The Green Kitchen: Can it Exist?

It sounds like the name of a quirky restaurant, but today’s article is about anything but this topic. Instead, it’s about green in the eco-sense of the word, and just how you can implement these principles into your kitchen.

Sound interesting? Let’s take a look at some of the best ways you can introduce this to your home.

There’s a reason behind the energy efficiency ratings

On first glance, it might sound like marketing spiel. However, if one were to conduct research on the modern appliances, it would soon become clear that they save significant amounts of energy in comparison to those which are years old.

It means that if you haven’t got such a device, try and opt for an A+++ version (that’s right, these do exist). Or, if yours is somewhat neglected, consider looking at reputable services such as Service Force tumble dryer repairs to help you out.

The beauty of the modern-day microwave

Staying on the subject of appliances, let’s turn our attention to a slightly smaller one. Sure, microwaves might get something of a bad name courtesy of the quick meals that you can conjure up in there, but from a green perspective, they are a Godsend.

It’s understood that your energy usage can drop by 80% if you use a microwave as against cooking in the oven and suffice to say, this is a number worth taking note of.

Your cooking techniques matter as well

Of course, it’s not all about splashing vast sums of money on the latest and greatest devices. Sometimes, staying green might just relate to your own cooking techniques.

For example, the next time you boil water on the hob, consider placing a lid on the pan. This might seem like a small course of action, but by covering this pan you are keeping the heat in it. The result? Your energy usage will drop considerably as the pan won’t be losing any of its heat.

The perils of non-stick pans

For some of us, non-stick pans have been an absolute savior. After all, the days of that fried egg sticking to your pan are long gone.

Unfortunately, this comes at a price. Studies have been conducted which show that when these products are produced, a substance called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is produced. This is something that can’t break down, meaning that it stays in the air indefinitely. With further research showing that this is likely to be a human carcinogen, try and turn to metal pans the next time you deck out your kitchen.

Cleaning products are even affected

Finally, let’s end proceedings on cleaning products. A lot of people don’t realize that most of the standard products are full of all sorts of chemicals, most of which are toxic and don’t degrade. It means that simply cleaning your kitchen can do great damage to your kitchen.

Fortunately, help is at hand. It’s now possible to buy biodegradable products, some which might be made of plants, so it’s much better for the environment.

The Best Food for Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

According to statistics, 1 in 25 Australians aged 15 and over have no natural teeth. That’s why it’s essential that you take oral hygiene seriously, and dedicate more time to proper brushing, and flossing but to your food choices as well. Maintaining good oral hygiene is the best way to protect your teeth from cavities and your mouth from infections. In addition, living by that old saying You are what you eat can also make a lot of difference to your oral health, because the food that’s good for your teeth is also beneficial for the rest of your body. You can prevent a lot of digestive disorders by taking care of what you eat, when, and how you take care of your teeth hygiene. Therefore, make sure you know what is the best food choice for your teeth if you want to keep them cavity-free.



Tooth enamel is basically minerals, and it tends to erode after the consumption of acidic foods and drinks. This is why your teeth need plenty of calcium to remain strong and compensate for the lost minerals. Milk is one of the best drinks for your oral health because it strengthens the enamel of your teeth with its high concentration of calcium and protects them from cavities. Milk lowers the acid levels in the mouth, thus helping fight tooth decay, making your teeth whiter as well.



Cheese is another great source of calcium, and one of the best foods to fight plaque with. If you chew on hard cheese like cheddar, you’ll increase saliva production, and wash off various bacteria that may have accumulated in your mouth. Even if you want to indulge in some less good food for your teeth, like crackers, if you mix it up with some cheddar, you won’t make as much damage as without this delicious cheese.



