Natural Living For A Healthier You

Natural living is a philosophy that focuses on being responsible for the environment, prioritizing organic and sustainable options, and avoiding any toxins in products and packaging.

It’s a philosophy that strives to make less of a negative impact on our surroundings and places importance on living in harmony with the natural world around us. 

From food to consumer products, cleaning materials, personal care, and alternative therapies, natural living offers an environmentally friendly solution for everyone.  

When shopping for a sustainable solution, the first thing to do is read the ingredient label for organic, natural sources. Next, look for a PETA certification, a symbol that certified the packaging to be made of recyclable materials and avoids any chemical toxins in the label. 

The process of living naturally is a habit and one that doesn’t happen overnight. Yes, you could throw out all your toxic, non-sustainable products in your house, but that doesn’t mean that you’re immediately living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. 

To make a positive impact in your life, there are a few suggestions: repurposing old packaging, choosing a more active way of life, and considering natural remedies and alternative therapies before traditional medicinal options.

Repurpose Old Packaging Rather Than Toss It Out

Think about all the packaging waste you just tossed out! 

Instead, you can repurpose some of those items and use them around the house for things other than their design. 

For example, you can use an empty laundry detergent bottle, cut off the top, rinse it, and use it as a planter for some herbs or flowers. 

You can decorate the planter and place it on a shelf or outside along a wall for a flowery garden rather than toss out the empty plastic that will just sit in a landfill. 

As you change to an eco-friendly lifestyle, you will need to look at other solutions to your daily activities that are more suited to your new way of living. 

Examples are switching from a meat-oriented diet to a plant-based menu or switching from your regular hair care to more natural hair products and personal care solutions. 

Take A Hands-on Approach To Healthier Living

Changing your purchasing decisions to make them more sustainable is just one step. 

There are a few daily habits and rituals you can do as well. 


From industry leaders to artists and even Presidents, a daily journal is a way for you to write out your thoughts and dreams. Doing this practice every morning is a great way to focus the mind, open up creativity, and explore your subconscious thoughts and bring them to the conscious mind. 


Take 15 minutes every day to focus on slowly breathing and directing your attention to the soothing sounds of the breath as you inhale and exhale. This daily practice will relax the body and calm the mind. 

A relaxed body has less stress, lowered blood pressure, slower heart-rate, and deeper respiration. This process will allow you to focus your mind on the moment, eliminate outside anxiety, and is part of the practice of mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is a state of consciousness focused on the moment and not too far into the past or worries about the future. 


Adding a daily exercise routine should be part of your plan for healthier living. Combining exercise with meditation such as yoga or Tai Chi is a great way to improve your heart rate while also clearing your mind. The World Health Organization recommends that you exercise daily, even with activities such as a light walk or hike. 


Take time away from electric devices to clear your mind and direct your attention. The brain acts like a muscle. The more it’s challenged, the stronger it becomes, and taking information and stimuli in a passive form such as screens and TVs makes the brain lazy. You need to stimulate the brain through reading, physical movement, arts, and crafts to stretch and grow. 

Natural Remedies And Alternative Therapies

For minor aches and pains, or sleep issues, trying a natural remedy is a great option. CBD and THC oils are often reviewed well on websites like Herald Net for treatment of these symptoms. They offer pain reduction and deeper sleep patterns and can be taken in a variety of different ways. Pure CBD oil is the most popular of these oils as they do not have the intoxicating effects often associated with cannabis.

Acupuncture and massage therapies can help with muscle ache and joint pain. Adding Turmeric and other natural ingredients may aid with digestive issues and healing. 

Considering a more natural lifestyle is easier to maintain once you dedicate your behaviors to making that change. Take it slow, make one change at a time, and as it becomes permanent, you can focus on another action to change.

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