How to Take Care of Your Hair (for Men)

Today, there are countless people who are looking for ways to take better care of their hair. This includes men. Even though balding used to be commonplace among men, medical technology has come a long way. Therefore, there are ways for men to take care of their hair. What do men need to know about taking care of their hair? What are a few key points to keep in mind? 

Use a Natural, Gentle Shampoo

If you want to take care of your hair, one of the most important things you need to remember is to always use a natural, gentle shampoo. You need to wash your hair regularly, but you do not necessarily have to wash it every day. Unless you exercise every day or spend all of your time outside, you probably don’t need to wash your hair every day.

When you do wash your hair, take a close look at the ingredient list on the back of the bottle. Make sure it uses all-natural ingredients. If you aren’t sure what something is, take a few minutes to look it up. If you use shampoo products that have a lot of strong chemicals in them, they may damage your hair. Try to stay away from these artificial ingredients.

Visit the Barber Regularly

Next, you should visit the barber regularly. A good rule of thumb is to get your haircut once per month. That way, you can remove dead ends from your hair, making sure your hair is always lively and vibrant. Going to the barber regularly is also important because it gives the barber a chance to take a close look at your hair. There might be issues with your hair that you may have overlooked. Then, if you have questions about what you need to do to take care of your hair, you can talk to the barber. For example, you may be looking for recommendations to make your hair soft and bouncy. A barber should point you in the right direction. 

Go Easy on the Hair

Furthermore, make sure you take it easy with your hair. If you spend a lot of time outside, try to wear a hat. That way, you can shield your hair from UV radiation. This could be a way for you to prevent the color in your hair from fading. If you spend a lot of time in the pool, chlorine can damage your hair. When you get out of the pool, make sure you use a clarifying shampoo to remove the chlorine from your hair. While you are in the pool, wear a swim cap. Even though this will not protect your hair against everything, it can reduce the damage chlorine might do to your hair. 

Hair Transplants Have Become More Common and Accepted

If you notice bald spots in your hair, you may want to talk to a professional about a hair transplant. A hair transplant for men has become more common and accepted. As people continue to live longer, men place a greater emphasis on taking care of their hair. Even though taking good care of your hair might prevent some hair loss, it probably won’t prevent it entirely. If you want to improve the look of your hair, you may want to take a look at a hair transplant. This is a safe, effective way to improve the distribution of the hair on your head. 

Take Care of Your Hair

A man is taking care of his hair at a professional hair styler

If you are looking for a way to take better care of your hair, these are a few important points to keep in mind. Remember to clean your hair regularly, but always use a natural shampoo. Try to avoid chemicals that will otherwise strip the life from your hair. You should also be careful if you spend a lot of time in a swimming pool or out in the sun. If you have concerns about your hair, you may talk to a professional about hair transplants. This could be a way for you to improve your hair and your overall look. If you have questions and concerns about what to do to take care of your hair, you may want to talk to your local barber.

5 Health Issues You Can Catch Early With Thorough Checks

It is imperative that you regularly check yourself, or get professionally looked at, to look after your health. This can come in different forms depending on which aspect of your health you’re focusing on. Fortunately, this guide will cover some health checks that could help you spot a problem early. 

Heart Issues

The first thing you should be aware of when it comes to the heart is that weight can play a major part in its health. This will mainly be due to the arteries being clogged or the blood running into problems in general. Signs and symptoms of heart disease include any chest pain or tightness within the chest, alongside pressure or discomfort in general. If you are suffering from shortness of breath then this could be a sign that your heart is in trouble.

Speak to a doctor if you are also suffering from any pain or weakness in your legs or arms. This will be a sign that your blood vessels are narrowing, and could cause coldness in this area too.


The spread of cancer cells inside a tissue sample is being observed using an electron microscope

With there being over 200 different types of cancer that could potentially affect your body in some way, it becomes even more crucial that you get anything you’re unsure about checked. There may be some things that you notice yourself, and there may be some things that you need to then get professionally looked out.

As cancer can come in many different forms, each one may be diagnosed differently and more importantly treated uniquely. That’s why you should find these cancers early to give you the best chance to cure them or manage them. Some cancers have a much higher recovery rate if they are caught early, as they go through different stages.

