DIY Ways to Make Your House More Eco-Friendly

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” — goes the ancient proverb.

With active initiatives being taken to make planet Earth more habitable for the future, the trend of “green living” is in full swing.  

Wondering how to get on with the eco-friendly lifestyle changes and make your home “greener”? Taking baby steps can be a good thing because often the small changes have bigger impact than we realise.

To get you started, here is a list of some amazingly simple DIY initiatives for an eco-friendly home. 

1. Get window treatments for better insulation

A well-insulated home can mean reduced energy bills. Heavy curtains and glazed windows can not only help you hold on to your privacy but also keep your home insulated against harsh outdoor temperatures. 

 2. Exercise your green thumb

Pots of lush greenery around the house can not only elevate your mood or home ambiance but also add freshness to your indoor air. So raise your green thumb to adorn your home sustainably.

 3. Reduce, reuse, and recycle

Got food scraps to throw away? Put them in the compost bin to generate organic fertiliser for your kitchen garden. Dump the glass bottles, pet jars, paper, etc. into the recycle bin for another chance at life. 

 4. Opt for native grass for a lush green lawn

Indigenous grass-like Nullarbor Couch Turf are perfect for the Aussie climate and need very less water to thrive. Yet, these are much more luscious than artificial lawns. Opt for native grass and reduce soil erosion, improve air quality and above all, establish your connection with nature.

 5. Switch to energy-efficient lights

CFL and LED lights consume less power. They also produce less heat than incandescent bulbs which means your home remains comparatively cooler. This means your energy bill is minimised in two ways.

You can also plan for using solar energy in your home just like 23.5% of Australian homes already do. A simple installation of solar panels on rooftops can not only ease your energy bills but is also an excellent step towards sustainable living.

 6. Smart moves in the kitchen

Use your kitchen appliances smartly to reduce power consumption. While using the oven, make sure the door is properly closed. Use appropriate appliances. Moreover, take an effort in planning, prepping, and storing your meals to reduce food wastage. 

 7. Make your own cleaning liquids

Why throw away the lemon peels? Use them instead to make your cleaning liquid that can do a wonderful job of cleaning almost every surface that you can reach without the hazardous chemicals of the store-bought ones. 

 8. Save water with water-efficient showerhead

Did you know that the regular showerhead drains 25 litres of water per minute while a water-efficient variant will do the job in less than the third volume of water? Make the smart move today and save water.

Come to think of it, plastic pollution started with the use of the first single-use plastic product. C02 emissions reached dangerous levels with unbridled power consumption. And now, it’s our turn to negate this effect with one small step, taken en-masse. With these small changes, you’re more likely to set yourself for success in shifting to a more eco-friendly way of living. 


Summer Skin Care Tips You Should Follow This Summer Season

Summer is practically here, which means new outfits, adventures and of course, skincare. Since weather is slowly becoming warmer, it’s important to adopt skincare tips that will keep your complexion fresh, glowy and protected from heat and pollution. But, that’s often easier said than done, especially if you lack sufficient knowledge regarding certain products and skincare steps.

So for that reason, here are some useful tips that will help you achieve your skin goals this summer.

Know your skin

There are different skin types, and they all require different care. If your skin is dry and dehydrated, then it’s important to use nourishing products free from alcohol and other drying ingredients. On the other hand, if you have sensitive skin, then it’s essential to use products that are free from ingredients that might cause redness and irritation. So in order to achieve the best possible results, you should get to know your skin and its characteristics, so you’ll be able to choose the best products and adopt appropriate habits and practices.

Modify your routine

If you happen to have oily or combination skin, then chances are that some products might be too heavy for you during summertime. Some creams and oils contain heavy ingredients such as argan oil and shea butter that can clog your pores and cause further issues such as acne and blackheads. Therefore, be sure to modify your routine by using lighter products that will ensure maximum nourishment and protection without feeling too heavy on your skin. If you’re using face oil, then it’s best to apply it at night, after your favorite moisturizer.

Use targeted treatments

It’s been well-known that the basic skincare routine requires two steps: cleansing and moisturizing. However, if you tend to have issues with blackheads, whiteheads and regular acne, then targeted treatments can be of huge help: serums like niacinamide, salicylic acid and retinol can have a huge impact on your skin if you use them according to the instruction. So, if you’re looking to update your skincare shelf, feel free to consider using these types of products, as they can improve skin barrier and clear your complexion.

