If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to alcohol, you already know how difficult it can be to overcome this challenge. Alcohol abuse is one of the most common addictions in the United States. This is likely because drinking is so widespread and accepted, and many people don’t realize they have a problem until it’s too late.
In fact, 86% of Americans over the age of 18 report drinking alcohol at some point in their lifetime, and over half engaged in drinking alcohol in the past month. To take this statistic even further, 26% of people 18 and older report engaging in heavy binge drinking at least once in the past month.
Alcoholism is scientifically known as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and it’s very common in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 15 million adults suffered from AUD in 2015.
This doesn’t have to be the norm for you or your loved one. If you believe one of your loved ones might be addicted to alcohol then you should consider enrolling them in an alcohol addiction recovery program. When you drink, your body is affected in a large number of ways. One of the most notable changes once you’ve found freedom from AUD, or even just regular alcohol consumption, is a change in your appearance.
In this guide, we’ll share tips for leaving drinking behind for good. In addition, we’ll explore the 3 ways your appearance changes when you quit drinking once and for all. Are you ready for a change?
Why You Should Quit Drinking
Even if you’re not struggling with an addiction to alcohol, there are a lot of reasons to quit drinking. Alcohol is often idolized above all in this country, but that type of mindset quickly becomes toxic. When is just a few glasses of wine at night too much?
To answer this question, we need to think about what’s “normal” and what’s “abnormal.” According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate alcohol consumption is defined as a single drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men. However, this isn’t a set rule since many factors can affect how your unique body reacts to alcohol.
The issue arises when you’re unable to separate a fun time from alcohol, or when you need a drink to enjoy yourself. When it becomes something that you’re dependent on, it’s a health risk not only to your body, but also your mental health.
If you suspect you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, it’s time for a change. The good news is your body will start to adjust as soon as you give it up, and these changes will inspire you forward. If you suspect your dependence on alcohol is an addiction and you need assistance recovering, try Transitions Recovery Program for help from a medical professional.
Your Body Changes When You Quit Drinking
Removing alcohol from your diet comes with big side effects. While most people expect to lose a few pounds, they’re surprised to see just how impactful this life change can be. Alcohol is an appetite stimulant, leading you to eat more than you need, but it also has no nutritional value. Alcohol is also very damaging to your liver and other areas of your body.
So how does your appearance change after you quit drinking? Whether you’re giving up your daily glass or wine or a lifetime of substance abuse, you can look forward to these changes below.
1. Your Hair Will Grow Faster.
If you see those advertisements for hair supplements, you should know this is much more effective. Alcohol affects both your skin and nails, and it can even lead to your hair falling out if you’re malnourished.
When you quit drinking, you’ll likely notice your hair growing more fully. Better yet, your hair will be shinier and healthier. This can lead to a huge boost of self-confidence for both men and women. Who doesn’t want healthy, luscious locks?
2. Your Skin Will Clear Up
Skin care can be complicated, but it’s especially difficult for anyone struggling with an alcohol dependency. Alcohol naturally dehydrate the skin, denying it of proper nutrients to keep it clear. Even worse, alcoholism has shown to lead to some unpleasant skin side effects like visible veins, again, broken capillaries, and redness.
If you’re experiencing any of these more damaging effects, you’ll need to see a dermatologist about managing these conditions on an ongoing basis. However, your skin will clear and look healthier after giving up alcohol.
3. You’ll Experience Less Bloating
Last but not least, when you stop drinking, you’ll notice your stomach slimming down as well. That unpleasant bloated feeling is one of the worst side effects of drinking. This is caused by your body retaining water to make up for all of the liquids you’re losing.
When you stop drinking, your gut no longer needs to retain water to compensate. You’ll notice swelling go down in your abdomen, hands, feet, and face.
Final Thoughts
It’s time to make a change for the better. Many people don’t realize the effects alcohol has on our appearance, but these can have a huge impact on self-esteem. If you or someone you love has an alcohol dependency, it’s never to late to make a difference.
Ultimately, if you need help, don’t hesitate to find the right recovery program. Your body deserves to be treated with respect, and alcohol gets in the way of more than just your physical appearance. Let’s achieve a brighter future for ourselves and those we love.