Reiki for Children

Reiki is a Japanese way of healing. This word actually comes from rei which stands for universal and ki which stands for energy. Therefore, reiki channelizes the universal energy to deliver healing. In this ancient form of healing, energy flows automatically wherever required. However, reiki is never looked at from a substitute healing point of view. It is actually looked at as complementary therapy in addition to traditional techniques. People often think that reiki is only for adults. However, there is reiki for children as well. This form of therapy is not just restricted to Adults.

There has obviously been controversy around reiki’s effectiveness for a long time now. However, most of the people who received reiki claim to experience its impact. Reiki is also known as hands-on healing or palm healing. This is because Reiki practitioners use their palms to provide healing to their patients. Some also make use of chakra or crystals. Reiki for children is very similar to that of adults. However one must keep in mind a few things before they begin this process on a child. This article will help you gain more insight into it.

Reiki for children

Some people are shocked at how one can use reiki for children. However, there are many reasons a parent may like to seek reiki for their child. Your child may be suffering from a serious illness or you may just want to improve your focus. Reiki healing can help your child with these problems. Reiki for children can actually help increase their level of balance and calmness. The best part about Reiki is how unconventional it is. It is not like your typical methods of traditional medicine. It is very safe and non-invasive. You need not make your kid consume a tablet or perform any kind of surgery on them. Therefore, there are barely any side effects you may worry about.

Also, another good part about reiki is how it affects not only the mental and physical aspects. Reiki also works on a person emotionally and spiritually. When it comes to reiki for children, parents are often asked to learn reiki themselves. This can help them give their children daily reiki treatments.

Reiki For Babies And Toddlers

You may begin to wonder what healing does a small baby require? However, some newborns may showcase a lot more fussiness than usual. Understanding them verbally isn’t possible at that age. However, it is to spot a stressed baby after a while. You may not realize it but ignoring this may cause some sort of imbalance in them later. In fact, your infants and toddlers don’t tend to restrict the flow of energy. They are very open to it. They haven’t developed their emotional defenses yet. Therefore, reiki healing can have a more powerful effect on them.

Reiki healing can help these cute toddlers relax and reduce any kind of distress they may be facing. They can help with any premature deliveries or babies on life support too. In addition, Reiki can also help them be calmer and sleep better.

Reiki Techniques For Children

As said before, Reiki for children is very similar to how it is for adults. However, the way it is done differs. Kids don’t behave in the same way as adults do. Therefore, you may want to treat it a little differently. Some of the common reiki techniques are:

  • Beaming
  • Raking the aura
  • Clearing
  • Centering
  • However, when you are using reiki for children, try being playful. You cannot expect children to pay focused attention. They will be wiggly and fussy. Therefore, be smart and try to keep them busy. Keep them entertained somehow.
  • The beauty of reiki healing is that it doesn’t need a specific place. It can be done anytime and anywhere.
  • Also, keep your reiki healing time short. Children’s cells don’t need as much energy as adults do. Also, Children don’t have that much attention span.
  • Don’t try the hands-on reiki techniques on a child immediately. First, begin with the hands-off reiki healing. Once the child is feeling comfortable with that, go ahead with placing your hands directly in contact.
  • Also, try storytelling! Whenever we try telling stories to children, we often do that quite animatedly. We use our hands, actions, and expressions to make the story as lively as possible. This way it keeps the child engaged as well as lets your hands do the healing. This is a very good method of providing reiki for children.


Mental health
Mental health is written on wooden cubes

Reiki in general has so many benefits. This ancient healing method can help you in so many more ways than you may have thought of. The best part about providing reiki for toddlers is the absence of emotional blockages. However, the benefits of reiki for children are: 

  • Among infants and toddlers, reiki healing can help with problems of reflux and teething. This healing can also help make them calmer and less fussy. In addition, it will help them sleep much better. Therefore, Reiki has the ability to calm any mental activity and help your child get rid of stress.
  • Some children get too anxious and stressed before exams. This may disturb their sleep or can leave them super worried. Reiki can help calm this effect. In addition, it can help them concentrate better.
  • Reiki can also help those children who have ADHD or any kind of learning disabilities. 
  • Reiki healing can also help reduce irritability among children. It can help with anxiety and depression at a young age.
  • Reiki can also help with any kind of illness or injuries and pain in your body.
  • When it comes to teens, reiki can help reduce a lot of pressure that comes with this age. Be it anxiety, hormones, or any low self-esteem issues, reiki healing can have some impact.


All in all, Reiki is a great healing technique for both adults and kids. Although not scientifically proven, it has its fair share of users that highly recommend it. Therefore, feel free to use this very safe technique to ensure a better and balanced life.

Have you ever tried reiki for children? Do you think it is better if parents learn reiki? Let us know in the comments section below!

Author Bio: Paridhi Maheshwari

Paridhi Maheshwari is an aspiring journalist aiming to cover human interest stories through the power of her words. She enjoys reading and writing articles on Shamanic Reiki or shopping for trending vintage aesthetic outfits

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