Having a home garden is a wonderful way to save money, cultivate a hobby, and teach the next generation a valuable skill that will stay with them for their entire life. We have a few ideas that will help you garden more efficiently and save energy.
To garden for pleasure is a wonderful pastime that is both peaceful, but also a great way to control your own food growth, and by extension, food consumption. You can be specific about what you plant when you harvest it, and how to properly germinate your crop to produce more plant products like fruits and vegetables.
You can also regulate what you use to kill weeds, like the best dandelion killer. That is, of course, unless you enjoy the catharsis of pulling weeds around your garden and home by hand. However, this usually is a factor in smaller gardens. Larger spans are often handled with chemicals, and at the following link you can find a dandelion killer buyer’s guide to help you make an informed choice.
The garden in today’s world
Burning yourself out and wasting tons of unnecessary money doesn’t have to be the case with the modern, energy-efficient garden. There are plenty of ways to have your veggies and eat them, too, while not pulling your hair out in frustration.
1. The soil
The better the soil, the better the growth. That is just a fact. The best soil is volcanic, but for more domestic uses, a quality potting soil that is nitrogen-rich is the best for the job. Mixing in some compost that has properly decayed is even better. And if you are feeling ambitious, manure from literally any source is a great source of nutrients plants crave.
2. Nearby trees
Planting trees, especially shade-producing trees, is a solid way to make your area cooler, and safer from the sun’s violent rays. The cooler earth, coupled with aeration from the roots, will assist in plant growth.
3. Watering, or not
Having a way to water your plants that is efficient, but not wasteful, will help you to cut your water bills, and help the environment at the same time. A watering can versus a hose is a good place to start. If you don’t want to use water, drought-resistant plants like cacti will work well for you.
4. Proper tools
Safe garden tool use that won’t hurt the plants when weeding or harvesting is the best way not to accumulate wasted product. Using hand tools versus power tools is the better way to go and will give you better control.
5. Lighting
If you want to garden for less energy consumption to keep your bills lower, solar lights are a great garden accessory to install. They use a photocell to turn on the light, and solar panels to charge it. No need to wire it to the home.
Conclusion: To garden like a pro, you have to think like a pro, and someone who has made a career out of effective, energy-efficient gardening, will know the right ways to maximize their garden’s output and produce the best product. Think of those giant tomatoes at the farmer’s market. They didn’t just happen. They were cultivated by experience, research, and time. To get your best output, do what they do, only better. Do you have an area that you use to grow your own flowers or produce?
About the Author
Archie was a builder for more than 40 years. Mainly after his retirement the enthusiastic electrical works in the garden and writes for a blog Homemakerguide.com to keep himself occupied. His many years of experience can get you the right tool reviews whether it is a drill, welding machine or so. An impressive fact to note about him is that almost everything in his house is a representation of his skills made by his hands.