How to Get Rid of Grey Hair The Natural Way

Bad dietary habits, smoking, genetics, and hectic lifestyle – all these factors individually or in combination can lead to grey hair problems.

If you don’t want to suffer from this problem at an early age, here are the best ways to prevent as well as treat grey hair problem.

Best Tips to Prevent Premature Greying of Hair

1. Avoid Stressing Too Much

If you stress too much, it will definitely affect the natural pigment of your hair.

If you don’t want your hair color to turn grey then learn stress management. This can be done through regular exercising, meditation, yoga, and also going for short vacations on a regular basis.

2. Avoid Smoking

If you are a regular smoker then this can intervene with the color of your hair.

Cigarettes contain harmful substances like carcinogens that can affect not just your hair follicles and result in grey hair, but can also lead to cancer.

3. Healthy Diet

Consuming healthy food is the need of time. It is important for all of us to consume a diet packed with proteins, particularly Keratin, which is important for hair health and growth.

You may include healthy elements in your diet like dairy products cheese, butter, milk, and spinach.

If your diet is not able to meet your daily requirements then you must start consuming supplements for the same.

4. Don’t Use Chemical Based Shampoos

If you want healthy and soft hair then you should use mild shampoos.

The best solution is to use organic shampoos. It is because shampoos and conditioners containing harmful chemicals can affect the hair quality as well as lead to hair pigmentation.

Read also: The Ultimate Guide To Safe, Non-Toxic Makeup

Also, it can cause intense hair fall and damage to the natural hair color.

5. Regularly Oil Your Hair

In most of the cases, dry and dehydrated hair can lead to greying of hair. It is because it is essential for the hair to possess moisture so that the natural color stays locked in.

Hence, oil your hair on a regular basis. Also, give your hair natural spa treatments to identify better hair conditions.

6. Avoid Using Perfumed Hair Products

If the hair products you are using contain high levels of aromatic fragrance and perfumes then this might be because of the presence of chemicals in it.

It is because natural products and oil don’t have any artificial fragrance and aroma. Hence, avoid using such products so that they do not damage your hair and prevent graying of hair.

7. Keep Your Thyroid Levels in Check

If you have thyroid malfunctions then this will lead to low or hypersecretions.

Such problems can lead to graying of hair. Hence, keep your thyroid levels checked so that it does not lead to graying of the hair.

Things to Eat to Prevent and Treat Grey Hair Problem

The finest way to treat and prevent gray hair problem is to consume nutritious food.

Some of the top-notch foods that you need to consume to reduce as well as prevent this problem are listed below!

1. Fresh Greens

All those food ingredients that are green in color are like a natural blessing to your natural hair. Make sure your diet includes an appropriate amount of vegetables, such as celery, capsicum, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, and other green leafy vegetables.

If you consume one amla on a daily basis then this will also treat your grey hair problem.

2. Chocolates

Consuming chocolates is another amazing way to keep grey hair at bay. Chocolates contain copper that boosts melanin production that is great for natural color of your hair. But make sure you consume only pure chocolates.

3. Berries

From cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, to raspberries, mulberries, and strawberries – just start consuming berries on a daily basis. These berries are packed with minerals and nutrients as well as high levels of antioxidants that can reduce the grey hair problem to a great extent.

4. Triphala

You must have heard about the magical effects of Triphala on your body. Triphala is prepared from three fruits – bibhitaki, Amalaki, and hartaki. All these items are great for your skin, hair, and eyes.

So drink a glass of Triphala every day to keep all your health issues at bay.

5. Almonds

Almonds are packed with protein, copper, and vitamin E. They are the best nuts that must be included in your diet.

You can consume almonds every day by mixing them in a smoothie or soak them overnight and then consuming them in the morning.

Along with this, you must stop consuming alcohol, coffee, tea, and other oily food to prevent grey hair at an early age.

6. Salmon

This is another food item rich in selenium that is great to regulate the hormonal production in the body. Also, salmon is rich in proteins and prevent greying of hair to a high extent. So, you may include it in your diet to get beautiful, black hair.

If despite taking such measures you are not able to combat the grey hair problem then you must see a specialist immediately and take appropriate medicines before the problem becomes severe and out of control.

