How to Renovate a Home to Make it Simultaneously Eco-Friendly and Stylish


Renovating your home is one of the best investments that could definitely pay off quite fast. However, the environment is in a pretty dire state, so it is essential to make sure that your home is also eco-friendly. Now whenever the word “eco-friendly” gets mentioned, people have images of things that aren’t glamorous or stylish. In reality, it’s entirely possible to combine these two and create something stunning. Hence, here are some helpful tips that will show you how to simultaneously make your home stylish and green, while doing renovation works.

Don’t overbuy 

Constant shopping promotes consumerism, which also leads to pollution. Of course, renovating your home will require you to buy certain materials or other items, yet, it’s essential to do so carefully. If you’re buying new furniture, then it’s best to ensure they’re all ethically made. Even better, feel free to buy used furniture pieces as that promotes a circular economy and drastically reduces waste. For example, you can also repaint your old kitchen cabinets instead of buying new ones.

Consider installing a low-flow toilet

If you’re planning a bathroom renovation, you might want to consider installing a low-flow toilet. This type of toilet is the best asset in an eco-friendly household, as it’s tremendously valuable when it comes to conserving water. Also, there’s no need to worry, as you’ll still have the option to flush water as usual, except this one will conserve water as well. Water conservation is an important issue that will be even more prominent in the future, so be sure to start focusing on that right now.

You can also add a bidet converter kit to your low-flow toilet for a more eco-friendly bathroom, which helps reduce the use of toilet paper.

Use non-toxic and safe colors

Low-VOC paint actually reduces the number of contaminants in the ozone layer, but also in landfills and groundwater, which is hugely beneficial to the environment. Such colors are, therefore, far less toxic and should be used instead of the ones that cause issues both to people and the environment. Certain countries such as Australia, pay a lot of attention to the well-being of their citizens, which is why they invest a lot of effort to educate the people about this topic. Hence, hiring painters on Central Coast is a great idea, as they use non-toxic paint for their work. Paints are a crucial part of one’s household, which is why you should check their safety before you decide to use them.

The living room is nicely decorated

Include natural elements in your home

Humans and nature have been in perfect harmony for centuries. The modern life we live tends to make that harmony much more difficult to achieve. So if possible, spending time outdoors is a great way to rekindle this relationship. And if that’s not doable, then including natural elements in your home is a perfect idea. Reclaimed wood, stone, and of course, potted plants are an excellent way to make your home more aligned with the beauty of nature.  

Install solar panels

If you’re aiming to make your home more energy-efficient, then solar panels are the best investment. As you probably know, the sun is a renewable source of energy so using its potential to keep your household up and running will help the environment. However, it’s important to mention that it takes about 8 years for them to pay off, but once that happens, you’ll be happy that you’ve made the decision to use them. This will help the environment by saving energy, plus you’ll save a lot on energy bills.  

Get energy-efficient appliances

Replacing an old appliance can often be a big strain on one’s budget. Also, if you’re planning to make your home more eco-friendly, then energy-efficient appliances should be your priority. Therefore, be sure to focus on getting the appliances such as fridges, air conditioners, and microwaves that are both environmentally friendly and energy-conserving in design. If you’re worried about aesthetics, the good news is that the latest models often come in retro design, which will surely make your home look more stylish. 

Final thoughts

It’s possible to renovate a home to make it look both stylish and eco-friendly. These tips will help you start this new journey of creating a sustainable, healthy, and above all, stylish home. As long as you curb your spending, use non-toxic paint and materials and focus on energy-efficient solutions, you’ll be able to enjoy your eco-friendly home to the fullest. 

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