How is Cellulite Formed?
Cellulite is formed when the fat cells existing beneath your skin push against the connective tissues which causes dimple like appearance through the skin. It is a misconception that only overweight people are affected by the formation of cellulite. Fat exists beneath everyone’s skin regardless of them being underweight or overweight, hence no matter how frequently you exercise or eat healthily, you cannot eliminate it completely.
It is More Common than You Think
As the formation of cellulite is most frequently formed around hips and thigh areas, hence not many people realize that this is a more common issue than that they assumed. Around 93% of women face this issue hence if you are one of them then there is nothing wrong about it.
Can You Get Rid of It Completely?
While there are certain methods that will help in reducing their appearance, but no treatment can truly erase it. Hence do not fall under false advertising traps and read product reviews carefully before opting for them.
Can Your Lifestyle Reduce or Increase the Formation of Cellulite?
While dermatologists have concluded that it does not really matter much if your lifestyle is healthy or unhealthy as DNA and genetics are involved here. But you can minimize the appearance of cellulite by maintaining a healthy fat percentage and exercising regularly.
Here are a few tips suggested by dermatologists to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
1. Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating healthy does not directly affect the appearance or disappearance of cellulite but it indirectly helps in reducing the fat percentage from the body which prevents the formation of cellulite. Also, incorporating fibers and who grain foods in your diet will help in removing waste and toxins from the body which will result in healthy skin.
2. Drink Loads of Water
Keeping yourself hydrated will reduce the appearance of cellulite as your skin will look worse when dehydrated and skin also will become thinner hence the cellulite will be visible more hence drink at least 2-3 liters of water every day.
3. Exercise Regularly
Cellulite is a form of fat hence the best method to get rid of it is by working out regularly which will not just help you reduce fat but tone your body that will reduce the appearance of cellulite.
4. Try Body Massaging
It has been noted that getting daily body massages can help in eliminating toxins by causing lymphatic drainage.
5. Use a Caffeine Body Scrub
Body scrubs that contain caffeine can help in reducing cellulite as you massage the scrub. This happens because the scrub stimulates lymphatic drainage and the caffeine tightens your skin.
6. Apply on a Serum
There are many serums and creams available that can help in reducing cellulite by strengthening your skin, though the results vary from person to person and will take months before you notice any visible results.
7. Take a Specialized Treatment
If you are really committed to minimizing cellulite appearance, then you can opt for specialized treatments such as orange skin treatment. As per experts from, using radiating shockwave and focused shockwave treatment, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite visibly and quickly. In order to give you the best possible effect, a normal course of treatment will be with 6 treatments spread over 3-4 weeks along with being non-invasive and painless with no side effects. This treatment also helps in reducing scar tissues and pregnancy stretch marks.
Consult a dermatologist and discuss your treatment options in detail so you can choose a treatment that shows true results that last for many years.