They are graded from zero to four, usually numbered in roman numerals. Stage zero refers to cancers that have not spread at all, and often have the highest curable rates, with surgery being able to remove them.

Stage one refers to when cancer has not grown deeply into nearby tissues yet, but it has begun, which is why it’s the most commonly caught early-stage cancer. With stages two and three, the cancers have grown deeper into nearby tissues, but not yet to other parts of the body.

As you can imagine with the final stage, is where cancer has started to spread to the other parts of your body or even organs. It is often known as advanced cancer. 

There are some unique ways you can notice cancers developing, from a change in your body to lumps appearing. If you have any suspicions such as this then you will need to speak to a doctor for further examination. Consider using this cancer screening program provided by Ezra that can provide you with a full-body scan or a more specialized scan to focus on one area of the body. Regular scans can help catch potential cancers early, making them easier to beat.


STDs, which stand for sexually transmitted diseases, may work differently. It’s possible to see the signs of certain STDs yourself, as they may break out in your genital areas. However, around 50% of men and 70% of women will not have any visible symptoms, meaning you will need to get tested. 

You should be aware that these days there are many walk-in test centers in towns and cities or places you can book to get tested. A simple Google search for Syphilis test near me will help you find the nearest clinic. Luckily, plenty of STDs is curable, meaning you should get tested as soon as possible and avoid sexual intercourse until you’ve figured out what’s going on with you.

Vitamin Deficiencies

There is a range of natural vitamins your body will need to live a healthy life. However, due to several personal circumstances, you could be lacking crucial vitamins. Commonly, this could be Vitamin D. Vitamin D is important because it helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as protect you against diseases such as diabetes.

You may notice you are lacking in certain vitamins if you start to feel weaker or different in any negative way. You can be tested for your vitamins through a blood test, which requires a small sample of your blood to be taken through a needle.

Brain Issues

The brain is one of the most important parts of your body. As such, you should be aware of anything that could be damaging it or changes in general. Some signs that could point you to brain issues could be persistent headaches. Of course, headaches are perfectly normal so there’s no need to be alarmed straight away. If you are suffering from any extreme mental or physical fatigue alongside weakness in general then that will need to be checked out.

If you are suddenly feeling any sensitivity to light alongside seizures, then you will need to speak to a doctor to find out what has changed and what your options are. If nothing else, you should speak to a doctor purely to gain peace of mind.

Renovating Your Home Cost-Effectively

Whether it’s getting people together for the holidays or just any old event at the house, having the space available is critical. The need to have a space for gatherings and events means that a renovation or upgrade may be in place. 

If you’re looking for eco-friendly ideas for a dining room, kitchen, or other room, setting a budget and timeline for your renovation is crucial to getting it done on time for your next gathering. 

The first thing to do is set up a budget for your renovation, gather some data, and adjust the budget accordingly. 

Before you start your renovation for a room, space, or the entire home, the steps you take are the same process. 

The key is to gather as much data and information as possible to set a budget and confidence in the desired project and timeline. 

There are five significant steps in your renovation project to stay within budget and time:

Define The Renovation Goals And Space

What exactly are your renovation goals, and how much space do you plan to have work done is the first consideration. Whether you are looking for a bathroom makeover to a full-on kitchen remodel, deciding the scope of the work wanted to be performed will help you shape the questions you have before hiring a contractor to complete the work. 

Talk With Neighbors And Others For Suggestions

Once you decide the size and scope of your home renovation, ask around with neighbors, friends, and family for suggestions of potential contractors. Word-of-mouth can provide some lesser-known but professional services that may not have the profile or size of other contractors. These may come at a discount for their services, as a result, all without sacrificing the quality of craftsmanship. 

Utilize Online Review Sites

Review sites exist for one reason. No, it’s not trolling other people online. It’s to give proof of ability and get an assessment from others who have utilized the services. 

There are varying degrees to which online reviews matter. Some argue it’s as low as 60%. However, other professional marketing and sales claim that up to 90% of people using online tools say online reviews matter before making a purchasing decision.  

Interview A Few Contractors And Get A Quote

Now that you’ve received recommendations and done the research, the next step is to schedule an interview with select contractors. There is no set number of interviews you conduct, but keep in mind that each interview takes time and is a precious commodity in-and-of-itself. 