Aside from milk, water is the best drink for your teeth, because it contains no acids that can erode the enamel of your teeth or any color that can stain them. Furthermore, water is great for washing off food particles and keeping your saliva levels high, which is essential for healthy teeth. Namely, saliva protects your teeth from tooth decay with its minerals and proteins, so it’s vital that you’re always hydrated to avoid cavities. In case you notice any change in your teeth, make sure you make an appointment at your local endodontist in Sydney and check what kind of treatment you need. Until then, just stay hydrated with plenty of water and milk, to maintain a healthy mouth.

Black and green tea


Polyphenols are great at slowing down the growth of bacteria that cause plaque, further preventing gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. Tea is also rich in fluoride, one of the biggest necessities for healthy teeth. However, don’t forget to drink it unsweetened, because if you add sugar, it won’t have the same effect as the sugar-free beverage.

Various fruits


Anthocyanins prevent the attachment of plaque on the teeth and fight oral cancer, which is why you should look for the food rich in anthocyanins. You can find it mostly in berries, grapes, cherries, and plums. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can also whiten your teeth, aside from protecting them from cavities.

Crunchy foods high in water

Since saliva is the best natural neutralizer of the bacteria, you should eat plenty of food that increases the production of saliva, and some of that food includes raw fruits and vegetables. What’s more, the texture of crunchy food rich in water makes them a natural abrasive, which means that they’ll clean and scrub your teeth gently. Carrots, cucumbers, apples, and celery are some of the best examples and they’ll both clean your teeth and do good to your immune system.

Final thoughts

Protecting your teeth should be your priority because tooth decay can further lead to various health issues. Therefore, make sure you eat well and avoid sugary food and acidic drinks, but stick to healthy food rich in antioxidants and minerals to keep your teeth strong and shiny.

Grow Your Own Food: The Top Health Benefits of Growing a Vegetable Garden

Cultivating and nourishing your vegetable garden can undoubtedly do a lot than providing fresh vegetables. Gardening can help you save money, improve your health, and even invigorate and revitalize one’s mood.

And now that almost everything seems expensive these days, particularly at the retail stores, growing your food is the best way to at least remarkably cut down your bill. Though growing vegetables and fruits might seem too strenuous for some people, it is much easier than it sounds.

All you need is patience, a little time, a water source, and a place to plant. Some people can do it, and so can you. To convince you more, check out the benefits of growing a vegetable garden below.

Taste Better if you Grow Your Own

When you have your vegetable garden, rest assured that you will have fresh-nutrient-packed vegetables and fruits. Once you harvest your fruits and vegetables, produce starts to lose all the nutrients and moisture. That is why at the grocery store, you have no control of the freshness of the fruits and vegetables.

But when you have a vegetable garden of your own, you can guarantee their freshness. According to, some individuals attest that there is certainly a huge difference between commercially grown food and organic when it comes to taste.

The freshness of the vegetables and fruits is the substantial factor of taste. Say, for example, for homegrown tomatoes, you have to wait until they are ripe, red, and ready to eat before you can pull it from the vine. However, commercially grown tomatoes are harvested weeks before they are ripe.

Improves Health

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits more often is one of the most vital things everyone can do to stay fit and healthy. If you are growing a vegetable garden of your own, you will never be able to keep them out of your daily meal. Plus their vitamins and nutrients content will be at their top-level as you munch into them directly at your garden.

According to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, those preschool children who always had homegrown vegetables and fruits, eat at least five servings of veggies and fruits a day. On the other hand, those who don’t or rarely eat homegrown produce, eat fewer servings a day.

With that said, it is best to grow a vegetable patch in your backyard so that you and your family can live a healthy and vigorous life. As consumers, it is always helpful if you inform yourself about what you are eating, specifically when it comes to your health.

Saves Money

Having a vegetable garden can or may cut down your entire food bill. You can easily buy packs of seeds that costs little to nothing. So instead of buying a piece of fruit or vegetable at the grocery store, purchase different variants of seeds.

Sure it is more convenient to buy items at the grocery store because you don’t have to wait for a long time until the veggies and fruits are ready to eat. But buying seeds costs lesser than what you think when you include the money you spent on the gasoline to drive to the grocery store.

