Ways of Providing a Safe and Healthy Environment for Your Child

Becoming a parent means making it your lifelong mission to keep your children as safe, healthy, and happy as possible. You’ll turn your home into a safe haven, choose the best schools and teachers, as well as take any action you can to ensure they’re safe physically and emotionally. However, if you want to achieve all this, you have to know how. Here are some ways for you to provide an environment in which your little one can grow into a happy and healthy individual.

The way we treat people

The first thing your nestling will know about this world is your smell, your touch, and your voice. Similarly, their earliest development will be greatly influenced by your behavior and the way you treat them and other people in your life. Make sure you nurture a stable and loving relationship with them, that you teach them by example how to express any emotions they might experience, and how to communicate with those around them. Show them your love and support through words, but also through other signs of affection, like hugs, kisses, and your presence whenever they need somebody to listen to them or comfort them. Also, if you treat the people around you with the respect and kindness they deserve, your child will pick up on that. This especially applies to your relationship with your partner. Avoid arguing in front of your little one, but rather be tender and loving, since that’s what you want your child to consider normal.

A healthy home is a safe home

If you want to raise a healthy child, you have to make your home a safe and healthy place. Above all, this means you have to maintain its cleanliness, using only natural cleaning products that aren’t a health hazard and that are ecological. Children are more sensitive than adults, which means that they might have a reaction to some pollutants your body doesn’t even notice, so make sure your home is free of cigarette smoke, mold, and dust. Investing in a HEPA air purifier and HEPA filters on your vacuum cleaner is always a good idea. Avoid wall paint containing VOCs. Choose furniture made of natural wood, and which hasn’t been treated with glue or paint containing formaldehyde. When it comes to carpets, opt for a lovely jute rug, which won’t only look amazing on your kid’s floor, but is also eco-friendly. As for clothes, mattresses, and the bedding your child sleeps in, make sure they’re made of organic materials. These things might not have been important to you when you weren’t a parent, but they are definitely something you have to think about how you’ve become one.

We are what we eat

What your child eats can have a crucial influence on their overall health. Again, you need to teach them by example, since it would be ridiculous to expect your child to eat broccoli and apples while you munch on potato chips and chocolate. The meals you serve them should be home-cooked, and if you can include them in the preparation of those meals, their benefits will multiply. Normally, if you don’t have time for home cooking you can always buy organic ready food. For example, this comparison between little spoon vs nurture life shows you the nurturing and healthy benefits of these kinds of baby foods. A child will be more likely to eat something if they helped make it and watching you cook will set a great example for when they become independent and have children of their own. Make sure their diet is loaded with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. If they eat nutritious food, with all the vitamins and minerals they need, their immune system will be stronger and they will be readier to fight any viruses or illnesses. Instead of shopping in big supermarkets, opt for your local farmers’ market and have your child tag along when you go. Choose home-grown, organic products and don’t forget to teach your kid that eating healthy is a choice, not a punishment or a chore.

A healthy lifestyle for smart and healthy kids

Make sure your kid is physically active, that they don’t spend their days sitting in front of one screen or another. Take them to the park, to a swimming pool, or get them a bicycle and go cycling with them. Have them spend time outdoors, playing with other children or with you. Read to them, introduce them to art, music, and games that develop their imagination, creativity and motor skills. Also, it’s important that they get enough restful and uninterrupted sleep. Establish a routine that will get them in and out of bed at approximately the same time every day, even on weekends. Try to incorporate some basic organization into their daily life. Disrupting this routine can cause them to lose sleep, which can affect their health and mood. Teach them how to care for their planet. Plant a tree together, adopt a pet, explain that littering is out of the question and that glass containers and paper or cotton bags are a better choice than the plastic ones. Always bear in mind that the safety of your child depends on the safety of the world they live in.

In order to create a safe and healthy environment for your child, you might have to change your own lifestyle and habits. It might seem difficult, but you have to be persistent. After all, just remember who and what you’re doing it for.

Create an eco-friendly environment for them

There are a few different ways that you can provide an eco-friendly environment for your child. One way is to make sure that they have quality jute rugs. Jute jugs are great because they are eco-friendly and help keep your child safe from harmful chemicals. Make sure to choose quality jute rugs that are made with organic materials. This will help ensure that your child is safe and healthy. Switch to non-toxic cleaning products. Commercial cleaners are loaded with harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your child and the environment. There are many great eco-friendly alternatives available that work just as well. Using natural fibers in your home opting for natural fibers like cotton and bamboo instead of synthetic materials will help reduce your carbon footprint and keep your child safe from harmful toxins.

About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a full-time mom of three girls. She’s passionate about fashion, home décor, and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.”

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