Don’t be afraid to splurge a little


Skincare doesn’t have to be expensive in order to work, but if you want to experience maximum benefits and results, then don’t be afraid to splurge a little. There are luxury skin care brands that can yield amazing results if you’re patient and consistent enough. Investing in a quality cream, serum or an oil can add a whole new layer of care and protection, so feel free to invest a little in order to experience the best possible effects. This can be extremely beneficial if you have sensitive skin, because it’s been well-known that high-end brands invest more effort to come up with the most effective formulations and ingredients.

Learn how to use skincare products

Not all products are the same, which is why it’s important to learn how to use them properly. Cleansing is the first step, so be sure to use a gentle cleanser for 60 seconds as that will surely clear your skin from all the impurities that get accumulated throughout the day. After that, you should use a toner and above-mentioned targeted treatments. The application of products should be from thinnest to thickest, meaning, water-based serums should always come before heavier creams and oils.

Protect your skin from the sun

If there’s one skincare step that should be your holy grail, then it’s wearing a quality SPF that can protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB sun rays. Sunscreen application should be the last step in your routine, especially if you plan to go outdoors. Also, be sure to choose sunscreen that will ensure maximum protection during the summer, mainly if you have fair and sensitive skin that burns easily. Choosing the perfect SPF cream might require some time, so make sure to take this seriously. A quality sunscreen should be lightweight enough, so it won’t clog your pores and leave a white case. In case you wear makeup on a regular basis, then feel free to invest in setting spray that contains SPF.

In conclusion

Summertime is a fun time, however that doesn’t mean you should neglect your skin. On the contrary, you should make sure to treat your skin properly during the summer. Wearing sunscreen regularly and using products aimed at your skin type will help you achieve a beautiful and healthy complexion during the summer.

Greenify Your Commute: 5 Tips for a More Eco-Conscious Drive

When you think about your workday and the things that you enjoy about it, does your daily commute immediately come to mind? If you’re not a fan of the to-and-fro ritual of getting to work, don’t worry: you’re not alone. Research has indicated that an employee’s daily commute is one of the least favorite parts of their workday, and for good reason.


Not only does your commute have a severe negative impact on the environment, but it also is terrible for your overall well-being, too. Sitting in gridlocked traffic has been shown to raise your blood pressure and cortisol levels, and that doesn’t even begin to touch on the damage it does to our already fragile ecosystem.


Fortunately, greenifying your daily commute doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By implementing these five simple tips, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and finally start to enjoy your workday a little bit more.


Work Remotely


These days, many employees are choosing to work remotely. Furthermore, these work-from-home numbers are expected to remain consistent in the coming years. The COVID-19 pandemic required many employees to take their work home with them, and once the quarantine has lifted, this change should still remain the norm.


If you’re looking to minimize your carbon footprint, why not just work from home? Not only will you be able to avoid the tedious commute and its toll on our already limited fossil fuels, but you can also enjoy the pleasure of working from the comfort of your own house. Even working from home one or two days a week can benefit the planet greatly.


Take Alternative Transit


One of the best ways you can reduce your fuel consumption in your commute is to consider alternative modes of transportation. Taking your city’s public transit system, whether it’s through the bus or a light rail, can help offset the wastefulness of your commute.


Of course, public transit isn’t the only way to get to work, either. More and more people are embracing e-bikes, as they are fast, efficient, and don’t leave them reeking of sweat when they get to work. Or, if you live close to your workplace, why not consider walking it in? You’ll get a nice, gentle cardio workout, and it’s arguably the greenest method of commuting possible!


Carpool with Coworkers


If you and your coworkers happen to live in the same neighborhood, it wouldn’t hurt to reach out to them and discuss the possibility of sharing a ride to work. Not only is this a more environmentally friendly way to commute, but it’s also a fantastic way to reduce the cost of your daily drive, as well.


Other benefits of carpooling include less wear and tear on your own vehicle, and you can share the cost of fuel between one another. Even if you can only get one or two coworkers together, you’ll still be doing a huge part in helping to protect the environment.


Invest In an EV


Today’s electric vehicles (EVs) have come a long way from previous generations. They get more miles to the charge, and they’re one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transportation available. The newer generations of EVs are also much more attractive and more sporty than older models, too.


