7 Awesome Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Besties


With all the added waste that comes with wrapping papers, excess packaging, and bows and ribbons of all kinds, it’s only fair that we do our part for the environment, as small as they may seem. Sustainable shopping should be on our to-do lists.

When finding the perfect gift for your besties, plenty of eco-friendly products are readily available in the market; They’re also far less expensive than one may think. The best part is you can practice a little environmental responsibility by sacrificing quality and style!

Looking for the best environmentally friendly presents you can give for that special occasion? Here are some great eco-friendly ideas to give to your besties: 

1. Scrap Book or Journals

Does your friend love to write in a notepad? Then one of the best gifts you can give her is a nice journal. Not only that it’s a lovely gift to give to your friend, but it’s one of the best ways for an effective catharsis.

If you want a more personalized approach, you can transform your memorable texts, emails, and pictures into a book to preserve your most endearing moments! For your loved ones, a personalized love book is one of the unique gifts you can give, whether you want to celebrate a friendship or mark a special occasion!

2. Organic Soaps

You also want to go for sustainably made gifts that don’t have chemicals. What’s a better gift than an organic soap that works well in all skin or pore types? 

Organic soaps help the skin stay firm and smooth. It also has healing properties for people with skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Not to mention, it comes with different scents, ranging from lavender to rose. Organic soaps are also made from natural ingredients, so they’re good for the face. 

3. Bamboo Cooking and Serving Utensils

Another eco-friendly gift you can give this year is a bamboo cooking set and serving utensils. Both men and women will like the practicality of this gift, especially if they’re into cooking or throwing regular parties with family or a group of friends. 

4. A Zero-waste Travel Kit

Do you want your friends to have a zero-waste journey when traveling? Then, making them a DIY zero-waste travel kit is a great way to start. All you need is a few essential items, a bamboo toothbrush, organic soap, lip better, a handkerchief, and a foldable tote bag. 

Then, gather these items together in a drawstring box. This sustainable gifting idea is a great way to reduce waste and help create a healthier planet.

5. Biodegradable Phone Case

Another eco-friendly gift idea on this list is a biodegradable and compostable phone case. Although this concept is relatively new, it has excellent potential to be a great way to reduce plastic. 

The best part is that these items are more durable and resilient than the usual wear-and-tear phone cases. They’re also ecologically disposable. Who wants to say no to a cute, eco-friendly phone case?

6. Plant-based candles

Love romantic bath is decorated with eco-friendly candles

 As much as we want the scent of the soft light and the soothing scent of candles, sometimes we cannot help but wonder. How will all the wax, color, or perfume, once dissolved in the air we breathe, affect the air quality? What’s the price we have on an excellent ambiance from candles?

Well, conventional candles are made up of animal fats or paraffin, also known as petroleum waste. Now, the latter is not good for us and the environment.

On the other hand, plant-based candles are relatively cleaner. They also have longer burn times and are much safer for people and the environment. That’s because they are made from natural ingredients.

7. Coffee Cups

The thing with single-use coffee cups is that they’re bad for the environment. While they may be made with paper, these contain plastic lamination. Thus they couldn’t be composted. Plus, there are also plastic lids that you need to think about.

You can opt for reusable coffee cups instead. Switching to reusable coffee cups is one of the best ways to reduce your plastic footprint, making it a sustainable gift idea for your friends.

There are also many options, from stainless steel ceramic cups to tempered glass.

Over to You

Going green and living more sustainably isn’t just a trend. If you and your friends are passionate about saving the environment, you should opt for environmentally friendly gifts.

Hopefully, these eco-friendly gift ideas on this list to become more environmentally aware have given you a good source of inspiration for the items you need to buy. 

It would be best if you also remembered that every gift you purchase should match the receiver’s hobbies, tastes, personality, and values. Not only will your friends love you for being environmentally conscious, but mother earth will also appreciate it.

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