5 Winter Home Maintenance Tips to Get You Ready for Winter


Winter is the season of cold, wind, and snow. It’s a time when we prefer to stay indoors and indulge in comfort. Well, for many of us, it’s nothing more than turning on our running water and heating up some cocoa. But we forget that our homes also need to be taken care of during the winter months.

You’ve always been a homeowner and have lived here for years. Why don’t you start thinking about winter maintenance now? Maintaining your home is an important part of your daily routine, especially when it comes to maintaining boilers, double glazing, heating system, etc. Consider these 5 winter home maintenance tips to make this season comfortable for you and your loved ones.

1. Seal Air Leaks in Your Home

As the temperature drops, air leaks can cause problems inside your house. For example, they may be a potential fire hazard. This is especially true if you live in an older building with a lot of gaps and cracks where cold air can seep in. 

If you’re noticing drafts or cool spots, consider filling them with caulk or weatherstripping. If there are any holes larger than 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch, make sure they’re patched up immediately. Opening up a cavity like this will allow moisture to get behind your insulation and rot it away from the inside of your home!

2. Check for Any Insulation Damage 

A good rule of thumb is to check your attic insulation at least once a year, but we recommend checking it more often if you have pets or kids who crawl around on the floor. Also inspect and tighten any loose windows, doors, or window tracks.

3. Keep Your Furnace Clean

If you have a fireplace, make sure that it is safe to use this winter by inspecting its chimney. Ensure that it has been cleaned thoroughly before using it again. There are many options for furnace repair like Furnace repair in Toronto. Cleaning out ash from an old chimney may not seem like much work, but as we all know, even small amounts of ash can cause serious damage to your fireplace if left untouched for too long.

4. Get Your Heating System Ready 

Another important task on your winter maintenance checklist is the examination of your home’s central heating system. It is essential that you have enough heat to stay warm in your home. To maintain it, you must know which heating system you have in your home.

Most heating systems have PVC pipes. They must be free of any obstructions, including debris. The gas system needs to be professionally cleaned every three years. Make sure that the boiler is clean and properly working. If you need to replace your boiler or get it covered, click here to get help from professionals. 

The last thing is to examine all hot water supply lines. Check for any water leaks around pipes and appliances. If water has gotten behind pipes or appliances in your home, it can freeze into ice, which can damage them. 

5. Clean Out Gutters, Downspouts, and Drains

The drainage system of the house is placed many years ago

Suppose the rain and snow have been falling for days. The ground has been saturated with moisture. So, the best time to clean out gutters and downspouts is in the fall or early spring before heavy rains begin. Therefore, all of your gutters need to be cleaned out now, before they become clogged up with leaves, dirt, and debris. 

You can use a hose or a broom to clean out gutters. But you will be able to get them much cleaner by using a power washer. A power washer can unclog all the gutters so that they are ready for winter draining. Cleaning will remove any blockages that may be causing water to back up in your home’s drainage system.

Here are the three simple steps to follow:

Step 1: Remove debris from your gutters. Gutter cleaning services can help with this job. They will remove leaves, twigs, pine needles, and other debris from your gutters using a brush or power washer. 

Step 2: Inspect all downspouts for leaves and other debris that has accumulated over the summer months. Look for clogs at the bottom of the downspouts where they connect to the gutter system. Clean them out with a broom or brush. 

Step 3: Check all cracks around downspout connections. Replace any missing or damaged ends of downspouts so water can flow freely through all connections. 

Winter is full of potential problems for your home. Tackle them now! 

With the winter season fast approaching, it’s time to get back to work on your home maintenance. Even though the weather might not be conducive to outdoor activities, it is still wise to begin preparations for the winter months beforehand. You needn’t take on too much at once, but focusing on certain areas can help you get ready for the next season.

But with so many things to do and not enough time, it is difficult to choose which of your home improvement projects to get stuck on. You may not know which project falls off the top of your list. The above five tips will help you stay on pace with all of your home repairs through the rest of winter and into spring.

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