CBD for Acne: Can CBD Products Actually Help Treat your Acne?

If your acne causes you unbearable discomfort and lowers down your self-esteem already, you should get a natural treatment that can minimize its appearance and prevent its breakout. Avoid throwing your money on those topical creams and oral antibiotics because they may only cause side-effects and worsen your acne problem.

Do you want to know what people are using now to get rid of their acne? Cannabidiol (CBD). Yes, it’s all the rage nowadays. But is CBD really good as an acne treatment? Well, here’s a blog post to answer that question.

What Causes Acne?

The body’s sebaceous glands release sebum to shield our skin from damaging external elements. However, if there’s an overproduction of sebum, it may cause your skin to catch dirt, dust, and other pollutants easily. This mixing of contaminants on your skin can clog your pores, which, in turn, result in the breakout of acne.

Aside from the overproduction of sebum, hormonal changes and genetics may also do their part in causing an acne breakout. An unhealthy diet, stress, and other factors may also increase your chances of getting acne and worsening it.

Cannabidiol (CBD) to Eliminate Acne

You can find studies suggesting that CBD is an effective treatment for acne and other skin diseases. As a hemp plant extract, cannabidiol is abundant with anti-inflammatory properties that can treat pimple wounds and prevent the outbreak of acne. It can also maintain the normal production of sebum in the body.

A study has pointed out that CBD keeps sebocytes in check from releasing too much sebum. This is promising because what causes acne in the first place is the abnormal production of sebum.

Moreover, researchers found that cannabidiol facilitates anti-inflammatory reactions in the cells and prevents peptides and cytokines from activating. When cytokines and peptides activated, they may cause pimples on your skin.

CBD also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that can treat infections caused by pollutants. So, if you already have acne, you can apply CBD products like CBD oil or topical cream on the affected area to prevent it from getting worse.

However, you mustn’t expect that all people will get the skincare benefits of CBD. The positive effects on the skin when you use CBD may vary from one person to another.

How Should I Use CBD to Treat My Acne?

Now, do you want to try using CBD oil to eliminate acne? Well, use it along with a carrier oil and apply it on the affected area of the skin. Choose a carrier oil that’s best for your skin to get the most satisfying results. You can try coconut oil, argan oil, or olive oil for that purpose.

There are also CBD products that you can take orally. No matter what form, CBD will have its anti-inflammatory properties. But if you want to get the best results, I recommend CBD products that you can apply directly on your skin, such as CBD oil and topical creams. Here is a review on CBD oil options you can explore.

You should always check the ingredients of the CBD products you’re buying. Fake products are circulating in the market today that contain harmful components and with little or no CBD. For a guarantee, you must buy CBD products from trusted manufacturers.


Yes, cannabidiol can be an effective remedy for your acne problem. CBD helps regulate the production of sebum, and it’s rich in anti-inflammatory properties that heal pimple wounds and prevent acne breakout. However, before you use CBD to treat your acne, you must ensure that it comes from a trusted manufacturer and doesn’t have harmful ingredients.

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