How to Plan Your First Baby Shower: a Step-by-Step Guide

Planning your first baby shower is an exciting time, an opportunity to be surrounded by your closest friends and family to celebrate one of the biggest events in your life. If you’re planning your first baby shower, then you may be wondering where to start. Do you first decide on the venue or do you prepare the baby to thank you cards for all the guests (in this case, SleepyMoon can be of great help!)? Take a look at our following guide to help you get an idea of what you will need to include for the day.

Choosing The Date And Time 

The first step is deciding the right date and time for your baby shower. There are a few things to consider when deciding this. The most important one is your expected due date. You don’t want to hold the baby shower too close to your expected due date in case you end up going into labor early and having to cancel all of your carefully thought-out plans. You’ll need to consider which days are convenient for most of your guests, which usually tends to be at the weekend. You can start the shower at whichever point of the day works best for you and your friends and family. If any of your guests have their own children, it may be better to hold the shower earlier in the day rather than later so that they can be home in time for bedtime, etc. If you’re heavily pregnant, you may also be starting to feel tired towards the end of the day too.

Choosing A Location 

When choosing the location to hold your shower, consider the number of people you plan to invite. You can hold a baby shower in your own home if you have the room and to help save some money. However, if you need to hire a venue, try and factor in the location and whether it works well for you and your guests. Try and book several months ahead, if possible, to make sure that you can secure the venue that you want to use. If you leave it too late, it could end up being fully booked.

Holding A Virtual Baby Shower 

There could be a number of reasons it may be difficult for you to hold a baby shower in person. For example, your guests could be dotted all over in different locations and may find it difficult to attend. Or you may be finding it difficult to socialize due to pregnancy symptoms. Many people have also had to cancel in-person plans due to the recent pandemic. Whatever your reason, holding a virtual baby shower can be a great and informal way of gathering together the people you care about to celebrate your pregnancy. You can still have fun with it and plan games and quizzes, and socialize through a meeting platform of your choice. Be sure to send out virtual baby shower invitations so that your guests know when it will be taking place and through which meeting platform. 

Food And Drink

You’ll want to provide some refreshments for your baby shower. You can create a meal or buffet yourself if you wish to, but if you’d rather save yourself the hassle, then you could hire a catering service to do it for you. Consider whether the food you choose meets the dietary requirements of all your guests, so everyone has something to enjoy. You could even ask around for people’s opinions. And, of course, make sure all the food and drink are safe for you to consume during pregnancy. Providing non-alcoholic options is a good choice for yourself and those who would rather not drink alcohol. 


To help keep all your guests having a good time, consider including some baby-themed party games or quizzes. For example, you could design a quiz about you and your new little one to see which of your guests knows you best. You can also find pre-made quizzes online to use. Some party game ideas include guessing the baby’s arrival date to win a prize, designing as many baby names as possible by combining the mum’s and dad’s names, and guessing the gender games if you haven’t already found out. Check these fun games to play at your next baby shower for more inspiration. 

Guests And Invitations

A man is holding an invitation in his hands

You’ve probably already got a good idea of who you want to attend your shower but be sure to go through a checklist to make sure you don’t miss anyone out. Once you’ve done this, you can start creating and sending out invitations. You can design your traditional invitations and post them to your guests or send out an email or text invitation. Whichever you choose to go with, make sure you include all the important details your guests need to know. For example, the location, date and time, and how guests should RSVP. Once you’ve got a clearer idea of how many people will be attending, you’ll have a better idea for planning things such as food and games. 

Four Tips for Dressing More Sustainably

Sustainability has become a catchphrase in recent years. Not only are consumers taking a keen interest in the food they eat, but they are also altering their shopping selections to create a healthier environment through the clothes they wear. 

“Fast fashion,” or clothing created inexpensively to match the demand for the hottest new styles, is one of the worst offenders in the fashion business. Fast fashion is endangering our planet’s future. Knowing where to begin – and, more essentially, where to shop – is one of the most difficult aspects of attempting to be more sustainable. It’s thankfully much easier than it used to be, given there are now so many brands that operate with an ethical and sustainable mindset. It is vital that you, as the consumer, do some research and ask questions. Social media has made it simple to communicate with brands directly and get answers quickly. 

Shop Wise: Choose Multi-functional and Timeless Pieces

Jeans, T-shirts, classic dresses, timeless coats, and jackets can help you build a wardrobe that will last longer than one or two seasons. Instead of buying a statement piece you’ll only wear once, invest in something that will last you longer and that you’ll be able to wear again. Choose more versatile pieces that can be styled in a variety of ways.

As with food and household products, read the label! A reasonable rule of thumb is to stay away from virgin synthetics like polyester, which are made from fossil fuels and take years to degrade. Organic cotton consumes substantially less water and does not contain toxic pesticides. 

Golden Goose Sneakers, available online at SSENSE, challenge traditional ideas of luxury by combining craftsmanship with a gritty, glam rock edge. “Made in Italy” is still a guarantee of top quality and traceability, and these are strong candidates for assuring a sustainable approach. The approach of handcrafting by Golden Goose is what gives the brand its long-term viability. Italian leather is prized for its high quality, which extends the life of the sneakers and makes them ‘made to last,’ despite their worn-out appearance. 


When de-cluttering your closet, be mindful of how you dispose of your items to avoid them ending up in a landfill. Reselling your clothes or holding a clothing swap is the best way to ensure that they get a second chance at life. You can also donate to charities and groups that require used clothing. Having a one-in, one-out strategy — living by the concept that every time you buy something, you’ll donate – is a terrific approach to being more sustainable.

Shop Vintage

Vintage clothes
Two girls are wearing vintage clothes at a party

Consider buying pre-loved goods. Second hand and vintage items are becoming increasingly available and fashionable, even in the celebrity world. Not only will you be able to extend the life of these items and so lessen your wardrobe’s environmental effect, but you’ll also be able to find one-of-a-kind pieces that no one else will have. 

Another environmentally friendly approach to changing your wardrobe is to rent clothing. Rather than buying a dress that you will wear once for that family wedding, rent or borrow one you like instead. Sharing your wardrobe and participating in a circular economy is a step towards a more sustainable future.

Repair and Repurpose

Remember quality over quantity and repair and repurpose before you replace. It is easy to repair small tears, holes, and missing buttons or find a local tailor who can assist you. You can embroider a personalized motif to cover a stain mark or rip. Quality shoes can be worn for many seasons and a cobbler can replace heels and repair your favorite shoes if necessary. Clothing should never be thrown aside but repurposed whenever possible. For example, a maxi dress can be cut down into a skirt. 

As more brands recognize the value of an environmental approach, dressing sustainably no longer means you must compromise your style and comfort.