Besides, you can grow homegrown veggies for a portion of what the supermarkets retail for them. So, when you intend to lower your monthly food bill, growing a vegetable garden is an excellent option.

A Form of Exercise

Of course, gardening takes a lot of work and effort to grow your vegetables and fruits. It is a physical activity that can burn approximately 400 calories per hour. You do not just stick around and wait for them to grow. You need to work your way around – pull some weeds, dig, plant, bend, stretch.

Since gardening is a form of exercise, it is certainly great for your health. Gardening is a beneficial activity that can potentially help you to lose weight and lessen the risk of diabetes and heart disease. To get the most out of this activity, spend at least 30 to 45 minutes a day working in your garden.

Helps the Environment

Gardening helps the environment in numerous ways. For example, if you grow your vegetables and fruits organically, meaning no herbicides and pesticides involved, you will help the environment by letting off the burden of needless water and air pollution.

Also, you will minimize the use of fossil fuels and the arising pollution that associates from the transport to and fro the grocery store. Furthermore, you can recycle the peels and waste of the fruit and vegetables, and use them to create your compost.


Growing a vegetable garden in your backyard can give you lots of benefits, aside from providing fresh fruits and vegetables. It can improve you and your family’s health, help you save tons of money, and most importantly it helps the environment.

You can visit any online store such as GStore to see different products that let you grow plants in imaginative and eco-friendly ways such as composting and worm farms.

6 Habits to Control Your Cholesterol Naturally

Cholesterol is a type of fat that interferes with the cellular activity of the whole body.

To a certain extent, it is essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, the proper functioning of the liver and the secretion of some hormones.

However, when it accumulates, it becomes an enemy of our health and, little by little causes symptoms and diseases that affect our health and life.
Generally, it ends up forming a thick plate in the arteries, which will cause difficulties of blood circulation.

As if that were not enough, it increases the risk of major heart diseases that require enormous care.

For this reason, it is very important to check your cholesterol levels, and most importantly, to have a healthy lifestyle to control your rate.

We want to share with you six recommendations that you should put into practice every day.

1. Adopt a physical training routine

If you suffer from high cholesterol, adopting a physical training routine is an excellent habit that will allow you to regulate your cholesterol level.

  • Exercise helps the processes of removing the lipid retained in the arteries, and at the same time promotes the synthesis of healthy fats.
  • In addition, exercise is essential to reduce the percentage of body fat, key element to control this disorder.
  • Ideally, exercise for at least 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week.

    2. Limit your intake of foods containing cholesterol

    Although much of the body’s cholesterol is secreted by the liver, it is also possible to absorb it by consuming certain foods that contain cholesterol in large amounts.

    It is essential to identify which sources contain them and, of course, to include them as little as possible in their diet.

  • Be sure to minimize the consumption of red meat, dairy products and butter.
  • Avoid frying and all foods that contain saturated fats.
  • Avoid cooking with refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils.

    3. Include omega 3 fatty acids in your diet

    Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of healthy lipid that helps clean the bad cholesterol (LDL) of the arteries by increasing the level of good cholesterol (HDL).

    They do not occur naturally in the body, but you can absorb them by consuming foods that contain them.

    Best of all, they help maintain optimal energy and, more importantly, help fight inflammation.

    You will find them in:

  • Cold water fish
  • Seeds (flax, chia, sesame, sunflower)
  • Dried fruit
  • Wheat germ
  • Seafood
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage

4. Increase your fiber intake

Fiber is one of the essential nutrients that helps lower the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine by avoiding its accumulation in the blood.

You will find fibers in the following foods:

  • Whole grain cereals
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Seeds and dried fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Seaweeds

    5. Include artichokes in your diet

    Because of their high dietary fiber and antioxidant content, artichokes have become one of the most recommended foods for controlling cholesterol levels.

