Making Your Dream House a Reality

Whether you are looking to start a family, retire, or simply update your home, building your dream house is something that takes planning to pull off. From getting a design that you like, budgeting for construction and the interior, there’s a lot that building your dream house requires. Also, don’t forget to find some garden care tips and tricks to circle up everything nicely. 

Four main steps go into making your dream house a reality. First, you need to make a plan and get it on paper. 

A good contractor can utilize an architect from their in-house talent, or you can contract out with one to design the plans. Finding the right contractor with a track record of working on the types of designs and elements in your designs is the next step. 

Coordinating with an interior designer to make your living space inspirational should be used in every phase of the overall designing process, and we’ll discuss these points at length below. 

Making a Plan

Making a plan for your remodel or build is crucial. We mean by making a plan, how does the exterior construction enhance the interior decor, the room’s planned usage, and what is your budget for the project? 

By getting a plan together, you can next look for the best options to design and build your project. Some contractors offer in-house architecture and interior design teams, while with others, you may need to subcontract out each of these types of roles. 

If you choose a contractor and separate architectural and design teams, be sure to include them in initial discussions of your drafts to save time and money. If you can get every team member on the same page, you will have fewer hiccups down the road that could slow the process down or create costly overruns. 

Finding a Contractor to Build

The most crucial phase of your planning comes down to choosing the right type of contractor for your job. Sure, all contractors claim they can build what you want, though it may not be their specialty. Some contractors focus on small home construction, others work in a commercial building, while others still specialize in one aspect of home remodels such as kitchens or bathrooms. 

Interview a variety of contractors and have them give you an initial bid of their services so that you can compare. As you review all the proposals, check out what previous customers have to say about their work and their service through online reviews and social media to give you more data to evaluate whether they are a good fit for your job or not. 

By taking the time to review past customers’ reviews of their services and deciding if you want an all-in-one shop that includes other design team elements, you are better educated in your decision-making. If you plan to subcontract out those tasks is essential. You don’t waste your time or theirs and find yourself paying more than needed. 

In addition to the above, there are five simple questions you should ask every contractor before you hire them. 

  1. Ask about similar past projects and recommendations
  2. Ask about licensing and insurance
  3. What are the timeframe estimate and cost
  4. Who are the people coming to the home every day
  5. What process is there if changes need to occur

When you discuss the project with the builder and design team, ask them if they think they can keep the structure intact or need to take it to the studs. You may be ok having a home without walls for a little while, or you may not, so understanding the work to be done and the timeline for it is vital. 

One of the subtleties in remodeling is updating your insulation and wiring. You may need some attic insulation replacement to be done during the project as lousy insulation can be home to pests and vermin, as well as cause costly repairs and replacements down the road. 

Interior Design 

As you are in the process of making your dream home a reality, having a plan for the interior is just as important as the exterior curb appeal. A good interior design team will help you create the right tone and feel for each room, enhancing the environment and enjoyment of the time spent in those spaces. 

Once you have a plan in place, a team ready to design and build your dream home, and estimates of time and money needed, you can set a budget for the project, select a team, and sit back and get your dream house ready. 

Looking and Feeling Good

If you are in your thirties, you might notice that your body is beginning to show visible signs of aging. Fortunately, you don’t have to look or feel your age. Listed below are a few tips to keep you looking and feeling good.


Restoring Firm, Healthy Skin


In your teens and twenties, your face looks full and firm. That’s due to an abundance of collagen and elastin. Once you enter your thirties they begin to break down causing the face to thin and lose the cheek fullness as part of the aging process. Thankfully, maintaining skin firmness is possible. Collagen supplements, exfoliating, daily moisturizer and the use of a restorative complex are a few beneficial remedies. 


A Healthy Diet


Eating a well-balanced diet consisting of things like fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, fish, nuts, and omega-3s will make you feel good. Fast-food products contain high amounts of saturated fats and salt. They can raise your blood pressure and have a negative impact on your overall health. When you eat good foods it’s easy to maintain healthy body weight and lean muscle mass. Your mind remains sharp helping improve focus and memory. You also sustain high levels of energy and your body is better able to grow and repair itself.




Along with a healthy diet, exercise is critical to preserving muscle and keeping internal organs functioning properly. Exercising for at least 30 to 40 minutes, 3 to 4 times weekly will improve your overall health. You’ll burn additional calories to help shed extra pounds and look and feel fit. Regular exercise also increases energy, promotes restful nights and stabilizes mood. Additionally, exercise can thwart some diseases and chronic health conditions and improve the appearance of skin.   