Hair forms a prominent part of our health. You can have safe and healthy life only when you nourish them well and keep the scalp healthy. Avoid using chemical-based products, stick to natural and herbal products, and develop a nightly routine to care for your hair. If experiencing any severe hair problem then contact a hair expert immediately.

Author Bio :

Yuan Chen is a Manager at T1Hairs- Online Curly Hair Extension Company. He has more than 6 years of experience in Hairdressing Industry.

The Advantages of an Eco-Friendly Home

With eco-living trends on the rise, it’s important to know what benefits making your home environmentally friendly can offer.

I’ve seen a major increase in eco-living trends within the past decade. More and more people are making their homes more sustainable, effectively reducing their carbon footprints. What benefits does making your home green actually offer, though?

We all know it makes an impact on our lives and the environment, but what is the full extent of that impact? Can changes in just one home make a difference? After a little research, I found out exactly what benefits making your home into a green one offers.

Economic Benefits

Many view eco-living as an expensive commodity, but even home builders know that isn’t true. The cost of building an environmentally friendly home is not much higher than building a traditional one and builders are even receiving mark downs by meeting green design standards, effectively making the price about the same.

The materials to build these homes cost less, while they require less maintenance and have a higher property value. Couple all of that with tax benefits and energy efficiency, and you’ll see that eco-homes are boosting the economy.

Social Benefits

We as people are profoundly affected by the spaces we live in. Amenities like natural lighting, improved air quality, and chemical-free building materials all contribute to our overall well-being. So, a healthier home means a healthier you!

Those living in green homes experience a better sense of well-being, happier moods, and healthier vital signs just from the conditions that surround them.

Environmental Benefits

This is the more obvious category, but green homes might have more of an impact than you think. Cool roofing methods help to eliminate dangerous environmental changes from increased heat and promote water conservation, while reduced chemical emissions aid local wildlife. Significant waste reduction works to conserve resources while eliminating a portion of landfill mass.

Temperature moderation also aids in eliminating the need for excess energy with the implementation of smart thermostats. Also, probably the most obvious, these homes aid in combating climate change by reducing carbon footprints.

It’s amazing what choosing to implement eco-living practices can do to the environment, the economy, and our own health. While some us (and by that I mean me) cannot afford to move into one of these gorgeous homes, we can still do our part by making minor changes around our own homes to help them become more eco-friendly.

What ways do you make your home more green? Were you surprised by the health benefits these homes offer in the link like I was?

A Guide to Eco-Living in the City

It seems as though the two couldn’t possibly mix. A city and honest to goodness eco-living? Well, it turns out that you can make the impossible a possibility.

I spent a lot of time living in the city during and after my college years. With millions of residents, thousands of cars, and a constant array of lights, it can seem impossible to live an eco-friendly lifestyle when living in a metropolis. In reality, America’s major cities are leading the battle against climate change through eco-living practices.

While city-wide efforts have helped to implement better mass transit and solar energy and support local farming in nearby communities, that doesn’t mean city dwellers get a free pass on implementing eco-living practices. Here are some of the ways I was able to reduce my carbon footprint during those years.

Being a Minimalist

Sometimes it can be better to live with only what you need, and sometimes a small studio apartment forces you to do so. Instead of cramming things into the tiny home I lived in, I chose to let the city take care of my needs.

Within just a few blocks I could pick up fresh produce, take a walk in the park, or find live entertainment. I used public WiFi instead of wasting on resources on a personal internet connection, and even ditched my television in lieu of the various attractions around the area. I also saved on energy by unplugging anything that wasn’t in use, reducing the already minimal amount of electricity my apartment used.

Who Need a Car?

I will never understand why so many who live in cities choose to own a car. Maybe other cities do not have the same reliable public transportation mine did, but I was able to take the bus to and from work everyday. Aside from saving on vehicle costs, I did my part to reduce nearly 20 pounds of CO2 emissions by walking anywhere I needed to go besides work.

As an added bonus, the city I lived in had a bikeshare program that helped me travel to different areas when I needed to.

Sustainable Shopping

Every city has the grocery conglomerates, but they also have a wide variety of privately-owned local business to buy produce from as well. Choosing to buy local helps reduce the reliance on overseas shipping and using trucks to haul frozen food across the country. Plus, it is ten times healthier!

