8 Natural and Healthy Supplements You Should Include in Your Diet

Having a well-balanced diet and proper nutrition is key to healthy living. Most people don’t realize this, but they may be missing some nutrients that are lacking from their diets alone. The good thing is you can start taking the right supplements to help and promote a healthy lifestyle.

1. Vitamin D

One nutrient that people are missing is vitamin D. People are supposed to get this vitamin from the sun for free, yet it seems most people are not getting enough of it. People spend a lot of time indoors. School and work are often done indoors, so it makes sense that many people are lacking vitamin D.

2. Fish Oil

Fish is good, but many people don’t eat enough of it. While fish is healthy, it’s also expensive unless you fish to reduce costs. Most people reserve fish for special occasions. The good thing is that there are affordable fish oil supplements. It’s a vital supplement for the brain and memory.

3. Hormonal Balance

Hormonal balance is important, which is the reason you may need a high-quality natural testosterone supplement. Yes, everyone knows that testosterone is the key to a healthy sex drive in men, but it’s much more than that. It’s pretty important for the development of strong bones and muscles. You also need testosterone to develop blood cells.

4. B Vitamins

Vitamin B
A vial contains a bunch of vitamin B tablets

B vitamins, like vitamin B12, are sometimes missing from people’s diets. You should be able to get most of these from the foods you eat, but some popular diets make that difficult, such as the vegan and vegetarian diets. The good thing is that all you need to do is take B vitamins as a supplement, and you should be good. Without B vitamins, you could suffer from weakness and fatigue.

5. Probiotics

Probiotics are another great supplement you should have. It’s the new kid on the block. Many professionals didn’t know much about it or how important it was for health. Ideally, you’d get this nutrient from the food you eat, but most people don’t eat fermented foods or drinks. Some people eat yogurt but don’t eat it with live bacteria. Probiotics help with digestion and even mood and immunity.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium is another thing that people don’t get enough of. It’s an important nutrient to take because it supports things like energy production, and it even helps with nerve function. Magnesium helps with proper digestion, especially if you’re dealing with constipation. 

Magnesium is even vital for those who want to feel relaxed. It’s sometimes called the relaxation mineral because it helps people stay calm. You should be able to get it from foods like pumpkin seeds and certain types of rice, such as wild rice, but people don’t eat these foods as much as they should.

7. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the superstar of vitamins. Everyone has heard of it. Some people take it when they feel ill. This is because everyone knows that vitamin C helps boost the immune system, and it does, but that’s not all it does. It shouldn’t just be taken to help boost the immune system. It should be taken regularly. It helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. This vitamin even helps your blood carry oxygen better, which is important.

8. Iron

There is no way to talk about supplements and not mention iron. You may want to consider an iron supplement if your iron levels are low. This is often the case for those suffering from anemia. It’s an important nutrient that’s often missing from people’s diets. Vegetarians and vegans especially need to worry about iron since the more absorbable form is found in animal products, like beef or chicken liver. Sadly, even meat-eaters don’t eat much iron regularly. Folks who are anemic need to have their iron levels carefully monitored. Iron is needed to make healthy and functional red blood cells, which are important for the body to function.


These are some of the nutrients your body needs, but there are many more that you may need supplements for. The best thing you can do is talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to find out what your body is lacking.

Minor Changes to Make Your Green Office More Productive

Since your environment can greatly affect your state of mind and general productivity, you must design an office that will boost your efficiency and inspire you to work. Whether you’re designing a home office, redecorating your office in a commercial building, or creating a space for your employees, there are common design elements that will enable you to stay at the top of your game during your working hours. This is more important if you have the environment in mind and want to create an eco-friendly office that will make you more sustainable than ever.

An inspiring view

Sitting in a cubicle and being surrounded by grey walls is certainly not inspiring and motivating. It has been shown that having a nice view of the outside is positively linked to better and faster work performance. Therefore, you should find a way to add natural elements that are sustainable and can help you create a nice and pleasant view. Add a few plants that will boost the quality of the air around you and freshen up the space. In addition to that, you can always add some Himalayan salt lamps that will create a nice atmosphere and lighten up the place.

The right temperature

An inspiring view of the office

Finding the right temperature for your office space is a simple yet effective way to improve workplace efficiency. While it’s not a crucial factor, the right temperature will ensure that you feel comfortable, which will eventually contribute to your productivity. On the other hand, if you’re too cold or too hot, you’ll feel uncomfortable, constantly fidgeting in your chair and unable to focus on your work, so start figuring out the right temperature right now. 

Good internet connection

Having a stable internet connection is crucial and there are several things you need to consider when creating a network for your business. The most important one is to have everything secured and all have all the wires placed correctly so you don’t damage them. One of the best ways to achieve that is by opting for a proper internet ADSL connection that will allow you to work without worrying about your safety both online and offline.

