Even though many people don’t find it very important, the fact is that proper supplementation is a big step towards improved health and overall well-being. It is particularly essential when you reach a certain age, so be sure to stay with us to learn about the best supplements to take in your 50s. Just check them out and give your body what it needs!
Probiotics for the stronger immune system and healthy gut
The first set of menopausal supplements should include probiotics, and the reasons for that are multiple. First of all, prioritizing gut health often is one of the most important steps towards relieving menopause symptoms. And why is that? Well, this is simply because you won’t be able to experience the benefits of other supplements if there’s no balance of good bacteria in the gut. So, if you want to boost your immune system and improve your digestion, you should definitely take probiotics into consideration. Once the inflammation is under control and your immune system is functioning properly, your body will digest food and get the essential nutrients with more success!
Turmeric for digestion and cognitive health
In case you didn’t know, turmeric is an old Indian spice rich in bioactive compounds that have powerful medicinal properties. One of such compounds is curcumin – a carotenoid that has amazing anti-inflammatory effects and is a strong antioxidant. Apart from that, it can also promote digestion, improve your skin, and even contribute to healthy joints. This is exactly why many ladies in their 50s are incorporating turmeric supplements into their everyday diet. So, if you want to protect your body from the harmful free radicals that can speed up the process of aging and increase the risk of numerous diseases – including cancer – give turmeric a try and you won’t make a mistake!
Calcium for stronger bones
Everyone knows that calcium is crucial for body functions such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and blood clotting. Apart from that, it’s also vital for healthy bones. It gets even more important after menopause since bone density tends to decrease as we get older. This happens due to a loss of calcium and other minerals, which makes us much more vulnerable to injuries. In order to prevent that and keep your bones strong and healthy, be sure to incorporate calcium supplements into your daily routine. However, taking them alone won’t be enough, so keep on reading to find out how to combine supplements for better absorption!
Vitamin D3 for calcium absorption
In order for calcium to be fully absorbed, you should take vitamin D3 together with it. This vitamin plays an important role in its absorption, which makes it an essential nutrient for optimal bone health and your overall health. If you don’t take vitamin D3, your body won’t be able to absorb enough calcium, which means that it will start using the existing calcium stores. It will weaken your bones and negatively affect future bone development, which should be avoided at all costs. Aside from stimulating bone growth, vitamin D3 is vital for boosting your immune system, too. Does it get better than that? We don’t think so!
Omega-3 fatty acids for brain and heart health
Last but certainly not least, there are omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial for brain and heart health in women over 50. Even though these can be found in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, as well as in walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds, you should opt for a supplement if you need to intake a recommended dose of omega-3s every single day. Apart from improving brain and heart health, these acids can help you sleep better and improve your eye and bone health, too. Also, you’ll see a positive change in your skin as omega-3s have anti-aging properties that support healthy skin cell membranes. Just give them a fair shot and you’ll see what we were talking about!
Needless to say, there are many amazing supplements appropriate for ladies in their 50s and their specific needs, but these five undoubtedly are unmatched. So, if you want to improve your health and overall well-being, don’t wait any longer and make these a part of your everyday routine. Of course, be sure to consult with your doctor or other health care professional before making a final decision. That’s essential if you want to accomplish the best results!