Greenify Your Commute: 5 Tips for a More Eco-Conscious Drive

When you think about your workday and the things that you enjoy about it, does your daily commute immediately come to mind? If you’re not a fan of the to-and-fro ritual of getting to work, don’t worry: you’re not alone. Research has indicated that an employee’s daily commute is one of the least favorite parts of their workday, and for good reason.

Not only does your commute have a severe negative impact on the environment, but it also is terrible for your overall well-being, too. Sitting in gridlocked traffic has been shown to raise your blood pressure and cortisol levels, and that doesn’t even begin to touch on the damage it does to our already fragile ecosystem.

Fortunately, greenifying your daily commute doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By implementing these five simple tips, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and finally start to enjoy your workday a little bit more.


Work Remotely

These days, many employees are choosing to work remotely. Furthermore, these work-from-home numbers are expected to remain consistent in the coming years. The COVID-19 pandemic required many employees to take their work home with them, and once the quarantine has lifted, this change should still remain the norm.

If you’re looking to minimize your carbon footprint, why not just work from home? Not only will you be able to avoid the tedious commute and its toll on our already limited fossil fuels, but you can also enjoy the pleasure of working from the comfort of your own house. Even working from home one or two days a week can benefit the planet greatly.


Take Alternative Transit

One of the best ways you can reduce your fuel consumption in your commute is to consider alternative modes of transportation. Taking your city’s public transit system, whether it’s through the bus or a light rail, can help offset the wastefulness of your commute.

Of course, public transit isn’t the only way to get to work, either. More and more people are embracing e-bikes, as they are fast, efficient, and don’t leave them reeking of sweat when they get to work. Or, if you live close to your workplace, why not consider walking it in? You’ll get a nice, gentle cardio workout, and it’s arguably the greenest method of commuting possible!


Carpool with Coworkers

If you and your coworkers happen to live in the same neighborhood, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to them and discuss the possibility of sharing a ride to work. Not only is this a more environmentally friendly way to commute, but it’s also a fantastic way to reduce the cost of your daily drive, as well.

Other benefits of carpooling include less wear and tear on your own vehicle, and you can share the cost of fuel between one another. Even if you can only get one or two coworkers together, you’ll still be doing a huge part in helping to protect the environment.


Invest In an EV

Today’s electric vehicles (EVs) have come a long way from previous generations. They get more miles to the charge, and they’re one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transportation available. The newer generations of EVs are also much more attractive and more sporty than older models, too.

Keeping your EV charged is fairly simple, too. Many of them can be charged overnight in your garage, but there are also many public car charging stations scattered around most mid-sized metropolitan areas. That way, you don’t have to be worried about running out of “fuel” when you’re only halfway home!


Work Longer Hours

This tip may seem counterintuitive, but don’t dismiss it before you give a moment or two of consideration. While nobody actually likes to work longer hours without an immediate, evident reward for their efforts, this one may be worth it for you. Sneaking an extra two hours on your workday, a mere four days per week, can pay off multifold. 

Not only will you have less of a commute to contend with, but you can also enjoy one extra day off per week, since you finished your workweek duties early. However, this suggestion isn’t for everyone. If the thought of 10-hour workdays is too much for you to bear, then it’s understandable if you decide to skip it.


A Greener Commute and Happier You

If you’re getting burned out on the 9-to-5 grind, and you’re ready to reduce the amount of time you spend in traffic, then now is your chance to introduce a positive change to your commute. By simply introducing one or more of these easy, eco-conscious transportation tips today, you can both help improve your health and benefit the planet for a better tomorrow.