Plenty of Rest


In a fast-paced world, many people don’t get the proper amount of sleep. Unfortunately, a lack of sleep can lead to poor health and an older-looking appearance. You acquire dark circles under your eyes, wrinkles sooner, and a slough. Without proper rest your body doesn’t have time to recharge, leaving you vulnerable to health problems. You will wake up and feel foggy then remain tired and unfocused throughout the day. You may have trouble recalling events of the previous day and have mood swings. If you have trouble falling asleep take a hot bath with lit sleep-inducing scents such as chamomile and lavender. Turn off all electronics at least an hour prior to bed and avoid consuming caffeinated products several hours before retiring.


Relieving Stress


Too much on your plate can cause an abundance of stress. Unfortunately, too much stress can become taxing on the mind and the body. Stress over time can cause serious health-related issues. The good news is there are several ways to reduce stress. An intense physical workout releases endorphins that make you feel fantastic. Meditation is also beneficial for reducing stress, allowing the mind to lose many thoughts and achieve calmness. 


Make Time for You


Many moms feel guilty taking time for themselves. However, having no downtime or time set aside to do the things you enjoy, you will over time develop resentment aimed unfortunately at your loved ones. You matter as much as any member of your family. By taking time for yourself, you become a better person for your family. Visit a spa and experience self-pampering. Read a good book or find a hobby that you enjoy. 


Become Organized


Wasting valuable time trying to find things on a daily basis can cause stress overload. Becoming organized will help free up time and make life easier. Hang a rack for coats and outdoor accessories. Clean out closets in the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom so that everything you need is quickly accessible. Create spots for things like your keys, purse, and bills, and eliminate the clutter. 


If you want to look and feel better there are ways to achieve it.

Your Guide to Buying and Drinking Truly Sustainable Wine

With climate change concerns echoing worldwide, consumers are paying closer attention to the products they buy and consume. Prioritization of sustainable practices has never been as crucial to the public as it is today. Worldwide organizations and leaders provide rewards and certifications to distinguished vineyards and wine-makers leading the environmental charge.

If you want to support these businesses, you’ll want to follow this guide to buy and drink truly sustainable wines.

1. Learn the Differences Between Products

Many people mistakenly use sustainability, biodynamic and organic as interchangeable terms. Your first step is to learn the differences between these descriptions because they aren’t always the same. Sustainability comes in many shapes in sizes, and while sustainable wines can be organic and biodynamic, it doesn’t mean all organic and biodynamic wines are sustainable. Sustainable vineyards may promote biodiversity, recycle rainwater, use recyclable materials and renewable resources and take other eco-friendly steps unique to their location.

In comparison, organic vineyards do not need to have any of these sustainable practices in place. They need to avoid using pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and ensure that their grapes and conversion materials are certified organic. While organic standards may have environmental benefits, it does not mean these products are eco-friendly or sustainable.

Biodynamics is a holistic farming practice with standards set by the Demeter Association. Vineyards must plant and harvest at certain times and follow unique rules which correspond to astrological occurrences. In some ways, it’s similar to organic farming because it shuns synthetic pesticides and herbicides.

2. Review the Label

Reviewing a wine bottle’s label will give you a better understanding of its certifications and rankings. Many non-profit organizations around the world promote and certify sustainable wines.

Examples of such organizations and certifications include:

  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
  • Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing (CCSW)
  • Lodi Rules
  • SIP Certified
  • Live Certified

3. Compare Your Options

Besides looking at the labels for certifications, you can review a wine’s rating. The wine rating system is out of 100 and seeks to standardize tasting information and consumption. To keep it simple, you can think of it like receiving a grade in school — the closer it is to 100, the better critiques scored during their tasting.

Tasters rank based on:

  • Appearance
  • Aroma
  • Flavors
  • Finish

You should use these ratings as a guide, but not like the law. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, so you may love a product that only ranks in the mid-80s. Similarly, some newer bottles may not have a ranking which means they’ll be a mystery until you test them yourself.

4. Make a List

Balance is at the root of sustainability. While it’s beneficial to choose sustainable items, it’s also important to practice caution when buying without a plan. Making a list can help you buy according to your needs. You can record how many bottles you want and how frequently you drink them. This is especially beneficial if you intend to purchase sustainable wines which are also organic. Typically organic wines do not age well compared to other types and have a relatively short expiration period once opened.