Keeping your EV charged is fairly simple, too. Many of them can be charged overnight in your garage, but there are also many public car charging stations scattered around most mid-sized metropolitan areas. That way, you don’t have to be worried about running out of “fuel” when you’re only halfway home!


Work Longer Hours


This tip may seem counterintuitive, but don’t dismiss it before you give a moment or two of consideration. While nobody actually likes to work longer hours without an immediate, evident reward for their efforts, this one may be worth it for you. Sneaking an extra two hours on your workday, a mere four days per week, can pay off multifold. 


Not only will you have less of a commute to contend with, but you can also enjoy one extra day off per week, since you finished your workweek duties early. However, this suggestion isn’t for everyone. If the thought of 10-hour workdays is too much for you to bear, then it’s understandable if you decide to skip it.


A Greener Commute and Happier You


If you’re getting burned out on the 9-to-5 grind, and you’re ready to reduce the amount of time you spend in traffic, then now is your chance to introduce a positive change to your commute. By simply introducing one or more of these easy, eco-conscious transportation tips today, you can both help improve your health and benefit the planet for a better tomorrow.


5 Tips to Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Home

In 2016, global plastic waste amounted to 242 million tonnes. The garbage made up 12% of the total municipal waste. This statistic shows how threatening plastics are to the environment. The worst part is that only a small percentage of the total waste materials are discovered for recycling.

Plastics take hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose, unlike organic waste, which takes only a few months. Plastic is also the primary cause of clogging drains, resulting in floods. The waste shortens animals’ lifespan if it gets into contact with their food, not to forget that plastics result in respiratory health when burned.

If you want to be good to the environment and the oceans, start by creating a sustainable home.

How Do You Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Home?

Avoid Plastic Shopping Bags

Reports by the Environmental Protection Agency reveal that one trillion plastic bags are used annually across the globe. Although they are free and may seem like a convenient way out for shoppers, plastic bags come with a high environmental cost.

Carrying your shopping bag to the store is a great way to save the environment. In fact, some places have banned the use of disposable bags to curb the constantly rising plastic waste.

The pantry makes up for the largest amount of plastic waste. Most of them are single-use shopping bags, meaning that you have to buy a new set of bags every time you go shopping.

Instead, invest in reusable shopping bags for food shopping. Some items such as veggies and fruits do not necessarily need carrying bags. You can throw them in the boot as they come for immediate use.

If you feel that the reusable bags are a bit expensive, shop with your reusable pantry containers, especially for cereals and legumes.

Say No to Plastic Straws

Fortunately, a range of sustainable brands has come up to offer glass and wooden straws. They are easy to clean, thus great for reuse. Besides being environmentally friendly, the straws are stylish and good for your health.

Therefore, you can do away with the plastic straws each time you buy a drink or want to drink your water at home.

Pro-tip; you can make your own paper straws at home to evade the costs. Just check out tips and videos online for guidance on how to do it.

Invest in Reusable Water Bottles

Plastic water bottles are a significant contributor to unending plastic wastes. People have adopted the habit of buying water at convenience stores while traveling. They carry the plastic bottles all the way to their home, which end up in the dust bins.

It would be better to invest in quality water bottles and carry your water as you leave home. You can refill the bottle later in the day, thus no need for buying water. In addition to saving the environment, the idea comes handy to save your money.

The same applies to coffee mugs. Avoid the plastic cups offered at the coffee shop. Instead, bring your own thermos for your daily go-to coffee to minimize your plastic footprint. You can refill your coffee as many times as you wish, without the need for disposable mugs. 

Contact Plastic Recycling Company

As much as you try, some plastics are hard to do away with altogether. From time to time, you may want to dispose of your plastic basins or toys that your kids have outgrown. The least you can do is to ensure that you dispose of them appropriately.

You cannot go wrong by contacting a reliable plastic recycling company and let the expert do what they do best. Recycling reduces landfills, saves you the landfill taxes, and it is a chance for you to create employment opportunities. 

Buy Food in Bulk

If you can, buy food in bulk to minimize the need for packaged goods. Disposable containers have become the norm in supermarkets and stores. From PET bottles to plastic containers and polystyrene trays, sellers always have plastic packaging to offer.