  • They contain a substance known as cynarin, which interferes with the synthesis of cholesterol.
  • Moreover, thanks to their contribution in luteolin, it is a good complement to avoid the formation of a lipid plaque in the arteries.
  • They also lower the triglyceride level, and fight the retention of liquids.
  • You can eat it in the form of extracts, tea, soups and recipes containing vegetables.

6. Avoid smoking

People who smoke daily have a higher risk of high cholesterol than those who do not smoke.

Cigarettes contain more than 19 toxic components that interfere with the body’s functions and are responsible for lowering good cholesterol.

  • The toxins of the cigarette affect the circulatory health, and promote the accumulation of lipids in the arterial walls.
  • As previously discussed in this article, cholesterol is a silent enemy of health and can cause serious consequences if unchecked.

Make sure to adopt recommended habits, regardless of whether you have a low or high rate.

7 Benefits of Going Paleo

Are you thinking about going paleo, but wondering if it’s really going to benefit you? You aren’t alone! Anytime you’re considering making a change in your diet, there’s always that lingering question of whether or not you’re going to feel or look better by changing how you eat.

When it comes to the paleo diet, you’re going to be eating plenty of protein, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. And you’ll be required to cut out dairy, grains, refined sugar, and a number of other things. There’s no denying that it won’t be an easy lifestyle change to make, however, it does come with a major plus side. Here are seven benefits of going paleo that are sure to make the transition easier for you:

1. You’ll Avoid Processed Foods

Unfortunately, there are so many processed foods on the shelves at our local grocery stores. These items are packed with all kinds of chemicals such as preservatives and refined sugars that may actually be doing our bodies quite a bit of harm without you even realizing it.

By going paleo, you’ll be required to eliminate all processed foods from your diet. While that may seem like a daunting task at first, you’re sure to feel much better when you make this change. You won’t be eating anything with questionable ingredients, as you’ll be enjoying real food that provides your body with the nutrients it craves.

Although your body may miss your normal foods at first, everything will work out if you just give it time. Sometimes your body just needs to adjust to this new way of eating, but it’s going to be very beneficial in the long run.

2. It Keeps You Feeling Fuller Longer

When most people think of a diet, they think of counting calories and restricting how much they eat every day. They imagine themselves going hungry as they count down the minutes until the next meal. However, you don’t have to do that when you follow a paleo diet.

With each meal you eat, you’re able to just focus on fueling your body with good, clean food. With protein, healthy fats, and vegetables, you’re getting a full meal that’ll leave you feeling satisfied. Plus, fruits will provide your body with fiber and carbohydrates, so you’ll be able to stay fuller for longer. This means there’s going to be less of a temptation to hit the kitchen for snacks.

Quick Tip: If you’re not sure you have the time to work a paleo diet into your busy day, there are a lot of meal delivery services out there that can help. A favorite of mine that has received a lot of positive feedback from the paleo community is Sun Basket. There are two main benefits to using a paleo meal delivery service… First, you save a lot of time (no need to worry about grocery shopping or counting macros). Second, you learn how to cook healthy paleo meals.

3. You’ll Have More Energy

How would you like to have more energy to get you through the day without having to resort to coffee? Well, that’s just one of the benefits of going paleo! Plus, you’re going to need it because there’s no caffeine on this diet! By sticking to a paleo diet, you’re going to be getting well-balanced meals that contain protein, carbs, and vegetables. By providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly, you’re going to feel so much better on a daily basis.

You won’t have a need for caffeinated beverages like coffee or soda. Instead, your body is relying on real food to fuel your day. That’s a change you can truly feel good about.

4. It Provides a Detoxing Effect

Guess what? You don’t have to go on a three-day juice cleanse to detox your body. One of the benefits of going paleo is that this particular diet actually helps to detox your body as well. And the best part is that you can do that all while eating real food, instead of surviving on juices alone.

