We all know coffee gets brewed; you place the coffee grounds in a traditional cone or bowl, pour water into a coffee machine, and get hot coffee. There are many other ways to get coffee in the morning, and a lot of them are better than the traditional method.
A Better Drip Method
The Chemex coffee brewing method was invented in 1941, and it’s an excellent alternative to standard drip coffee. To start with, it uses a special type of filter that’s about 30% heavier than standard paper filters. Second, it uses a special flask that doubles as its own carafe. It leads to a cleaner, sweeter coffee that doesn’t carry the typical acidic overtones.
The French Press
Invented in 1929, this is the ideal brewing method for many coffee aficionados. It uses a plunger press pot that lets the coffee steep in hot water and then strains the water out. This lets the natural antioxidants, essential oils, and caffeine pass through more preserved than other methods would allow. This gives you a pure, clean, and robust cup of coffee that you’ll look forward to every morning.
The Siphon Pot
This unique coffee pot uses a vacuum to make your coffee. The pot is either placed atop a butane burner or, with newer pots, its own electric heating element. Coffee is placed in the pot’s upper vessel while the water’s steam pressure pushes it up into the top through a small hose. When the heat is removed, gravity pulls all the water down in the lower vessel, which leaves a mellow coffee that’s perfect for people who aren’t fans of traditional bitter flavors. These pots are expensive and hard to clean, but they can also impress your friends.
Cold Brew Coffee
It can take up to 10 hours to brew this coffee, but it’s worth the overnight wait. You can use a cold brew coffee maker or even make your own using a glass jar. All it involves is slowly dripping cold filtered water through the coffee. The resulting drink is strong and intense without being bitter or acidic. On top of that, cold-brewed coffee is more eco-friendly and can last for up to two weeks.
The Moka Method
The classic Italian Moka pot is a divisive tool among coffee fans, as deeply hated as it is deeply loved. The pot is divided into three sections. The lowest section contains the water that’s boiled on a stovetop. The resulting steam pressure drives the water upward into the middle chamber where the coffee sits. Finally, the finished coffee goes up into the top section. This is primarily for espresso lovers, but anyone who loves a strong and bitter cup can enjoy it. The main downside is that this doesn’t work on electric stovetops, just gas.
The Phin Dripper
This Vietnamese method is designed for people who only need one cup and uses a technique similar to the French press. Its style is also suited for those who love iced coffee. The coffee’s placed in a reusable metal filter that’s slid into the Phin. All you have to do is pour your hot or cold water and wait a few minutes. It’s not as strong as espresso, but it has a refined taste similar to a French press.