You can avoid the plastic bags by buying items in bulk which in most cases come packed in reusable containers. If you must buy food in small quantities, get steel containers for storage. Also, if you must carry to work, avoid the Tupperware containers and instead get glass containers.

Final Thought

Plastic waste is a significant threat to the surroundings and everything in it. It is your responsibility to look after the environment you live in, and it all starts at home. Check out the highlighted tips on how to reduce plastic waste at home.

Take the initiative to create a sustainable living space, not only for you but for your loved ones, plants, and animals. The planet will thank you, and so will your health, for creating a toxic-free environment. 

How to be an Eco-Friendly Parent

Being eco-friendly can seem impossible when you have kids. There are enough things to worry about without having to parent the planet, too.

But it doesn’t have to be too tricky to try and live a little more sustainably. In fact, if parents instill a more eco-conscious mantra into themselves, the world will hopefully be a better place for our little ones in the future. Just look at the auto industry, right now every brand in the auto industry has a 100% electric car in the offer that offers best auto insurance for green living. But there’s a lot to do in other business areas and industries!

With more and more brands becoming more eco-conscious and the conversation about our impact on the planet being brought to the forefront, people are finding ways of making parenting a little more sustainable and planet-friendly.

Here are three ways in which you can be an eco-friendlier parent.

Cheeky Panda Biodegradable Nappies

Nappies have long been an unsustainable necessity for new-borns. Unfortunately, there aren’t many out there that are very eco-friendly. Nappies normally end up on a landfill, piling up endlessly.

Luckily, Cheeky Panda’s Biodegradable Nappies, made from bamboo, have very little impact on the planet. They’re two-thirds biodegradable and plastic-free, plus they boast ‘Aqua-lock’ technology save from unfortunate spills.

Because they’re made from bamboo, they’re also naturally hypoallergenic and soft on baby’s skin. Cheeky Panda also make super soft bamboo baby wipes, which are also biodegradable and good for the planet!


Plastic-Free toys

Plastic is baaaad. Everyone knows it (now anyway, back in the day nobody paid much attention).

One way around facing the war on plastic is to avoid buying toys and games with BPA in them. BPA is the bad one which is toxic and lives on the Earth for years and years.

Brands like Green Toys are great eco-alternatives to toys made from plastic. You can even subscribe to monthly toy box clubs, which will send your child a box of toys to play with each month, which you then send back. Toys are then cleaned and sent on to another lucky child! It’s the ultimate circular economy.

Green cleaning

When struck down by a stain or your surfaces need a sweep, take a look in your food cupboard before reaching for the spray bottle.

Cut down your use of harsh chemicals in your cleaning kit. These are potentially harmful and toxic, something you don’t want your baby breathing in.

Alternatively, use natural cleaning products such as lemon or vinegar, around your home. These are just as effective at killing germs, wiping down surfaces and making sure your home is sparkling clean. Plus, they’re loads cheaper in the long-run.

By using natural ingredients, you’re reducing your plastic use as well as your waste. Plus, you’re reducing the chances of your baby coming into contact with toxic substances.


It’s no secret that kids can be an environmental nightmare – the amount of ‘new’ things they require as they grow up is enormous – much of which is disposable and single-use.

However, with just a few small changes like the ones above, you can reduce your impact and effect on the Earth for not only yourself but your little one, too.

Want to Step Up Your Dress? Here is What You Should Do

Your clothes are an essential part of your lifestyle. They define how people see and interact with you to an extent. No doubt, you have the right to wear whatever you like. But have you thought of what that does to your persona? Clothes are not just about covering the body, they communicate a language, which aligns with other elements, including occasion and season. For example, people who wear cool breezy flowing clothes during summer communicate a message, which says, “It’s hot and I need to be free.” But it doesn’t end there, you may wear your clothing to create an impression – attract some admirers. But not everyone understands such language. Hence, this guide is here to show the way.

Having an Amazing Shopping Experience with the Right Dress

When shopping for clothes, one mistake people make is focusing solely on the fabric and forgetting that they are also essential. Colours, occasion, material, cut, shape, and even labels all influence what cloth you take to the store’s checkout counter. You may not be aware, though, that your body shape is indeed considered. This is an important consideration when looking for a dress that suits “you” in such a way that your physical characteristics are highlighted. For example, if you have an hourglass body shape, clothing designed for an oval shape individual will not suit you.

