Role of vitamins and minerals in energy production

Micronutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and water are the strength of our cells, and they supply the nutrition for our bodies. Think about the vitamins both as a food and as tools that activate pathways in the body for big reactions, such as energy production. 

Top Vitamins for Energy Production

 The easiest strategies to preserve natural strength are to consume a healthy diet, exercise frequently, and sleep sufficiently. But such tasks are not always feasible, particularly when it comes to juggling the demands of existence. Thankfully, you can turn to a vitamin b12 supplement to boost energy.

B12 vitamin

B12 vitamins are vital to produce energy in the Cells. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the blood around the body. The oxygen is used for energy production once it reaches your body’s cells. Vitamin B12 also plays a crucial role in neurological activity. As per the 2016 National Institute of Health guidance, you are more at risk of fatigue, weakness, or losing weight if you don’t include enough vitamin B12 in the diet.

It is most abundant in seafood, dairy, poultry, milks, and other fortified products that may be poor in vitamin B12. Older adults or those with intestinal problems such as Crohn’s disease risk an imbalance because the B12 they eat is less able to absorb.

The fatigue you can only increase your strength if you consume food rich in vitamin B13 or take a supplement.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that is needed in each cell of the body for the proper cell function. Your cells need CoQ10 in order to produce energy, and it has been shown to benefit cardiovascular patients by research.

Meat, especially organ meats, and fish and peanuts are present in CoQ10. Our bodies can produce CoQ10, although their ability naturally decreases with age, a supplement of CoQ10, especially later in life should be taken into consideration.


Magnesium is one of the most plentiful biochemical processes needed in the body. This involves muscle and nerve activity, the regulation of the blood pressure and development of electricity. This is common in foods such as fish, almonds and whole grains and is an excellent energy source.

Magnesium is said to enhance symptoms of insomnia as per various research.   If your exhaustion triggers difficulty taking a nap, a magnesium supplement will boost your sleep quality and make you feel more relaxed.


Iron is a key mineral that allows the whole body to circulate oxygen. The cell of the body must also work and develop correctly. The most prominent reason for anemia is insufficient iron in the body. It may impede cognitive ability, decrease immunity, and adversely impact output at work.

Food and fish are healthy sources of mineral strength. If you’re vegetarian, then iron foods can include seeds, beans, lentils, spinach, and enhanced grain products. Iron supplements, if required, will help to maintain proper iron levels, but be aware that iron supplements can trigger serious side effects if over consumed. Before iron supplementation, please contact your specialist.

Iron is especially relevant for people with heavy menstrual periods or pregnant women owing to the need of iron for fetal growth.

B6 vitamin

This vitamin is critical for proper brain development and ensures that the nervous and immune systems are healthy. This vitamin is present in foods such as seafood, meat, rice, chickpeas and bananas. It can also be considered as the best vitamins for energy.

Vitamin B2

Every vitamin B is very important for energy; all carbohydrates are split into power. Studies illustrate that vitamin B reduces exhaustion in this specific process. In foods such as almonds, wild rice and mushrooms, you can find this vitamin.

OMEGA 3 fatty acid

For cell function and brain safety, Omega-3s are relevant without noting that a preventive fatigue mechanism can be used. Omega-3s are found most frequently in fish oil, but also in vegetable oil and nutrients.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known as an immune booster, although fatigue mitigation is also documented. However, a warning is only possible, especially if you take large doses of vitamin C supplements. It may contribute to vomiting, fatigue, shaking, cardiovascular disorder and stomach cramps. The suggested dietary supply is 75 milligrams for women 19 years and over.


If you’re still uncertain and the question what supplements should I use is ringing in your mind you should take into consideration that supplements will help you stay healthy and active all day long but they cannot eliminate the essential needs of the body: adequate sleep, a balanced diet, hydration, and exercise. In general, but always somewhat sluggish, if you follow a balanced lifestyle, any of the six vitamins and supplements will fix the root cause. Unlike certain alternatives that provide a temporary energy explosion, these supplements can help you achieve long-term well-being. They often offer specific advantages over and beyond increased capacity.

9 Small Changes to Live a More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

It is crucial now more than ever for people to be more conscious of how their lifestyle affects the environment.

There are a lot of conveniences in our lives that make living a lot easier. Still, the consequence of that is that our environment deteriorates. In relation to this, many people want to have an eco-friendly lifestyle but are afraid of letting go of such conveniences.

What people don’t know is that it’s much easier to shift towards a sustainable lifestyle than they initially think.