Minimalist décor

Minimalism is one of the most popular interior styles for office designs because it emphasizes simplicity and allows you to focus more on adding sustainable elements rather than too many details. By opting for this style, you’ll be able to design a clutter-free office space without unnecessary distractions. Use materials like wood and natural stone to keep that eco-friendly vibe and create a welcoming office. From designing your office desk and storage space to creating an eco-friendly lounge space to enjoy your coffee break, you can always opt for natural elements and create a balance between style and sustainability. 

Indoor plants

Not only will indoor plants liven up your office space by introducing pops of green, but they will also increase your workplace efficiency. Namely, it has been shown that plants can significantly boost office productivity by making the space more enjoyable and airy. In addition, as natural purifiers, plants will eliminate toxins and increase the indoor air quality, which is particularly important in an office space where stale air can reduce your productivity. 

Appropriate lighting

Lighting is one of the crucial elements that can significantly boost your efficiency because working in dark and gloomy spaces can strain your eyes and cause headaches, which will affect your performance. On the other hand, having plenty of light will completely transform your office, set a more positive mood, and bring about better results. You should maximize the amount of natural light that your office gets by removing dark curtains, for example. Artificial lighting is also important, so you should consider installing bright LED fixtures because they give out a clear, white glow closest to the natural light. Not only are these fixtures more sustainable and will lower the electricity bills, but you’ll also create a place that has nice lighting that is more pleasant for your eyes.

Designing a functional, comfortable office is crucial for your general efficiency. By embracing simple changes, such as better lighting, improved air quality, and a functional layout, you’ll be able to create an office that will significantly improve your job performance. 

Efficient Ways of Relieving Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ever since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, many have been feeling a new form of pandemic-related stress, on top of the everyday pressure they already experience in their personal and professional lives. Apart from disrupting our daily routines, the uncertainty of the pandemic has also forced us to worry about our health and well-being, as well as the economy, leading to additional anxiety and accumulated stress. But even though the situation might be difficult to handle, relieving the built-up stress during the COVID-19 pandemic is still possible with these efficient methods:

Focus on proper nutrition

While it’s a well-known fact that proper, healthy nutrition aids in boosting immunity, maintaining a healthy weight, and encouraging optimal digestive functions, not many people are aware that eating healthy could also reduce stress and improve the mood by helping to balance your hormones.

If you want to improve your nutrition, focusing on a healthy and balanced diet is key. Besides including more colorful fruits and vegetables into every meal, this also means increasing your protein intake through meat, eggs, and nuts, focusing on fiber-rich foods like whole grains and beans, choosing unsaturated fats found in fish and seeds, as well as drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.

Prioritize restful sleep

A woman is sleeping in her own bed

Although often overlooked, sleep is incredibly important for our physical and mental health. Apart from reducing stress and allowing your body to rest and repair itself, quality sleep can also improve your memory and make you more focused and alert, thus being quite beneficial for your overall health.

To that end, aim to get between seven and nine hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep each night. In case you’re having trouble falling asleep due to pandemic anxiety, limiting daytime naps, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, as well as creating a dark, cool, and calm bedroom environment can all aid in improving your nightly sleep.

Construct an exercise routine

Helping to lift the mood, improve sleep, control weight, and even combat certain health conditions and diseases, regular physical activity is arguably one of the most efficient ways to reduce stress levels. However, if you are unable to visit gyms and fitness centers during the pandemic, and are forced to work out at home, adhering to an exercise routine can be quite a difficult task.

For that reason, many experts recommend simply finding activities you truly enjoy. Whether that means going on morning runs, frequent bike rides, doing pilates at home, or even dancing in your living room, doing what you love will give you more motivation to continue exercising.

Invest in massage tools

Whether you are working from home, slouching over your desk for hours, or even stressing about the current global situation, the built-up tension you feel doesn’t only affect your mental health but could accumulate in your body as well. In an effort to relax, unwind, and relieve some of this stress, frequent massages could be a wonderful option.

To that end, it might be a good idea to invest in high-quality massage devices that are efficient at reducing tension yet simple and practical enough to use at home. From eye massagers that help to treat tired and strained eyes caused by prolonged work in front of a screen, to handheld gun massagers that can target any muscle in an effort to relieve tension and pain, massage devices are truly some of the best stress-reducing tools your could use during the pandemic.

Give meditation a try

Even though it’s a spiritual practice, anxiety relief and stress reduction are among the main reasons people try meditation nowadays. By calming your mind and allowing you to focus on the moment, meditation has been shown to not only promote relaxation and reduce stress but also improve certain stress-related symptoms.

If you want to give mediation a try, simply find a calm and quiet place to sit, and focus on the sensations around you and how they affect your body and mind. Even five to ten minutes of this mindful practice every day could have great benefits for your overall health and well-being.

Create a self-care routine

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted our daily routines, forcing us to suddenly change our regular schedules and practices. If this is the case with you as well, simply creating a new self-care routine might do wonders for relaxation and stress relief.