Another aspect worth considering is the style of clothing. Similar to body shape, styles play an essential role in highlighting your best qualities. You can accessorize to get the best look. While shopping for dresses for women, check out clothes that match your preferred style. If you love long dresses, stick to them. Going for a mini dress may counter your preference, and, in turn, affect your looks.

Sizing is Essential to Getting the Right Match

Sizing is as important as your body shape. There is no point in purchasing a dress that falls in your body shape category if it will not fit. Test your choice outfit before checking out of the store. For online shoppers, visiting an online store that has a size chart will save your time, money, and other resources. Some of these virtual stores have measurements and size charts are contrasting to the ones you use. As such, adding a dress from a catalogue to the checkout page without verifying its actual size may affect your shopping experience. Use the size chart provided by the store to get the best fit.

Highlighting Your Physique

Do you have a small waist that needs highlighting? Choose a fitting outfit with flares to accentuate that part. Your lower section should spot a dress with a strong neutral colour, while you highlight the waist with a bold, block-coloured material. By doing this, you focus more attention on your upper section. If you want to downplay your bust area, opt for long shirt dresses. To accentuate your large bust or curvy silhouette, get a wrap dress. This piece of clothing wraps around your body, stopping at your waist. You can either tie or clip it. Wrap dresses form around your curves smoothly without grabbing other areas.


The Importance of Waste Management and Recycling


Trying to save the planet and do something good for the generations that are going to come after us is one of the most important tasks of our time. However, this isn’t easy to do, and finding effective ideas that can go a long way is sometimes harder than it seems. Luckily, if you stick to one of the simplest solutions out there – recycling and waste management – you can do quite a lot, while, at the same time, benefiting your life and your company as well. So, what are some of the benefits of this move, and how can waste management change your life for the better?

Boosting your health

This is one of the most surprising benefits of recycling and waste management, but it’s also among the most important ones. The reason for that is quite simple – most people don’t even think about improving their health this way! But, if you’re trying to take your health to another level and do something good for your well-being, you can do quite a lot by removing all the unnecessary waste from your environment for good.

The problem with being surrounded by waste is that this situation is harming your health on several different levels at once. It can pollute the air you’re breathing and cause respiratory problems, but it can also lead to cancer and other serious conditions. Finally, it can affect your mental health as well and ruin your day without you even realizing it. That’s why managing your waste and finding a way to recycle it are crucial for your health and your future as well.

Saving the planet

As mentioned before, waste management is an important step in our fight for preserving the planet. No matter where you live, your environment is probably impacted by waste and you’re probably surrounded by it, even if you don’t notice it. Waste is always lurking around us and destroying our planet, and that’s why this is something we have to accept as a fact and do something about that.

However, doing this on your own usually isn’t enough, not just because you are unable to make a difference in the world, but because there’s just so much waste around you. This means you have to engage other people to help you, inspire them to follow your lead, and encourage them to do something on their own as well. Only this way will we be able to manage our collective waste and save Mother Earth once and for all.

Making your home more sustainable

When talking about being eco-friendly and environmentally aware, most people talk about huge companies that are responsible for the ecological mess we’re living in right now. But, they’re not the only ones to blame and therefore not the only ones who should be doing something to improve the situation. You too can do quite a lot if you make your home more sustainable and eco-friendly than before.

What’s great, though, is that you can do a lot without investing too much time, money, and energy into this process. Just stick to simple things like recycling your paper and glass, reusing your old furniture, and managing your food waste more efficiently. That’s easy to do if you find the appropriate food waste digester that’s designed for residential purposes and even small to medium businesses, as this idea will help you forget all about your waste in no time at all!

Inspiring other people

Speaking of recycling and reupholstering your furniture, this idea isn’t just an amazing way to manage your waste, but also a great way to introduce a change into your neighborhood. The minute you learn how cool and inspiring this process is, you’ll feel the need to share it with other people around you.

Thus, you’ll encourage them to become more sustainable themselves and do something amazing for the planet on their own. Recycling and reupholstering your furniture is a practical way to decorate your home, save tons of money, and put your waste to good use. All you have to do is learn the basic things about reupholstering furniture – and then just start spreading the word as much as you can!


Investing time and money into waste management and recycling isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but you can see that this process comes with several benefits. That’s why you should take it seriously, so start learning more about this idea ASAP!