Indulging In Food The Smart Way

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We all like to eat our favorite foods especially when we are feeling down, but that doesn’t mean that we have to eat two bags of crisps or order the second burger for takeout. It can be rather hard to lose weight while still being able to eat a few of the juicy and savory delights that make the stomach belly grow. If you want to lose weight in the right way and not experience the nasty boomerang effect and lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to revamp your bad eating habits, and yes, from time to time indulge in your favorite foods. Here are a few effective tips on how to indulge in food the right way without regretting doing it the next day.

Choose foods wisely

Start by stacking your pantry and fridge with healthy and nutritious produce. Bear in mind that many foods that offer the lighter version of something can actually be deceiving. Those who love to indulge in ice cream or chocolate may wish to buy diet-friendly lighter indulgences, such as fat-free ice cream. But they contain an abundance of sugar and artificial sweeteners that won’t help you lose weight properly. Choose only fresh and organic produce like fruits and vegetables. Opt for whole grains instead of white bread or pasta, go for foods rich in fiber like beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Many vegetables will help you cut off your tummy fat without having to starve or go on excessive diets.

Never skip breakfast

Probably you have read this on numerous other occasions, but eating a nutritious and protein-rich breakfast will fill you up with necessary stamina to survive the day. Try to eat protein-rich foods like eggs, cereals, or other nutritious dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese. Make smart eating choices even when you don’t have time to prepare a healthy meal. Indulgence doesn’t mean that should eat a whole pizza in the morning or a full plate of sausages and beans. Instead of eating a large plate of omelet, go for one boiled egg with lettuce salad, and so on. If you skip breakfast, you will only end up eating more bad foods throughout the day because you are hungry.

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Don’t make ‘cheat day’ a regular habit

It is absolutely perfect to occasionally indulge in your favorite foods. If you happen to crave for those favorite foods constantly then you must pick a day when you can relax and eat the foods you love without feeling guilty. Burgers, chocolate, a glass of wine, donuts or some other delicious sweet delight like Edible Blooms UK have to offer are all okay. However, it would be wise to choose only one thing you really want to eat that day and not mix everything. Plus, don’t let your cheat day turn into a cheat week or a cheat month. Therefore never give yourself excuses to turn one indulgence into a new one. Satisfy your cravings with donuts but later make a smoothie for dinner and call it a day.

Opt for healthy snacks

Nibbling on French fries or crisps in front of the TV is a surefire way to gain unnecessary pounds. You can watch your favorite series and snack on delicious snacks without having to worry on gaining extra pounds if you only replace crisps and fries with healthier snacking versions. Choose raw vegetables and fruits, try air-popped popcorn or a handful of almonds or cashews or dried citrus fruits. What is more, do your best to chew slowly and mindfully. That’s right. One study has shown that people who chew their food slower then others felt full and didn’t gain weight that fast. Another good tip is to avoid eating monstrous portions of your favorite snacks. A small version will do the trick, plus you would enjoy it more.

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Find quality swaps and have small treats every day

it is perfectly normal to crave for certain foods, but if you are aware of their harmful effect on your health and organism, then find quality swaps to satisfy the craving while still enjoying in the food. Instead of eating chocolate cake, for healthy carrot cake cookie sandwiches, instead of a bowl of ice cream, try apple ‘donuts’ or chia seed and banana pudding. Use skim milk instead of cream in your coffee. Avoid sweetened drinks like cola or fruity waters but rather go for sugar-free lemonade or water. Furthermore, pizza, tacos, and burgers all have their own superfood substitute that you can make at home – check out these nine superfoods to boost your concentration. And if you have paid close attention to what you eat, you can treat yourself with small treats every day, and not feel guilty about it. A bar of chocolate won’t ruin your whole weight-loss plan.

Implement elementary and vital changes in your dietary choices and you will see better and bigger results fast. All it takes is patience and diligence, and you too can indulge in your favorite food the right way.

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