Each interview aims to get recommendations and suggestions about the type of services they can offer, the materials they may suggest, and the timeline that works could be expected to be completed.  

At the end of each interview, request a quote from the contractor outlining the cost and time expected to be provided for your project. 

After all the interviews are conducted, you have enough data to sift through to help guide your budgetary and contractor decisions. 

Decide On Materials And Days For Renovation

After your interviews are conducted, you have all the information you may need to re-establish your budget and make a more informed decision about the scope of the renovation. 

These guidelines should next be used in choosing the type of materials you want to be used in your renovation, from eco-friendly products to design spaces and more.

For example, choosing outside natural stone to complement the patio and built-in grill makes the outside patio renovation “pop” for your next outdoor gathering. Through some research, you can find the materials you want to suggest once you hire a contractor for the work.

Hire A Contractor

A custom home is built according to the quality construction plan

The final step in your renovation project is to hire the contractor you found to be the most trustworthy, at a cost you can afford, and is available for hire to work the timeline you need the work completed.

Of course, there are always contingencies that come up during renovation and construction, so take into account an additional 10% above what you thought to budget as well as added days (maybe weeks depending on the type of project) and settle on a contractor to begin the work.

How to Choose Running Shoes That Last

When people talk about running shoes, they tend to refer to them as a category, without much thought to the subcategories like road running shoes or trail running shoes. As a category though, running shoes are designed to act as shock absorbers for the impact that is generated during running. Particularly if you run on hard surfaces, the value of a good running shoe cannot be underestimated and should be treated with the respect that a piece of equipment designed to protect your joints, deserves. The selection of running shoes on the market is enormous, so where do you start when you need to find the perfect pair?

First, figure out your foot shape

The shape of your foot (which is generally determined by the shape of your arches) is the first factor that will play a role in what kind of shoes you need. The shape of your foot is in turn likely to affect your gait, which will inform what type of support you will need. The value of doing your homework (and doing it well) cannot be emphasized enough. 

If you pay a visit to an Asics store in AU, the staff will be able to help you with an assessment of your feet to determine what your gait is, and will be able to advise you accordingly. They will look at your pronation, which is largely about how far your foot rolls inwards or outwards when you move, and advise you on what to do if you are found to be an overpronator or underpronator. 

Testing your gait on your own

It is also possible to test your pronation at home, using a technique called the wet foot test. All you need to do is to wet your foot, and put it down on a piece of paper for 10 seconds. When you study the print, you will be able to find out a lot about your feet that might come as a surprise!

Depending on the thickness of the band joining the front and back parts of your foot, you will be able to make a basic diagnosis on whether you have flat feet or high oraches, which will affect your pronation. The one limitation of the wet foot test is that it does not take your weight, existing injuries, or running style into account, which may still leave you in need of a professional opinion. 

What do I do once I know my gait?

Bear in mind that your gait isn’t right or wrong, desirable, or undesirable – it just is. The purpose of knowing it is to empower you to buy the correct shoes for your type to keep yourself free from injury. An advisor at any of the Asics stores in Australia will be able to advise you on whether you need extra support or padding. Remember that functionality always comes first and that the appearance of any given running shoe should never be a priority over what it offers. The right shoe is your ticket to running without injury, and to better performance.

Waterproofing: nice, but not a deal-breaker

Running shoes that offer a measure of water resistance while maintaining breathability can be great to have, especially if you live in a damp climate. This arrangement will keep your feet dry and ventilated while allowing the heat generated from running to escape from your feet and keep them cool. Dry feet are happy feet, so a moisture-wicking component will go a long way in preventing the development of blisters.

The perfect fit – maybe not at a cost

The sneakers are designed especially for running the fast races

An expensive shoe isn’t automatically the right shoe, and one of the best things you can do for your sanity is to stay out of the mind trap that more expensive means better. The perfect shoe is the one that ticks the boxes on all your requirements, and the price should never be considered an indicator of this. 

When you try on the shoes in the store, remember to bring socks that are similar to the ones you will be running in the long term. Socks can make a huge difference to how your shoes feel and how you experience wearing them. Cotton socks are not a good idea for running, as their moisture-wicking properties are not great, and the accumulation of excess moisture could lead to blisters and chafing.

