Improve Intuition Through Meditation

Intuition – Or you may want to call it a sixth sense, instinct, gut feeling or inner guidance. It is a part of every being. It is to guide, protect, and to develop. You can push this intuition to confirm that the society says. The great thing is to cultivate something and to, unfortunately, lose the touch. Though it is a part of every existence, most often, we tend to ignore it due to the logical thinking overpowering our instinct. Many times, the outer noise (here the outer noise refers to views, opinions and freely available advice of others) is so loud, that our inner guidance cannot find its way.

I have been a meditation practitioner for the last eight years. In addition to popularly known benefits of meditation, such physical and mental wellness, controlling thoughts and emotions, calming down the mind, healing and many more; I found that it helps in developing intuition as well. That means you CAN listen to your inner guidance despite the louder sound of the outer world.

Talking in scientific terms, we experience different states of consciousness. Beta is a consciousness level (the awake state, we spend most of our time in this state of consciousness) alpha is awareness, Delta is a transcendental experience and theta is meditative trance. Among these mental states, the alpha state helps you memorize, learn, interact, and read the emotions, thoughts, and yourself. This state of consciousness also relates to meditation. By practicing meditation one can control the alpha state, and thus control intuitive process.

Let’s see, how different meditation practices help us in developing our intuitive sense.

Third Eye Meditation

The 3rdeye or the 6th chakra is between the eyebrows and is in the brain centermost area. This is the pineal gland location. This is associated with clairvoyance and intuition. Many scientists and successful people owe their success to meditation practice.

How to Practice Third eye Meditation

Choose a safe, quiet and dark place. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and focus on breathing. There is no need to alter your breathing pattern, let it happen naturally. Putting your awareness on the forehead, between your eyes, you can direct your consciousness such that you can keep your eyes closed. In case you find the mind wandering, just gently bring back your attention to the 3rd eye. In the beginning, it’s ok to do it just for 2-5 minutes and gradually you can increase the duration.


Trataka is the candle meditation.

  • Light in front of the candle and gaze the flame. Keep a steady gaze and do not try to blink your eyes.
  • In case your eyes water, focus the image on the 3rd eye center so that your eyes look inward and upward. Once you do not see the candle image with closed eyes, you may gaze at the candle.

Indigo Meditation

You may visualize the Indigo color as violet or deep blue at the pineal gland beginning and expand it past your head. The chakra expands past the physical body. You can imagine the head radiating light and with every breath out, you can visualize the light as bigger as it fills the entire body.

You may deeply inhale and with every exhale expand and push the indigo light past your physical body, allow growing until it fills the entire room, whole house and your entire neighborhood, country, city, continent, globe and the universe reaching your imagination.

These are some easy methods to practice meditation to develop intuition. If you are still unable to let go of your thoughts and relax, try practicing with the help of guided meditation. Simply follow the instruction given in audio to relax your mind. After practicing for a few days, you will be able to control your wandering mind.

Intuition may be felt in the gut. If you had a “gut” feeling turning out to be correct, start to feel into your body. Breathe to get aligned and centered. In case you have questions about anything, you require guidance or answers; you may ask your body. Your body is wise and intuitive, it can feel your logical mind, and things cannot have a grasp.

Whether you need guidance for choosing your life partner, need career advice or need to overcome any confusion at any stage of life, your Intuition can be your most trusted adviser, guide or a best friend. You will never regret trusting your gut feeling.

About the author

This is a Guest Post by Jais. She is a meditation practitioner, a multi-passionate entrepreneur, creative-writer, Fitness enthusiastic confident, Nature Lover, Animal Lover, an observer, a traveler on the path to self-discovery. Focused on Raising Happiness level and simplifying life. Love to Live. Live to Love. She blogs at

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