Cheers to Sustainability

Using this guide, you can feel confident while shopping for sustainable wine. If you’re hoping to learn more information about the wine-making process, you can always contact a vineyard representative for more details. For those who want a less thought-consuming routine, you may want to invest in a sustainable subscription service with a company that researches on your behalf.

Better Ways to Brew Your Morning Coffee

We all know coffee gets brewed; you place the coffee grounds in a traditional cone or bowl, pour water into a coffee machine, and get hot coffee. There are many other ways to get coffee in the morning, and a lot of them are better than the traditional method.


A Better Drip Method

The Chemex coffee brewing method was invented in 1941, and it’s an excellent alternative to standard drip coffee. To start with, it uses a special type of filter that’s about 30% heavier than standard paper filters. Second, it uses a special flask that doubles as its own carafe. It leads to a cleaner, sweeter coffee that doesn’t carry the typical acidic overtones.


The French Press

Invented in 1929, this is the ideal brewing method for many coffee aficionados. It uses a plunger press pot that lets the coffee steep in hot water and then strains the water out. This lets the natural antioxidants, essential oils, and caffeine pass through more preserved than other methods would allow. This gives you a pure, clean, and robust cup of coffee that you’ll look forward to every morning.


The Siphon Pot

This unique coffee pot uses a vacuum to make your coffee. The pot is either placed atop a butane burner or, with newer pots, its own electric heating element. Coffee is placed in the pot’s upper vessel while the water’s steam pressure pushes it up into the top through a small hose. When the heat is removed, gravity pulls all the water down in the lower vessel, which leaves a mellow coffee that’s perfect for people who aren’t fans of traditional bitter flavors. These pots are expensive and hard to clean, but they can also impress your friends.


Cold Brew Coffee

It can take up to 10 hours to brew this coffee, but it’s worth the overnight wait. You can use a cold brew coffee maker or even make your own using a glass jar. All it involves is slowly dripping cold filtered water through the coffee. The resulting drink is strong and intense without being bitter or acidic. On top of that, cold-brewed coffee is more eco-friendly and can last for up to two weeks.


The Moka Method

The classic Italian Moka pot is a divisive tool among coffee fans, as deeply hated as it is deeply loved. The pot is divided into three sections. The lowest section contains the water that’s boiled on a stovetop. The resulting steam pressure drives the water upward into the middle chamber where the coffee sits. Finally, the finished coffee goes up into the top section. This is primarily for espresso lovers, but anyone who loves a strong and bitter cup can enjoy it. The main downside is that this doesn’t work on electric stovetops, just gas.


The Phin Dripper

This Vietnamese method is designed for people who only need one cup and uses a technique similar to the French press. Its style is also suited for those who love iced coffee. The coffee’s placed in a reusable metal filter that’s slid into the Phin. All you have to do is pour your hot or cold water and wait a few minutes. It’s not as strong as espresso, but it has a refined taste similar to a French press.

Improve Your Health And Save The Planet With These Eco-Friendly Tips

They say it’s better to give than to receive. Essentially, those who perform acts of kindness do more than just make others feel good; they experience a positive boost in their emotional health. This concept couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to the environment. The more humans do to preserve the earth’s natural resources, the more the planet can do to protect and enhance human life. Continue reading to learn more. 


Cut Down On Plastic Usage


From extraction and transport to waste management and environmental exposure, plastic has an adverse effect on human health. It can lead to air pollution and health problems like chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. Ultimately, cutting down on plastic usage would improve air quality and reduce the risks of life-threatening conditions. 


There are several ways to cut down on plastic consumption. You swap disposable plastic straws for reusable or metal ones. When shopping for groceries, use cloth or reusable bags instead of plastic bags. Another option would be to invest in a reverse osmosis water filter to purify your water, therefore, reducing the need to drink bottled water. 


Grow Your Own Food


Proper diet and nutrition are essential to your well-being. Unfortunately, the foods served today are highly processed and treated with harmful contaminants. Not to mention, the fuel emissions and energy consumption required to make the foods you eat can also impact your physical and mental health. An effective solution would be to grow your own foods. 


Starting a garden filled with your own fruits and vegetables allows you complete control over how they’re grown. Using organic seeds, fresh soil, and environmentally-friendly products to preserve your crops will eliminate health risks. Gardening is also an effective form of exercise which has physical and mental advantages. 


Ditch The Car


While cars are a modern-day convenience, they don’t come without environmental hazards. Driving produces pounds of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses which are harmful to the environment and your health. Though sometimes driving a car is the quickest way to get to your destination, try to limit your use. 


