4 Ways to Take a Technology Break

Living through a pandemic such as the one plaguing the world for the majority of 2020 into 2021, people relied on technology more than ever before. It was not only a safe window into the outside world; it was, in many cases, the only connection to family and friends. And for many people, technology was the only way to make a living while remaining safely inside their own homes.

And while tech is necessary in modern times, it’s important to take technology breaks and get out into nature. It’s essential to get fresh air and sunshine, and you need to give your eyes a break from the constant barrage of screens. So, here are four easy ways to step away from your electronics, even if it’s just for a little while.

Go For a Walk

One simple way for some technology-free time is to take a walk without your phone. That might seem crazy to those born after the invention of the cell phone, but if you have it with you on your walk, it can be too tempting to pay attention to it instead of your surroundings. 

Be sure to let someone know your route before you head out and approximately how long you’ll be gone. To keep track of time, instead of using your phone, strap on one of those antique watches sitting in your jewelry box and put it on your wrist so it can get some wear time.

Then, take some water with you, lace up your shoes, and enjoy a walk in the sun. It might be just the thing you need to rejuvenate your soul and reduce your stress level.

Take a Dive

If you have access to a pool, lake, ocean, or another body of water that allows swimming, take some time to dip in and have a swim. This is a good choice if you have trouble leaving technology behind because being in the water forces you to do so. 

Swimming is a good way to take your eyes off the screen and into the world, it’s good exercise and a powerful stress reliever. Bringing the family along is also a fun way to make memories and splashing around is usually popular with the kids.

Drive a New Way

Before GPS became available to the masses, it was pretty common to get lost on a drive, which wasn’t always bad. Taking a new route can lead to new discoveries and the possibility of seeing sights you wouldn’t otherwise see on your normal drive to wherever you’re going. You don’t have to go to the extreme of getting lost but take an effort to drive a different way to a familiar place and see what you might be missing.

Kitchen Science

Whether you know your way around the kitchen or not, it’s always fun to try a new recipe. But instead of looking one up on your phone or tablet, grab a cookbook, choose a recipe, and get cooking. The recipe’s newness will keep your mind occupied and away from your tech toys for the duration. Plus, you get to enjoy some new food with your family when the cooking is complete, so it’s a win-win.

Look Up and Take Notice

There’s so much technology all around us that it’s easy to get sucked in, stay there, and still never see all there is to see online. But it’s important to step away and get a much-needed break from the constant stream of information in front of your eyes. Making an effort to drink in your surroundings without technology will go a long way toward a balanced life.

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