When you start a paleo diet, you’re required to cut out a variety of things that aren’t so great for your body. There won’t be any trans fat, MSG, gluten, refined sugar, or caffeine. Instead, you’re going to be consuming much more protein, getting antioxidants from fresh fruits, and increasing your fiber intake through vegetables.

Although your body is fully capable of detoxing on its own, eating the right kinds of food helps it along in the process. You’ll be able to flush excess toxins and waste from your body, which means you’re going to start feeling a lot better. It may help with digestive issues, sluggishness, and more.

5. It’ll Help Balance Your Blood Glucose Levels

One of the biggest changes you’ll be making with the paleo diet is cutting out refined sugar. If you have a major sweet tooth, this is likely going to be a challenge for you, but it’s a change that’ll be well worth it in the end.

When you avoid refined sugar, you’re going to be less likely to see spikes in your blood glucose levels. Plus, you won’t have to deal with those sugar crashes that leave you feeling awful after you’ve had one too many sweets. It’ll help keep your energy levels in check, plus it’ll certainly help anyone with acne-prone skin that gets triggered by sugar consumption.

This doesn’t mean you have to avoid sweets altogether — you just need to go for more natural, healthy alternatives. Raw honey is the popular choice since it’s low on the glycemic index and it’s an all natural way to sweeten almost anything. On the paleo diet, you can snack on delicious honey lollipops without guilt. Food is medicine and raw honey has almost as many medicinal properties as turmeric.

6. You’ll Start Seeing Leaner Muscles

If you want to build strong muscles, protein is essential. When you follow a paleo diet, you’ll be getting plenty of protein every day, which is going to help you achieve a leaner physique. Paired with regular exercise, you just might notice that you’re shedding a few extra pounds as well. And who wouldn’t want less body fat and nice, toned muscles?

7. There’s No Counting Required

There are many diets out there that require you to do all kinds of counting. You’re counting calories, carbs, and points. It’s actually rather exhausting and confusing, especially if you’re not used to obsessively counting the details of every single thing you eat. And let’s be honest, you probably aren’t going to be too inclined to stick to a diet that requires this.

One of the benefits of going paleo is that you don’t have to worry about counting calories or anything like that. This is a diet that’s easy to follow because there aren’t any limitations on how much you can consume in one day — just stick to eating organic, paleo foods. Since you won’t have to restrict yourself, it’s less likely that you’ll bail on your diet within the first week. Instead, you can just focus on making better choices and simply enjoy the food you have.

Featured Image Copyright: magone / 123RF Stock Photo

The Importance of Healthy Fats

Fats are something we’ve all been trained to avoid, but there are a group of fats that our bodies need to stay healthy.

During the carb-crazy dieting years, fats received a lot of flack from the general public and dietitians alike. As it turns out, some fats are actually good for you. What foods contain them, and how much should you eat in a day?

If you’ve been searching for an answer to the fat dilemma, then I have the answers you crave.

The Two Fats

Not all fats are created equal, and it is important to understand the differences between them. There are mainly two types; saturated and unsaturated.

Unsaturated fats are oils, meaning that they stay liquid at room temperature. Saturated fats, on the other hand, turn into a gelatinous solid at room temperature. While we do need both in out diet, less saturated fat is what we should be aiming for.

How Fat Helps

Our bodies use both types of fat as a source of energy as well as a way to store it. It also helps us to absorb certain nutrients, like vitamins A and E, along with antioxidants. I was surprised to find out that these fats also help support our cell structure.

So, fat really isn’t that bad for us after all! We need it, we just don’t need it in the same way we need water.

Where to Cut Back

The trick to not letting fats make us fat is by cutting back on the saturated kind. Unsaturated fats are filled with heart healthy Omega-3s. A simple solution would be to avoid processed meats, pizza and fast food, as well as processed snacks.

However, knowing what to eat might be a bigger help. Besides, hearing the things you can eat when dieting, or making a lifestyle change, is a lot more satisfying that hearing the list of the things you should avoid.