Walking to the neighborhood store, work, school, or other places within a short distance from your home saves the planet. It also encourages you to remain active, which can help you lose weight, strengthen your muscles, improve your immune system, boost your mood, and more. Lastly, exposure to the sun every day can help to improve your skin, reduce feelings of depression, and obtain your daily dose of vitamin D. 


Switch To All-Natural Cleaners


Keeping a tidy home is a common practice. A clean home reduces the presence of germs, bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants that can harm your health. It also helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve your mood. Be that as it may, the products you use to clean your home can have a negative impact on the environment and your health. 


When you use household cleaners on the market, many of them have harsh chemicals. These chemicals disburse in the air every time you use them, worsening the air quality and increasing your chances of developing serious health problems. It is best to use products comprised of all-natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice. If you have the time, there are simple recipes you can use to make your own cleaning products. 


Current times depict just how bad the environment is right now. Poor air quality, increased illness, climate change, and the reduction of natural resources are all the results of abuse and overuse from humans. Unless people start taking action now to save the planet, these problems will only get worse. As you can see from the examples above, there are simple lifestyle changes you can make to do your part. In making changes like cutting down on plastic use, walking, and using natural household cleaners, you’ll improve the environment, which, in turn, will enhance your physical and mental well-being.

How to Make Your Home More Sustainable

Reducing your home’s negative impact on the environment requires a bit of work and research on your part. But making your home more sustainable is a great way to save money as well as the planet. To help you get started, here are a few clever ideas.


Start With the Living Room

If you haven’t done so already, replace the incandescent light bulbs in your living room with CFL light bulbs. According to Energy Star, CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs) use 75% less energy compared to traditional light bulbs. If you replace just one traditional light bulb with one CFL bulb, it will save 400 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions.



You can also reduce your home’s energy consumption by using multi-socket extension leads. When they are not in use, simply turn them off.

In fact, one of the easiest ways to save electricity is to unplug devices. If you are like most of us, chances are your TV is on standby mode for the bigger part of the day. But as long as it is plugged in, it will consume energy. Over time, that wasted electricity adds up to a lot.

If you want to install environmentally friendly flooring, bamboo may be the best choice. It is the fastest-growing plant you can find. Since it has a much quicker rate of replenishment than hardwood, it makes for much more sustainable flooring.


Be Smart in The Kitchen

You can do so much for mother nature and your wallet by changing the ways you store, prepare, eat, and obtain your food.

Your refrigerator is a good place to start. If your fridge is in the sunlight, move it into the shade. It won’t have to work so hard to keep your food cool if you keep it away from the sun.

It’s also a good idea to replace very old kitchen appliances with Energy Star-rated models. According to, an Energy Star-rated fridge uses 15% less energy than a model that’s not Energy Star-qualified.

Buying a new kitchen appliance is a big investment, but it is cost-efficient. You can rest assured it will pay off over time.

Ovens use a lot of energy, so try to use yours less often. For instance, using the oven to toast two slices of bread isn’t very efficient. A toaster will get the job done faster without wasting so much energy.

When you have to use the oven, always make sure the door is properly closed. Avoid opening the door just to check on your cake.

This can lead to a huge amount of heat loss, so it’s best to simply trust the instructions in your recipe. You can also replace your old oven with a halogen oven. It doesn’t need preheating.

There is a lot you can do to minimize food waste in the kitchen—from freezing meals and creating broths to turning an old loaf into breadcrumbs. You can repurpose food the same way our ancestors used to.

On top of having a recycling bin, it’s a good idea to get a compost bin. By composting kitchen scraps and food waste, you can ease costs associated with rubbish collection and reduce the amount of household waste in landfills.

It is easy to find a tidy, neat, and odor-free compost bin. You can plant your own herb garden if you are not sure what to do with the fertilizer. This is a great way to introduce spices and other healthy staples to your diet.

Take on Environmentally-Friendly DIY Projects

If you have enthusiasm for DIY projects, planting your own herbs can be just the start. Your garden and yard are the perfect places to learn new skills and build something with your own hands.

You can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by building the stuff you need using natural materials. For instance, you can learn how to lay a driveway or garden patio if you want to add curb appeal to your home.

As long as you get your materials from the right place, you can rest assured your new patio will be sustainable. You can gather old bricks for the project or salvaged and recycled stone.

Don’t order stone or stone veneer from questionable third-world manufacturers. It comes with a high environmental cost—greenhouse gas emissions resulting from transportation, illegal dumping, and polluted groundwater.