There are a lot of small, environment-friendly changes that you can apply in your daily life. So, if you’re interested in making the shift, then here are nine small changes that you should consider applying to your life:

Refrain from using plastic

One of the things that you should stop using in your life would be plastic. Plastic takes a thousand years to decompose. However, its lasting adverse impact in the environment is not worth the wait.

You can find plastic covering ocean surfaces all over the world. Not to mention that plenty of animals fall victim to plastic. Either they mistakenly consume plastic as food or get tangled in it and end up dying because of it.

Reducing your plastic usage is going to help you reduce the number of plastic material left in trash dumps. You can reduce plastic usage in simple ways. One example would be to stop drinking water from plastic bottles. Bringing a reusable water bottle is a lot better.

Go paperless

We live in an increasingly digital age, so it makes sense for you to let go of paper and start going paperless. By reducing your paper usage, you help reduce the number of trees chopped down every year.

Going paperless won’t only benefit the tree; it will also benefit you in the long run. If your office or home office has a lot of paper inside then it can be a fire hazard. That’s because the paper is a combustible material. Plus, paper all over the office makes it less than attractive to look at anyway.

Converting your documents to digital form makes them a lot more convenient to access them anywhere and anytime.

Cut back on your meat consumption

Cutting back on meat consumption is usually the last thing people are willing to do for the welfare of the environment.

However, reducing meat consumption doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to completely cut it out of your life. All you need to do is be more conscious and deliberate when you consume meat.

Taking care of livestock requires a lot of lands and a variety of natural resources. Livestock requires tons of water to all sorts of chemicals that end up damaging the environment.

Reducing your meat consumption by once a week will be a massive impact in itself.

Switch to green cleaning products

The cleaning products that you use in your home are probably quite potent. You probably don’t think about how the harsh chemicals you use to clean your home could end in the environment when you wash it away.

If your cleaning products aren’t safe for you to be around in for a long time, what do you think happens when you wash it away?

Luckily, there are a lot of green cleaning products readily available commercially. You can find the green cleaning solutions in the same place you’re buying your current cleaning products.

Therefore, switching to green cleaning products is a minimal change that won’t change your way of life by a lot.

Cut down on energy usage

Cutting down on the amount of energy that you use in your home is another sustainable but straightforward change that you can adopt in your lifestyle.

There are a lot of simple changes that you can apply that allow you to cut down on energy usage. You can start by unplugging all the appliances that you aren’t using.

It would be best if you considered washing your clothes using colder water because washing machines use 85% of its energy to heat the water alone. While you’re at it, you might want to reduce your drier usage and off for drying your outfits on clotheslines instead.

Replace your lightbulbs

Replacing your old compact fluorescent light bulbs is going to help you be more energy efficient.

It’s better to use LED for any of your light fixtures because they use less energy and are brighter than your older light bulbs. They will also last longer than your older light bulbs, which will save you money in the long run.

Cloth over paper

Reduce your reliance on paper towels to wipe away the mess and spills in your home and use microfiber towels instead. You can even recycle an old shirt and cut it up to use as rags around the house.

Since you’re using a cloth to wipe these spills, you can wash the fabric instead of throwing them away and then use them again.

Reduce your travel carbon footprint

Instead of relying on cars to take you anywhere, you should use public transport. Using public transportation is a lot cheaper than using your vehicle. Aside from that, it doesn’t generate a lot of carbon footprint.

There are also alternatives, aside from public transport, to take you anywhere. Biking is a popular choice for many people because not only does it take you from point to point faster, but it’s also keeping you fit.

Caring for the environment starts with the smallest things – you don’t have to ditch your automobile and live in a hut running solar power. Instead, making small changes in every area of one’s life adds up to big changes for the environment as a whole.

Start recycling

Having a recycling bin inside your house makes it a lot easier for you to start recycling. You can also locate the nearest waste management facility to identify the places that could pick up your recyclables.

Recycling ensures that your garbage doesn’t end up in landfills. Instead, they end up finding a new life.

Having a more eco-friendly lifestyle can be intimidating if you’re only starting. However, as this article would show you, it’s simpler than you would initially believe. The smallest of changes can have the most significant impact. Hence, if you’re intimidated by completely renewing your lifestyle, you can start by applying these small changes instead.

About the Author

Jacky Xu is the Chief Operating Officer for Maid Sailors Cleaning Service Chicago. Maid Sailors take pride in providing unparalleled cleaning services at affordable prices. Maid Sailors help transform your house into a home.