Eat Up!

There are more delicious things than I originally thought that have a ton of healthy fats just beneath the surface. If you’ve gone veggie, skip the first four on this list.

  • Grass fed beef
  • Wild salmon
  • Tuna
  • Duck
  • Avocado
  • Walnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Flax and Chia seeds
  • Spirulina


The list might not be long, but it’s hard to deny how delicious some of these are. Plus, they can be easily added into any diet without having to sacrifice a hearty meal.

Do you know of any other foods packed full of healthy fats that I could add to this list? What ways do you incorporate healthy fats into your diet?

Healthy Substitutions for Your Kitchen

Looking to take healthy cooking to the next level? Try out these healthy substitutions when cooking at home.

In my never-ending quest to create a healthier lifestyle, I am always looking for ways to improve my eating habits. Even when buying organic groceries and cutting out meat, cooking a healthy meal at home can still be challenging. Is it even possible to take your already healthy cooking to new, healthier heights?

The answer is yes! After some research, I found a few alternatives to tried and true staples that I use to make my recipes and meals even better for my body.

Whole Wheat Flour

I am not on the gluten-free wagon, nor is it a necessity in my home, but using processed white flour isn’t the healthiest option out there when baking or making some pan-fried veggies. By choosing to use whole wheat flour instead, I incorporate the entire grain into my diet. Not only is it healthier, it also adds some much-needed fiber, which helps to keep me feeling full throughout the day.

I did find that some of my recipes needed adjusted, but at least my vegan chocolate chip cookies are as healthy as baked goods get. You can take this alternative one step further by purchasing whole wheat bread and pastas, too.

Unsweetened Applesauce

Finding a butter substitute for baking can be a daunting task, but in trying out vegan recipes I found that unsweetened applesauce makes for a pretty good alternative. By mixing it with a few ground flax seeds, it provides the perfect consistency without all of the saturated fats.

Avocado Everything

It might not be everyone’s favorite fruit, but it is incredibly healthy for you. It contains a variety of healthy fats to keep your heart in tip-top shape and makes a great mayonnaise or cheese substitute with its creamy texture. If you really can’t stand avocados, try using hummus instead.

Keep Your Greens Dark

Looking for a healthier salad or something more nutritious than iceberg lettuce on your sandwich? Switch to spinach, arugula, and watercress. I honestly think all three of them make any sandwich taste better, and they certainly take my salads to a whole new level of deliciousness.

Ditch the Dairy

Milk is used in all sorts of baking recipes, added to cereal, and used to make cookies taste even better than they already do. Choosing skim milk or a plant-based alternative like soy, almond, and rice helps you to cut back on fats and calories. They can even be used in place of heavy whipping cream for recipes like fettuccine alfredo. If you’re trying to avoid glaze or adding additional sugary parts, you can always be creative and try to add decor with some small pieces of candy with no added sugar.

Smoke Your Own Salmon

Sure it super tasty and seems healthy but some smoked salmon is full of additives. Some brands cut corners by injecting salt as well as sugar and some brands even spray on fake liquid smoke. If enjoy smoked salmon, why not try smoking it yourself. Cold smoking can be a bit tricky but we have found it easiest with a natural gas smoker. Knowing exactly what is in your food should be a priority for anyone trying to make a healthy change

These are just a few of the alternatives I’ve started using in my home. Do you have any others you would like to recommend? I always love hearing about new ways to stay healthy!

If you want to learn more about cold smokers check great post by Electric Smoker Guy, too: Best Electric Cold Smoke Generator – Attachment – Box Review

The Nutrition Behind Eating Garden to Table

Canned fruits and veggies are out! Farm to table is in. Growing your own garden is one of the most health conscious choices you can make.

Growing up, my family always bought their produce from the local grocery store. However, my grandmother did tend to a small garden in her backyard and I can remember how incredibly different her tomatoes were than the store bought variety. Not just how they looked, but how much better they tasted.