Natural stone is recyclable, durable, and very easy to maintain. You don’t need any other resources or materials to create the stone, and there’s no shortage of it, so it is an inherently sustainable material.

Permeable pavers are also an incredibly eco-friendly paving solution. Permeable pavers provide excellent drainage control. They reduce costs by eliminating the need for piping.

On top of being great for stormwater management, they can withstand heavy traffic and last for a very long time.

According to EPA’s blog, many local and state governments will allow you to take advantage of financial incentives if you opt for permeable pavement. Permeable pavement helps create green jobs, so you will be doing a favor to your local economy as well.

Planning a Winter Trip to Southern California

California is a snow bird’s dream destination, but getting there isn’t always possible. Still, if you have the opportunity to head to the Golden State this time around, then you’ll want to pay attention to these tips. You need to know more about California so that you experience the best the beautiful state has to offer.


Dealing With the Heat

California is sunny, so the first thing you should consider if you’re thinking of taking a trip is the potential heat. Make sure your AC is in good condition so that you’re always comfortable. Remember, Southern California is known for traffic, so it’s more than possible that you’ll be stuck in traffic for an hour just to get to your destination. Make sure you pack enough sunscreen and that your vehicle’s windows are shaded so that you can withstand all that sun. You’ll be happy you’ve taken these steps once you get there.


Getting Your Clothes Right

The next thing you want to consider is your clothes. You may be thinking you can come to this state with summer clothes, and comfortable wedges are perfect for the warmer California weather. California’s winters can be warm, so you’re mostly right, but that story changes at night. Some snowbirds make the mistake of thinking California doesn’t get cold at all. You don’t need a huge coat or anything, but you should still bring a jacket or sweater if you’re going to be out at night.


Opt for a Travel Guide

Southern California has a lot going on. It can feel overwhelming when you first get there. You won’t know where to begin since there’s so much to do, but a useful guide can lead you in the right direction. Sure, some people might have some must-go locations like the Hollywood sign or maybe In-N-Out Burger, but you’ll see so much more. There are some downloadable guides online that you can use, or you can hire a local guide to help you get the most out of your experience when you get to where you want to be.


Find Your Spot

If you’re going to be in Southern California, you need to face the fact that staying in a nice hotel will probably be expensive. If you’ve planned for this, that’s good. If you haven’t done so, then do so now. You can find cheap places to stay in most states, but this part of California is usually pretty expensive. Even some of the most subpar establishments are going to be pricey. It might be a good idea to consider alternatives if you don’t want to pay this much, like a home share or something similar.


Plan for Transportation

There’s a lot to see in this part of the state, and that means you’ll need to do a lot of traveling. It’s important to figure out how you’re going to get around. Those who are taking a road trip to the state don’t have to worry about this, but if you aren’t doing that, then there are other things to consider. You can buy a daily, weekly, or monthly Metro Pass that’ll allow you to ride trains and buses. You could also opt to rent a vehicle, but you should know that gas prices in California are exceptionally high, so choose a car that’s good on gas.

Hopefully, this guide makes this trip much more comfortable and enjoyable for you and anyone who comes along. You’re getting the chance to enjoy mild winters, and you’re doing it in style.

5 Health and Wellness Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is highly beneficial to both your body and mind. It’s a great addition to your workout regime. It not only helps you get an excellent full-body workout, but it’s also a great way to improve your mental health by clearing your mind.


Practical Swimming Tips


  • Don’t get into the swimming pool before warming up. Start by gliding a few minutes to get the blood flowing and your body ready for swimming.


  • Try and do some breathing practice after gliding. Breathing is what helps you achieve a perfect stroke.


  • Don’t just buy gear that looks good; buy practical ones that will help you. Wear a swimming cap to prevent the chlorine in pool water from making your scalp flake.


  • Get something to wear over your swimsuit; comfortable swim cover ups help you stay warm between sessions, encouraging further exercise.


  • Get a plastic box to put in your wet gear after swimming instead of a sports bag.


  • Ensure you always wipe your goggles before swimming since they can fog up.


Water-based Exercises to Help You Burn Calories


  • Walk-in water


This is a great exercise to start with since it helps you build resistance. It targets your arms, core, as well as your lower body. Adding hand or ankle weights help create more intensity.


  • Water arm lifts


This one helps with strengthening your arm muscles. You can add more resistance by using foam dumbbells.


  • Back wall glide


If you want to tighten your core and lower body muscles, this is the best workout. It helps you activate all the muscles in those areas.


  • Jumping jacks


Jumping jacks effectively work out your whole body, both your upper and lower body muscles. Wrist and ankle weights help increase more resistance.