How to Reach Peak Fitness While Being Mindful of Your Impact on The Planet

Sustainability is on everyone’s minds this year. As we are increasingly seeing the impact humans are having on the environment, it is becoming apparent that everyone has a role to play in reducing the harm done to the planet.  

For the fitness fanatics out there, it is vital to consider the impact of our health routines on the environment. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that fitness lovers can reduce any negative impact their lifestyle has on the environment. This article will explore some of the best ways to stay fit while being mindful of the environment.  

Plan Your Meals 

Plan your meals ahead of time to avoid food waste. Making a meal plan can be a great way to prevent overshopping and having to throw out perfectly good food. It is also a good idea to avoid shopping while hungry, to reduce impulse buying. You could also have your shopping delivered to cut down on the emissions from going to the shop yourself.  

If you do find yourself with excess food about to go out of date, consider donating it to a soup kitchen. Bear in mind that soup kitchens will only accept in-date food, so it is a good idea to consider whether you’ll eat the food well in advance of its use-by date. For any expired food, you could consider starting a compost heap

Choose A Non-Plastic Water Bottle 

While buying a big pack of water bottles from Costco may be convenient to grab and go before a workout, all that waste plastic is definitely harmful to the environment. It is better to find a non-plastic, reusable water bottle. Not only will this reduce the amount of waste plastic you put into the world, but it will also save you money over time. It is best to look for a water bottle made from recycled, ethically sourced, or biodegradable materials.  

Buy High Quality, Durable Workout Clothes 

Avoid buying cheap workout clothes that will only last a few seasons. Consider using workout clothes that will stand the test of time and durability. Do some research to find the right fit and ensure that the clothes you choose are sustainable and eco-friendly.  

Choose Plant-Based Protein Supplements 

Choosing the right supplements to help aid your fitness is crucial. It is also vital to choose supplements made with natural ingredients, without harmful additives. You can find plant-based enhanced protein from the expert supplement brand Ingredient Optimized to help ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs while having minimal impact on the environment.  

Recycle Worn Out Gear 

Once your workout gear is no longer fit for purpose, recycling them rather than tossing them in the trash is important. There are charities that will accept old exercise gear, and even big names brands are starting to accept back their old products to recycle into brand-new exercise equipment. Do some research to find out where you can responsibly donate your old exercise gear.  

Cycle Or Walk To Work 

Turning your commute into a workout is a great way to improve your overall health. It is also a fantastic way to reduce the emissions caused by driving to and from work. While commuting by foot or bike may not be realistic for everyone, it can be hugely beneficial to those who live close enough to their employer. Consider getting public transport rather than driving, and getting your exercise by getting off the train or bus a few stops early and walking the rest of the way.  

Raise Money For Environmental Causes 

You could consider raising money for environmental causes by doing a sponsored race or other exercise challenges. Consider reaching out to a local environmental charity to see if there are any upcoming events you could participate in, or simply start a fundraising page to share with friends and family and donate the proceeds.  

Workout In Nature 

Taking your workout outdoors can have a positive impact on your mental health. You could also join the growing number of fitness enthusiasts that combine exercising outdoors with cleaning up the environment. Plogging is the exercise of collecting trash while jogging and can be a great way to get outdoors, exercise, and clean up the environment all in one.  

Look For An Eco-Friendly Gym 

Eco-friendly gyms are becoming more and more popular. There are gyms that use the energy produced by people working out on treadmills, exercise bikes, and more to power the gym itself. There are also places that plant trees each time they get a new member and other excellent eco-friendly practices. Do some research to find a gym in your local area that prioritizes good environmental practices.  

Go Vegan 

Vegetarian food
Vegetable rings are attached to wooden sticks and are displayed on the plate

A vegan diet can help massively cut down on the number of emissions we are responsible for. You don’t even need to ditch meat and dairy entirely – even one or two vegan days per week can make a difference. The great thing about a vegan diet is that, when done correctly, it is one of the healthiest diets possible.

How to Make Your Used Car as Green as Possible

If you are a person who cares about the environment but you don’t have an electric or a hybrid car, there are still ways for you to make your car greener. Surely an ordinary gasoline car is not going to beat an electric car in terms of energy efficiency, but then again, there is no reason for you not to make even a small difference for our planet if there are ways for you to do that, right? 