With GMOs, pesticides, and more plaguing our produce these days, I’ve taken the task of putting vegetables on my plate into my own hands. Aside from looking and tasting a whole lot better, there are a variety of benefits to reap from the Garden to Table , or Farm to Table, movement.

More Variety

I never realized it before, but every time I went to the store I bought the exact same vegetables. My garden has introduced me to a wide variety of veggies I had never tasted before, as well as new variations of some of my favorites.

Instead of buying nothing but beefsteak tomatoes, white onions, and portobello mushrooms, I can enjoy enjoy varieties like chanterelle mushrooms and roma tomatoes. Plus, I can plant all sorts of squashes, broccoli, and even beets in the Fall. It certainly spices up my meals.

More Nutritious

My garden has also introduced me to heirloom vegetables. The way mega corporations have grown vegetables over the years has lead to a decrease in their nutrient content. Heirlooms, on the other hand, have been passed down by private owners for generations, making them immune the flaws in modern day veggies and thus making them more nutritious.

Using different gardening methods like cover crops and integrated pest management to promote the health of my soil also give my plants a nutrient boost. It also feels good to eat healthy.

Ripe and Ready

Who hasn’t bought a vegetable from the store and had to wait until it was ripe, only to find that a few days later that it was brown. Commercial growers pick their crops early to give them a longer shelf life, which makes good sense for a supermarket, however, not always the most convenient at home. When you can pick your produce from your backyard, it’s available when you need it and nothing goes unused. Not to mention, nothing compares to picking fresh tomato or basil to use as an ingredient when cooking a meal.


Chemical Free

Research has shown the side effects GMOs and pesticides can have on our health. Since I know what I’m putting in the ground and how I care for it until the day I pick it, and the only shelf life I need to worry about is the time it takes to get a vegetable from my garden to my table, I know that what I’m eating is at its best and free from harmful pesticides.This makes a garden grown at home a save haven from the likes of carcinogens and toxins.

Choosing to grow my own produce has brought a variety of benefits to my dinner table and the health of my family. If you’re property doesn’t have the proper space for a garden, consider container gardens on your deck, indoor herbal gardens, or shop a local Farmer’s Market for fresh produce. What do you like the most about the Garden to Table/Farm to Table movement? Have you noticed any other benefits that I forgot to mention?

Making the Switch: Why Eating Organic Makes Sense

Grocery stores all over the country are swapping out their inventory for organic foods. Here’s why you should make the switch too.

The organic label has become incredibly popular over the last few years but navigating labels and health claims are still confusing to many consumers, myself included. What do all these labels mean, and is organic food actually better for our health and well-being? How are we supposed to know if the items we buy are actually GMO and pesticide free?

If, like me, you’ve ever wondered what the true benefits behind switching to organic foods are, then this article should help.

What Does the Organic Label Really Mean?

When you see that “Organic” label, it refers to the way an agricultural product was grown and processed. Here in the states, that means absolutely no synthetic pesticides, genetic modification, petroleum based fertilizer, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. I’ll give you a moment to let that last one sink in.

When it comes to livestock, whether they are raised for consumption or for their eggs/milk, organic means they have access to the outdoors and have only eaten organic feed. It also means they haven’t been pumped full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and haven’t eaten other animal by-products. A lot of this food has been used as a natural home remedy, but if treated with a lot of chemics they certainly became more dangerous than healthy for you. Let’s focus on why do we really need organic food!

What Are the Benefits?

Aside from not eating vegetables that grew in sewer-sludge, an organic diet offers a lot of benefits to both our mental and physical health.

