5 Common Diabetes Myths Debunked

Laughter is the best medicine- unless you are diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I initially found my symptoms subtle. At first, I was delighted that I was losing weight without making efforts. I blamed excess caffeine for frequent urination and undying thirst, while stress was accused of the physical discomfort. I was on vacation enjoying homemade food and sweets ceaselessly. Everything seems fine unless I was startled with the fact that I have diabetes. I rushed to the best diabetologist in Karachi and started my diabetes control journey.

What is diabetes?

In the public eye, diabetes is viewed as a life-threatening disease accompanied by higher sugar level and incurable thrust. Well, being diagnosed with a chronic disease feels like an unwanted loss and unpredictable event that compromises one’s self-sufficiency.

No matter how many diabetics’ inspirational stories you hear; nothing can actually prepare you for it. As a diabetic, I can relate to the fact that this disease comes with several ups and downs and is more of a roller coaster ride. Diabetes management goes more than pricking your finger multiple times a day and avoiding sugars.

Common myths about diabetes

Combating disease and dealing with symptoms isn’t the only problem in living with diabetes; you should be ready for the never-ending free advice. Well, it seems like people who don’t have diabetes know more than the sufferers. You can literally find everyone around you has an opinion about diabetics either from the scary diabetic stories or incalculable health advice.

Facing all these situations, it compels me to reveal the truth to dispel some of the most common myths regarding diabetes.

1- Having diabetes means you can’t eat sugar

I wonder if any diabetes sufferer hasn’t been asked this question. Let me make it clear that having diabetes doesn’t mean that you cannot consume sugar. Although diabetes is usually characterized by high sugar levels in the body, it doesn’t mean that you can’t consume sugar. In no way modern diabetologists ban sugar intake, however, there are safety limits for taking sugar.

2- Insulin intake can cause weight gain

Though many people who are on insulin shots tend to gain weight insulin shouldn’t be held responsible for it. Let me explain this or you, when you are not taking insulin you are losing sugar via urination as your blood sugar level is high.

However, when you start taking insulin, it enables your body to retain those sugars adding to your daily calorie budget. So, even if you are consuming an equal number of calories as before, you will still gain weight.

3- Insulin intake can cause blindness

This myth stems from the observation that people who receive insulin after the onset of severe complications developed blindness. Insulin is a lifesaver drug with fewer side effects and can significantly lower blood sugar levels. However, it can’t help to relieve the complications that are already set in your body.

4- If you are overweight, you will get the diabetes

Uninformed observations lead to this widely-held myth regarding diabetes. Undoubtedly, being overweight is one of the most common risk factors associated with the onset of disease, but there is a lot more than this single factor. Several other factors trigger the disease faster than the excess weight including your genetic makeup and lifestyle.

5- Diabetes can reduce your chances for safely having children

If you are a woman suffering from diabetes, you have properly heard this a thousand times. This myth originated from outdated medical practices and was kept alive. However, having diabetes can’t make you infertile but regarded as a high-risk pregnancy. But seeking help from health care experts can make it manageable.

If you are based in a metropolitan city like Karachi, you can reach out to the best diabetes specialist. Several health care facilities i.e., Kharadar general hospital, Dr. Ziauddin Hospital are making sure that they provide the best health care facilities.


Based on my experience with diabetes, I can say that diabetes is a manageable chronic disease. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, monitoring your calorie intake and following-up with your diabetologist can help you in conveniently living with it.

5 Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Better

The inability to fall asleep at night affects many people. Luckily, there are natural remedies available to help you sleep better. While there are several over the counter (OTC) remedies to help you sleep, they may cause more problems than they solve. This is why natural remedies have been sought out.

Natural remedies are effective in the short term as well as long term. This assures you better sleep on a more regular basis. With these tips, you will improve your sleep quality. Your productivity will increase. Best of all, you will wake up ready to tackle the day. No more mashing that snooze bar.

Here we will discuss different natural remedies you can turn to. Try one, or try them all. Find which ones work best for you. These include:

  • Valerian Root
  • Melatonin
  • CBD Oil
  • Glycine
  • Passionflower

Valerian Root

This is a naturally occurring herbal element shown to have an effect on sleep quality. This is not recommended for long term use. Those who are pregnant or lactating should avoid using valerian root.

The effect of valerian root is believed to have the strongest effect on sleep latency. Adults may experience some minor, infrequent side effects. The recommended dosage is 300-900 mg of valerian taken right before bedtime. Keep in mind the effectiveness is anecdotal. Its effects work differently on different people.


Your body naturally produces melatonin. It helps to control your sleep cycles. Those who spend more time outside experience better sleep as a result. Exposure to light increases levels of melatonin in the body. This is just one of the reasons why it is recommended to spend some time outside every day.

Those who work at night receive increased benefits from taking melatonin. It also helps with jet lag by working to reset your sleep cycle. It assists with reducing sleep latency when taken before bedtime. The recommended dosage is between 3-10 milligrams. This is one of the natural remedies that is recommended for both short and long durations.


Usage of CBD (cannabidiol) has been increasing over the years. It has a natural effect in regulating different mental aspects. Sleep is just one of the ways CBD can benefit you. There are many forms CBD that can be administered. CBD oil is the most common method for utilization. This can be used with an oil vaporizer, in tinctures, or just consumed directly.

CBD interacts with receptors to regulate mood and reduce anxiety. It helps to reduce sleep latency and increases levels of REM. The dosage of CBD will depend on the individual. More research is needed in order for doctors to recommend specific dosages.


An amino acid that plays an important role in the nervous system is glycine. While studies have shown that consuming glycine before bedtime can improve sleep, there is still discussion as to how this occurs. It is thought that reducing the body temperature, allows you to feel more comfortable and experience more restful sleep.

The normal dosage for glycine is up to 0.8 grams/kg of body weight per day. Those in sleep studies were given 3 grams a day. They reported feeling less fatigue throughout the day.




Cultivated throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, passionflower is a popular natural remedy for insomnia. Made into a tea, it has been shown to promote better quality sleep. This includes better sleep time, sleep efficiency, and wake time after sleep onset.

Drinking tea has been shown to have a better effect than taking a supplement. While it is unclear as to why the studies suggest no noticeable difference in sleep quality from taking the supplement. This is another natural remedy safe for use for extended periods of time.

Final Thoughts

As with anything, you should consult your doctor before starting any natural remedy. You can be given important information about how any of the above may interact with drugs you are taking or known allergies you have.

It is important to keep in mind these sleeping remedies are intended for short term usage. Any long term usage may create dependency. Always start at the lower end of dosage and increase as needed over time. This will allow you to see how your body reacts to the different remedies.



Michael is a writer and content marketing strategist with 10+ years of experience currently enjoying his work at GotVape. His idea is to break some of the stereotypes people have towards health by providing educational pieces. He gets motivation by doing things he always assumed he can’t do but secretly wanted to try. Work hard, challenge yourself, stay focused, take a rest, and surround yourself with good people – this is the path to a balanced life.