Read on to discover tips on how you can make your car more eco-friendly.

Weight of the Car

The operating principle of an average vehicle is simple: if your car is heavy, the engine will burn more fuel, and if your car is lighter, it will need less fuel. Bigger vehicles like SUVs and trucks use more fuel because they are heavier, so if you want to have a more eco-friendly car, you can consider buying a smaller car. They use less fuel and it is also easier to park them if you live in a city. On top of that, you should make sure that you don’t carry things you don’t need in your car. Another useful tip would be to fill your tank half the way to make the vehicle even lighter. 

Fully Inflated Tires

Modern cars notify you on the display if the pressure of your tires has changed, but if you own an older model, you will have to make sure that the tires are fully inflated. Not only do under-inflated tires make the ride less safe, but they also don’t roll as efficiently so the engine has to burn more fuel to move your car. Cold weather lowers the pressure in the tires, which is why it is recommendable to check the pressure at least once a month. If you don’t keep your car in a garage, bear in mind that the change in temperature will also have an impact on the tires.

Auto mechanic
An auto mechanic is repairing the car


Regular car check-ups are important not only to prevent major damage to your car but also to impact the performance of the car. Such checkups usually include the replacement of spark plugs and wires if necessary, engine timing, oil change, and fuel and air filter replacement. Adequate maintenance of your car will ensure that it is performing well and its emissions will be lower. You can find a reliable car service in Sydney or any other city and let experts map out potential issues in advance. Prevention is the key to saving money over the long term. Also, you should check the owner’s manual to find out more information on how often your car needs to be tuned up.

Smoother Ride

The way you drive your car affects the fuel consumption of the engine. Driving more smoothly without aggressively using gas and brake pedals will reduce the car’s emission, so choosing a road where you are not going to be caught in a rush-hour is always the best option. Driving very fast will contribute to fuel consumption, so consider using cruise control on an open road to stay within the speed limit. 

Filling the Tank

When topping up fuel in your vehicle, make sure not to pour more gas into the tank than you need since evaporation of toxic gas is harmful to the environment. Not only can you spill fuel (which is not only a waste of money but also a dangerous thing to happen at a gas station), but you can affect the effectiveness of the canister. For safety and evaporation reasons, always make sure that the cap is screwed on tightly. 

A/C Usage

During the summer, it is impossible to imagine being in a hot car without air conditioning, but its usage increases fuel consumption. If possible, park your car in a shade to keep it cooler, and also while you are driving around town, roll down the windows to let air in. High temperatures can negatively impact the health of a child or an elderly person in the car so cooling the car before rolling down the windows would be an option for a situation like that. A well-maintained air conditioning unit and filter change will ensure that it works at its best and that fuel usage is minimized.  

Do you know any additional ways to make your car greener? Feel free to share them in the comments.

Simple and Eco for Home Hair Removal

With eco-consciousness on everyone’s mind, many people are trying to embrace the zero waste movement and do their part to reduce their carbon footprint. For those who want to have hair removal, finding an effective hair removal option that does not negatively affect the environment can be a challenge. Here are some simple, eco-friendly hair removal options to try for yourself.


While electric razors sometimes require replacement parts and consume energy, they have a longer lifespan than disposable razors. This means your electric razor is less likely to end up in the landfill than your disposable blades.

Electric razor
An electric razor is displayed with all its reserve parts

When purchasing an electric razor, buy for quality. It’s better to invest more to purchase a reputable, high-quality razor that won’t burn out in a year. 

Swap Hair Removal Cream for Amber Gel

If you’ve ever opened a bottle of hair removal cream, you’ve likely been assaulted by the pungent smell of chemicals. Most environmental beauty gurus agree that any other option is more eco-friendly than hair removal cream.

Woman body
A young woman is taking the bath

I prefer you can choose Amber gel. This hair removal gel works similarly to sugar waxing. To use it, you spread it on the area where you want hair removed, let it dry and harden, then peel off like wax. Amber gel works on both thick, dense hair and light, soft hair, making it accessible and eco-friendly. 

Use a Home Laser Hair Removal Device

If you are looking for permanent hair removal or as close as possible to that, then laser hair removal may be the solution to your problem. 