  • High-knee lift extensions


These exercises may help with strengthening the muscles around your core, lower body, and legs. Ankle weights will effectively make the exercise more challenging.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Swimming


Learning how to swim safely and become good at it has benefits beyond mental and physical fitness. You might even end up saving people’s lives. Here are some of the benefits of swimming.


You release endorphins while swimming


The endorphins are hormones we produce in our body that cause euphoria. Swimming will release them, and you’ll stay in a state of happiness for a long time. Swimming in the morning impacts your energy and boosts positive feelings.


Being in the water reduces stress levels


Our mental balance can seriously be affected by the adverse effects of stress. Swimming helps with relaxing your mind by reducing stress and anxiety. Swimming also increases your lung capacity, and therefore you can control your breathing. If you have asthma symptoms, they can be improved by the humid air found in indoor pools.


Improves blood flow


A study conducted in Australia suggests that immersing yourself in cold water increases blood flow. This is important for the body’s well-being since oxygen reaches all the body’s critical parts. In doing so, you provide energy and vitality.


Builds cardiovascular strength


Cardiovascular exercise involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Workout routines such as water-based exercises are involved in cardiovascular exercises. According to research, the mortality rate for swimmers is half that of inactive people. It can help lower your blood pressure and also manage blood sugar levels.


It helps people with disabilities


Physical disabilities like paraplegia can limit your workout options. When you’re swimming, the water gives you resistance and support, making swimming a suitable alternative. Your confidence can be boosted by swimming and hence also improving your social skills. It also helps people with some mental disabilities.

6 Quick Tips to Feel Comfortable Nursing Your Baby in Public

Nursing your baby is part of motherhood. However, we understand the challenge that breastfeeding can bring. More so if you have to do it in public.

For moms who haven’t done this before, it can seem like an intimidating thing to do. However, you don’t have to be afraid.

To make you feel more comfortable, here are six tips that will make it easier for you to nurse your baby in public.

Know and understand your rights

Breastfeeding is something that all moms should be able to do without issue if they can, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Therefore, it might be ideal to know and understand your rights as a breastfeeding mother. This includes what you can do should you nurse your kid in public.

All 50 states legally allow breastfeeding in public places. But there are other specificities with each state that you should look into first. If you’re a working mom, know that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does require your place of employment to have a separate nursing room for moms.

Know that you shouldn’t feel harassed, othered, or threatened because you are breastfeeding your child.

Practice at home

Before you start heading out and breastfeeding in public, you might want to try practicing it at home first. This step is significant for moms who feel scared or anxious about doing it in public for the first time.

Doing it in a place where you feel comfortable first can help you get a better idea of how you look, so do this in front of a mirror. You may discover that your baby will be covering your breast, which is why you’re not as exposed as you would think at first.

Once you get more comfortable, you can also try interacting with fellow breastfeeding moms at a cafe. Doing so can help reduce the anxiety you feel when breastfeeding in public.

Wear nursing-friendly clothes

Having nursing-friendly clothes is another excellent way to breastfeed in public with ease. Instead of raising a shirt or going through a lot of commotion to feed your baby, nursing-friendly clothes help make that step easier for you.

There are both tops and dresses that are nursing-friendly, so you can wear whatever you feel like wearing. There are all sorts of methods on how these clothes become nursing-friendly, so feel free to shop around first to see one you like.

Use a nursing cover

A nursing or breastfeeding cover helps give a lot of moms the privacy they need when they’re out and about and feed their babies. However, it’s not necessary at all as a part of your gear when it comes to raising your baby. It’s all a matter of personal preference.

You can even use multi-use nursing covers that will help give you a sense of privacy whenever you need it. When you don’t, it can be anything from a scarf to a shopping cart cover, and so on.

Find a comfortable nursing position

Your nursing position also has a lot to do with how comfortable you’re going to be when nursing your baby in public. Before you settle down and nurse your child, look for a place that has a backrest. That way, you can be relatively relaxed while still breastfeeding your baby.

Be confident and smile!

You have to be confident and self-assured on the outside when nursing your baby. Stand your ground because you have every right to feed your baby the nourishment they need. What you’re doing is perfectly normal, so you don’t have to worry so much about it.

Over to You

The quick and easy tips listed above should ease you into feeling comfortable nursing in public. The key is to know your rights, get some practice in, and invest in some nursing accessories to make everything seamless.

Next time, try these things out before you go in public with your baby so that you’ll become more and more comfortable about it.