  • Fewer Pesticides: that means fewer toxins that lead to things like birth defects, weaker immune systems, and cancer.
  • Fresh Food: without preservatives, the food has to hit the shelf and your plate faster. Organic food is often made on local farms near the market. This also supports small business and the local community.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Local, organic farms reduce pollution, conserve water, and consume less energy than their mega-corporation counterparts. This is not only better for the land but also a healthier environment for surrounding animals and people.
  • Nutrient Rich: Studies show that organic foods provide our bodies with more nutrients than mass produced meats and vegetables do. A healthier diet means a healthier you!
  • Non-Chemical Animals: Eliminating antibiotics and growth hormones reduces the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains while keeping this hormone altering substances out of your diet. Not feeding cows animal byproducts also reduces the risk of mad cow disease.
  • GMO Free: Genetic modification alters the chemical makeup of plants, causing them to grow larger and become more pest resistant. However, studies on animals have shown them to damage internal organs, thicken the digestive tract, and slow brain growth. Pumping our bodies full of chemicals isn’t good any way you look at it.

Anti-cancer, anti-toxic chemicals, and beneficial for the environment?! It’s almost like this was the way food was meant to be grown! Now that you know the benefits of making the switch, are you more likely to buy organic produce?

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Ever wondered what the science behind eating a plant-based diet looks like? Here are the top benefits a vegetarian diet has to offer.

Why should anyone go vegetarian? I mean, people need to eat meat, right? Do the benefits actually outweigh missing out on a perfectly cooked filet mignon?

It might seem like a common sense diet to some, but there still seems to be a mass of confusion around why anyone would strike meat from their diet. So, let’s clear the air! Here are the scientific facts proving that a plant-based diet is the only diet anyone should be eating.

Down With Disease

By removing saturated animal fats and cholesterol-laden meats from their diets, vegetarians are less likely to develop any form of cardiovascular disease. The CDC estimates that 610,000 people die from heart disease each year, accounting 1 in every 4 deaths.

Eating a diet high in red and processed meats has also been linked to multiple forms of cancer including, prostate, colon, gastric, and breast cancer. These meats can have up to as many carcinogens as five cigarettes, not to mention an excessive amount of hormones and steroids from the animals’ diets.

Goodbye, Cold

I used to get a cold each and every Fall, which made enjoying one of the best seasons out of the year incredibly difficult. Going veggie meant eating more fresh fruits and vegetables than I ever had before. This leads to an increased amount of antioxidants in my diet, effectively pumping up my immune system to keep it fighting off infections better than ever before.

Tired of Being Tired?

Eating all of the saturated fats associated with meat causes them to build up within your bloodstream. This stops muscles from getting proper amounts of oxygen, which makes anyone as sluggish as a Monday morning. Switching to leafy greens not only eliminates the fat, but adds energy boosting carbohydrates (the complex kind) that have ended my 2pm slump at work.

Toxins Kill

I used to think plants were the culprit of pesticides found in our diet, but it turns out that 95% of those toxins actually come from meat. That doesn’t include the hormones, carcinogens, heavy metals, and other chemicals these animals are pumped full of. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure people aren’t supposed to eat toxic chemicals.

Animal Friendly

I always pictured a farm like you might see in the commercials, one with lots of open space and plenty of room for the animals to graze freely until it came time for the farmer slaughter them. Yeah, that place doesn’t exist. American “farms” keep animals shoulder to shoulder, wading in their own waste, ridden with disease and open sores, only to kill them in some of the most torturous ways imaginable.

If you need proof, look into independent documentaries like The Sustainability Secret or What the Health. If everyone in the U.S. cut one meaty meal out every week, 1.4 billion of these animals could be saved from their disgusting, inhumane conditions.

Just Do It

If you had told me I would stop eating meat altogether just a few years ago, I would’ve scoffed in your face. No bacon cheeseburgers, pepperoni pizza, or a perfectly cooked steak? I couldn’t have comprehended life without them!

However, after just a few months of changing my diet I started to feel healthier than I ever had before. Plus, I know I’m doing my part to end animal cruelty and the disgusting practices of the meat industry in out nation.