Hair removal device
A hair removal device is used by a woman

Permanent laser hair removal in an overpriced studio isn’t an option for everyone. Today, fortunately, you can get a high-quality laser hair removal product to take care of the process at home. This option is eco-friendly as the results are long-lasting, and you won’t be burning through single or short-term use products.

The hair removal devices are adjustable to react appropriately to the skin type on different areas of your body— i.e., your bikini line versus your legs. Swapping to a hair removal device from a razor also helps prevent in-grown hairs and unsightly bumps. 

This eco-friendly hair removal option will pay for itself over time, as you’ll no longer need replacement razor blades and handles.

BoSidin Permanent Hair Removal

8 Minutes for whole body hair removal

According to a study by Selective Photothermolysis published in the world’s most prestigious academic journal Science, a pulse output interval of 0.01s to 0.1s is the best choice for enhanced hair removal. The BoSidin Dual Pulse Epilator utilizes an innovative Dual Pulse technology co-developed with Nobel Prize winner in Physics George Fitzgerald Smoot. It can be fired 2 times within 0.1 seconds, which can ensure that the energy absorbed by each hair follicle is even. Get the results of two regular single-pulse products in one hair removal. Hair removal is faster than single-pulse epilators and the results last longer.

See all benefits

BoSidin-Minis Permanent Hair Removal Device

Regular price: $389.9
Sale price: $369.99
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With these simple swaps, you can choose an eco-friendly way of hair removal and reduce your environmental impact. Hair removal is a personal choice, but sustainability affects us all. I’d love to hear your experience and what worked or didn’t work for you!

Sustainable Gift Guide: Eco-Friendly Gifts to Give Right Now

With the holiday season around the corner, we’re all on the lookout for the best presents for our loved ones. There are some safe options if you want to make your friends and family happy, but if you want to think about the environment and do something new and fun, you can opt for sustainable presents instead. There are many options to choose from and you can share the reasons why it’s important to practice sustainability in our lives, even when it comes to presents, so here are some of the options you might want to take into consideration. 


If you know someone who’s so used to driving a car, picking a bike is a great way to go. Although it may sound like someone who spends tons of time driving around won’t transfer to anything else, this is the perfect opportunity to show that person all the right reasons to start riding a bike. You can opt for a traditional model or an electric one that’s also on the eco-friendly side of things. It’s important to show others how a small change can benefit their lives – not just for the environment around them, but also their own health as well. 

Sustainable fashion 

Many dresses are hung using the clothes hangers

Lots of fashion brands are turning to sustainability as their prime source of fabrics and we’re all witnesses of recycled materials and sustainable cotton being among the most common materials at the moment. If you have an avid fashionista in your environment, you can choose different pieces of clothing based on your budget. There are even some pieces with important messages regarding climate changes and what we can do to help nature recovers, so this can also be a learning present everyone will enjoy. Combine a passion for fashion with sharing an important message that so many people could see, and embrace sustainable fashion.

Natural materials 

Items made from natural materials are always a great choice and if they are also practical, you have a winner. One of the best items for men in your surrounding is a practical metal minimalist wallet that’s stylish and perfect for anyone’s style. In addition to that, wallets are one of the most common gifts for men so if you plan on buying one, make sure it’s made from the best materials and comes with great design features. These minimalist wallets are great for anyone because they’re practical and can fit into any bag or pocket, which is why they can suit everyone’s needs. 

Reusable items 

Personalized mug
A personalized mug is an ultra-modern and useful way of consuming coffee

Any avid coffee lover would like to have a personalized mug that can be used over and over again. Try to calculate how many cups of coffee we all take daily and how much waste we create that way. By using reusable straws and mugs, we can fix this issue and take it to a level where it’s not too problematic. In addition to that, reusable bowl covers, kitchen towels, and napkins can always be made specifically for your loved ones so they suit their style, which is something anyone would appreciate. For avid bakers, just add a few silicone baking mats and your present will wow them straight away! 

Living composter 

People buy organic food and spend more money on something that has no harmful chemicals, but they don’t realize that they can produce some of it in their backyard. By creating compost, you can make organic food on your own and always have some fresh ingredients by your side. If you know someone who would like to try and produce some food themselves, a composter is a perfect start. Add a few seeds as well, and you’ll have a starters kit for any gardening enthusiast. Composting has never looked so easy and simple with these helpful hacks and people will be blown away by this idea. 