Whether that means eating well and exercising, spending time in nature, taking a break from electronics, starting a gratitude journal, reading a good book in silence, or simply enjoying an indulgent bubble bath, self-care allows us to slow down and enjoy the present moment, giving us the opportunity to handle everyday stressors in a more effective way.

Solitaire Bliss is also an excellent way to relax and relieve stress and anxiety. You can choose an activity to stimulate your brain among our 36 free-online versions of strategic games.

Emphasize positive thinking

When we are constantly worrying about the pandemic and the state of the world, our thoughts will naturally dwell on the negative side. And while such a reaction might be natural, negative thinking only leads to more accumulated stress that could have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health.

Instead of being anxious about the things you can’t change, your goal should be to think more positively and look optimistically at things that are in your control. No matter how simple, try to focus on the things you can do at this very moment to be happier and more productive, in an effort to strive for a better tomorrow.

The coronavirus outbreak has impacted our lives in a number of unexpected ways, leading us to constantly worry about our health and well-being. Fortunately, pandemic-related stress can easily be relieved, as long as you adhere to some of the beneficial practices mentioned above.

Starting Your Own Business as a Vegan Nutritionist

Anyone who even just tried being vegan for a few days knows that it requires a lot of research and learning to be a health practitioner of this lifestyle. If you have a few years of being a vegan under your belt, you’re probably not only confident enough but also educated enough to help other people with their smooth transition to veganism. Plus, there are many recipes you perfected and even created on your own. 

But if you want to become a vegan nutritionist and actually offer advice and create menus for money, you need to know more than just what to eat—you need to know how the body benefits from the changes and how the food needs to be prepared to achieve the best effect. It needs some extra education! If you’re still in, here’s how you can start your vegan nutritionist business venture: 

Get registered

If you want to legally offer advice and practice nutrition, you need to become a registered dietitian (anyone can call themselves a nutritionist). If you just want to consult, you can use your current knowledge. However, with an RD title, you can get a license for your practice and even get reimbursement through insurance companies. 

Becoming a registered dietitian requires intense schooling and exams. It also requires you to learn about animal content and practice food service and clinical rotations with animal foods. If you can push through that, it will be more than worth it in the end. 

Two girls are holding apples

Find your niche

Before you sign any legal documents, it’s important to take a look at your vegan nutritionist business and consider what is it that you can offer clients that is unique. Are you offering plant-based diet schedules? Are you focusing on a vegan diet for weight loss or offering vegan supplement tips for athletes? Or maybe you specialize in raw diet plans that focus on health? Find your niche, stick to it and expand your business later. 

Work on your business plan

Developing a business plan is crucial for any business, vegan nutrition included. A business plan is a written document that describes your business, together with your sales and marketing, paints a picture of your financial background, and contains predictions about profit and loss. As an entrepreneur, your business plan helps you with your vision and goals. Sure, there will be obstacles no matter how well you prepare, but knowing that you have your business plan to turn to can prepare you well. 

Create a good website

In today’s climate, your vegan nutrition business needs to have a digital home. Your website will serve as your virtual waiting room, so make sure to create a space that’s pleasant, comforting, and helpful. Use your website name and combine it with a .me extension which is perfect for creating memorable website names and personalized pages. With a website name like this, you’ll stay in everyone’s mind. The rest you can leave to professionals. Today, having someone educated and experienced create your page is very cost-effective. If you don’t know what you need to include on your website, just pretend you’re a client looking for vegan nutrition consultants and include all the info you would want to see. 

The eggplant is drawn to look like a caricature

Define your brand

Your brand is what your company is all about—in your case, veganism, health, longevity, fitness, and care for Mother Nature. But your brand also allows your business to be seen by the public, so you want to create a strong image that will stand out from the competition. Opting for the right logo and company colors can be crucial, so pay attention to these. There are free logo generators you can use online, but if you want a logo that truly represents your vegan business, it’s best to consult with designers and get something unique. When choosing your company colors, consult the Psychology of Colors for inspiration. 

Form a legal entity

For your business to be legit, you need to establish a legal business entity like a corporation or LLC to keep you safe in case your nutritionist business gets sued. When it comes to different legal business entities, the most common structure types are the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. When it comes to LLC, you can start it yourself, paying on the minimal LLC costs to the state, but it’s also possible to hire LLC services for a small fee if you’re not the business type. 

Start networking

If you’re starting your business from scratch, you will need to create your own network by joining your local chamber of commerce, attending wellness events, or attending vegan conferences and cooking demonstrations. It’s also smart to create separate social media accounts for your business and start creating relevant content. You can also do some real-life networking by introducing yourself to local gyms or health food stores. When you find your audience, explain what you do and how it can benefit service users. Be direct that you’re looking for clients, provide them with a way to reach you, or ask if you can follow up with them. 

Offering vegan nutrition services can benefit so many people, so don’t hesitate to start a business that will make veganism more available to everyone. Plus, the profit you make will allow you to spread your business and hopefully create even more vegans.