoubtedly do a lot than providing fresh vegetables. Gardening can help you save money, improve your health, and even invigorate and revitalize one’s mood.

And now that almost everything seems expensive these days, particularly at the retail stores, growing your food is the best way to at least remarkably cut down your bill. Though growing vegetables and fruits might seem too strenuous for some people, it is much easier than it sounds.

All you need is patience, a little time, a water source, and a place to plant. Some people can do it, and so can you. To convince you more, check out the benefits of growing a vegetable garden below.

Taste Better if you Grow Your Own

When you have your vegetable garden, rest assured that you will have fresh-nutrient-packed vegetables and fruits. Once you harvest your fruits and vegetables, produce starts to lose all the nutrients and moisture. That is why at the grocery store, you have no control of the freshness of the fruits and vegetables.

But when you have a vegetable garden of your own, you can guarantee their freshness. According to, some individuals attest that there is certainly a huge difference between commercially grown food and organic when it comes to taste.

The freshness of the vegetables and fruits is the substantial factor of taste. Say, for example, for homegrown tomatoes, you have to wait until they are ripe, red, and ready to eat before you can pull it from the vine. However, commercially grown tomatoes are harvested weeks before they are ripe.

Improves Health

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits more often is one of the most vital things everyone can do to stay fit and healthy. If you are growing a vegetable garden of your own, you will never be able to keep them out of your daily meal. Plus their vitamins and nutrients content will be at their top-level as you munch into them directly at your garden.

According to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, those preschool children who always had homegrown vegetables and fruits, eat at least five servings of veggies and fruits a day. On the other hand, those who don’t or rarely eat homegrown produce, eat fewer servings a day.

With that said, it is best to grow a vegetable patch in your backyard so that you and your family can live a healthy and vigorous life. As consumers, it is always helpful if you inform yourself about what you are eating, specifically when it comes to your health.

Saves Money

Having a vegetable garden can or may cut down your entire food bill. You can easily buy packs of seeds that costs little to nothing. So instead of buying a piece of fruit or vegetable at the grocery store, purchase different variants of seeds.

Sure it is more convenient to buy items at the grocery store because you don’t have to wait for a long time until the veggies and fruits are ready to eat. But buying seeds costs lesser than what you think when you include the money you spent on the gasoline to drive to the grocery store.

Besides, you can grow homegrown veggies for a portion of what the supermarkets retail for them. So, when you intend to lower your monthly food bill, growing a vegetable garden is an excellent option.

A Form of Exercise

Of course, gardening takes a lot of work and effort to grow your vegetables and fruits. It is a physical activity that can burn approximately 400 calories per hour. You do not just stick around and wait for them to grow. You need to work your way around – pull some weeds, dig, plant, bend, stretch.

Since gardening is a form of exercise, it is certainly great for your health. Gardening is a beneficial activity that can potentially help you to lose weight and lessen the risk of diabetes and heart disease. To get the most out of this activity, spend at least 30 to 45 minutes a day working in your garden.

Helps the Environment

Gardening helps the environment in numerous ways. For example, if you grow your vegetables and fruits organically, meaning no herbicides and pesticides involved, you will help the environment by letting off the burden of needless water and air pollution.

Also, you will minimize the use of fossil fuels and the arising pollution that associates from the transport to and fro the grocery store. Furthermore, you can recycle the peels and waste of the fruit and vegetables, and use them to create your compost.


Growing a vegetable garden in your backyard can give you lots of benefits, aside from providing fresh fruits and vegetables. It can improve you and your family’s health, help you save tons of money, and most importantly it helps the environment.

You can visit any online store such as GStore to see different products that let you grow plants in imaginative and eco-friendly ways such as composting and worm farms.

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