Presents can be an opportunity for people to learn something new, so use them to educate people why it’s important to think about the usage of natural materials and how things can be practical and sustainable. Just because these presents are eco-friendly doesn’t mean they lack style – on the contrary, they look amazing and can easily be blended into anyone’s style. 

The Pro Guide to Taking Care of Your Prized Panama Straw Hat

People all over the world love Panama hats, made from the finely woven light-colored straw of the toquilla palm, for the combination of distinctive design, style, and comfort. According to UNESCO, toquilla palms are found on the coast of Ecuador. Their lightweight and enhanced breathability make them a practical, as well as a stylish choice for those living in sunny warm climates. However, straw being a delicate material, these hats require careful handling and care. Some handy tips for ensuring your Panama hat does not become discolored, fray, or show signs of age:

General Tips for Straw Hat Care

Avoid rain: The main function of a straw hat is to protect you from the sun and not rain. The material is not water-resistant, and if exposed to moisture, it will swell up and lose shape and start rotting if not dried quickly. In case you get it wet, blot with a clean towel and let it air dry naturally. Do not use a hairdryer, as the straw will become brittle.

Handle gently: If you wear your hat regularly, you may see it losing shape. It may be the consequence of how you hold it. The best way of holding it is to wear or remove it from your head is holding it by the brim on the sides, preferably with both hands. If you hold the front or pinch the crown of the hat, over time, it will result in the straw breaking. A straw hat is relatively fragile and does not take kindly to being squashed or folded. To remove creases or straighten the brim, you can iron it using a low-temperature setting if the instruction label permits ironing.

A Panama straw hat
A Panama straw hat is placed on the man’s head

Store properly: You must never set a straw hat on its brim; rather, the correct way of doing it is to turn it upside down so that it rests on the crown. By doing so, you will prevent it from bowing. The straw material of the Panama hat does not like extreme temperatures, so while you can wear it comfortably in the blazing sun, it is not a good idea to keep it for a long time inside your parked car during the summer. The high heat will dry out the straw, and it will crack, and your hat’s rigid structure will collapse prematurely, making it look frayed and old. However, you must not store straw hats in a humid place as you will encourage the development of mold and with time, the dampness will result in the straw rotting.

The ideal place for storing your hat is a dark and dry closet, where it will be cool and protected from dirt. Putting your hat in a plastic bag is not a good idea as the trapped moisture will help mold development that can damage and discolor the hat. Using a hatbox is the best way of keeping it safe and dry. To prevent it from losing its shape, you can stuff tissue paper inside it or put it on a mannequin head and cover it with a cotton cloth.

Brittleness: Your straw hat can become brittle over time when you wear it regularly in a dry climate and under the blazing sun. The most effective way of making the material pliable again is to take the hat into the bathroom and turn on a hot shower but be careful not to get it wet. The steam will act to soften it. Alternatively, use a steaming kettle to achieve the same result.

Cleaning Your Straw Panama Hat

Dust: Use a soft-bristled brush to remove the dust and the debris from the hat. If you have exposed it to a high level of dust, you can wipe your hat with a clean and damp cloth to clean it further. Embedded dust is difficult to remove, and with time, the hat becomes unsightly. Using a white cloth ensures that no color is transferred to the hat inadvertently. If the hat is exceptionally dirty, you can vacuum it after covering it with pantyhose to avoid damaging the straw.

Sweat stains: When you wear your hat in hot weather, you will sweat, and it can stain your hat. To prevent this, you can cut up panty liner or paper towels into strips and insert them underneath the liner to soak up the sweat. In case you see sweat stains, you should wipe them with a damp white cloth. For light-colored straw, you can use a solution of warm water and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts to clean it. You should add half a teaspoon of ammonia to a quarter cup of lukewarm water to clean a dark-colored hat. Use a soft-bristled brush to clean small areas and blot with a dry towel or tissue and let the hat dry naturally before using.


A good quality straw hat will last for many years if you handle it with care and maintain it properly. Not allowing it to get dirty and exposing it to extreme temperatures, rain, and storing it properly will help you to get the best out of it.