These are just some of the ways I was able to practice eco-living while residing within a city. For all of you other city dwellers out there, what ways do you help out the environment? Does your city make strides to fight climate change, too?

Easy Eco-Friendly Home Hacks That Save Money

While many view eco-living home renovations as drains on a bank account, there are a number of ways that going green can actually save you money.

I see a lot of articles online talking (or rather complaining) about how expensive it is to live an eco-friendly life. Sure, installing state of the art solar panels is going to run you an easy $20,000 but no one said you have to go that far just to reduce your carbon footprint.

In reality, choosing to make your home more environmentally friendly can actually save you money every month. Don’t believe me? Well, I have proof!

Cook From Scratch

Its no secret that cooking at home with fresh ingredients saves an incredible amount of money, but have you ever considered it’s eco-friendly benefits? I hadn’t either, but it makes sense when you think about it.

When you use fresh ingredients from the farmer’s market or your garden, you eliminate much of the energy used in processed foods. Processing in an industrial kitchen that certainly eats up energy; then food is wrapped up in plastic and hauled on a truck all the way to the constantly-running freezers at the supermarket. Cooking with local produce is a simple way to save money and do your part to conserve energy.

Use a Pressure Cooker

This was another one that I found surprising. Using a pressure cooker to make meals saves an astounding amount of energy when compared to other cooking methods. It also happens to be much faster way to get the job done.

That means less time waiting for a hot meal, less energy wasted, and less money spent on your electric bill.


Start a Garden and Go Vegetarian

This is a two-for-one win in my book. Growing green beans, salad greens, and cherry tomatoes instead of buying veggies at the store can save you a ton of money in a year’s time. Even growing herbs in your windowsill can save hundreds over time.

Aside from zero-energy consumption, growing your own garden also allows you to make more veggie dishes than meaty ones. Not only is this cheaper, but greenhouse gas emissions have gone up in the past decade from an increase in livestock raised for slaughter. Saving animals, reducing causes of climate change, eating healthier, and saving money all at the same time is about as green as you can get.

My runners up for this list were:

  • Line dry clothes
  • Take shorter showers
  • and switch to organic cleaning products

What eco-lifestyle choices have helped you to reduce your carbon footprint while saving money each month?

Eco-Living on a Budget

Want to go green but can’t afford solar panels? Don’t sweat it, there are plenty of ways to live eco-friendly that won’t break the bank.

I would love to live in a zero-net energy home complete with solar panels, an enormous aquaponics garden, and water conserving showers but let’s be honest here. How many of us can actually afford such an extravagant home? I mean, eco-living is not cheap!

Thankfully, there are ways you can turn your household into an environmentally friendly one without draining your personal savings account. I’ve uncovered some of the most cost effective home improvements anyone who wants to reduce their carbon footprint can easily afford.

Heating Bills

Don’t have the money for a smart thermostat? Neither do I! Instead, conserve energy by setting your regular thermostat to 68 degrees in the wintertime.

Sure, you’ll have to bundle up to stay warm. Having reduced your energy consumption will have been worth it though!

Unplug it All

Even when things like your laptop go into sleep mode or are turned off, they still suck in power from your wall outlets. Unplug any form of charger or cord possible anytime you are not using that electronic device. This one is on me! (Because it’s free, get it?)

Compost It

Starting a compost pile is a cheap and efficient way to reduce waste in your home. All you need to buy is the composting bin, and the rest takes care of itself. Now you can feel good about recycling that banana peel instead of letting it rot in a landfill. Composting at home has never been easier.


Switch to Cloth

Do you find yourself using paper towels and napkins a lot? Take reducing your waste one step farther by using cloth napkins and cleaning rags instead. Yeah, you’ll have a little bit more laundry to do but it will cut back on your home’s waste more than you think.

Speaking of saving on paper-esque items, filing your taxes online saves a binder’s worth of paper! Choosing to use cloth or canvas grocery bags also helps to cut down on plastic waste.

Get a Houseplant

For around 10 to 15 dollars, you can purchase a new houseplant from nearly any hardware store. It will help keep the air quality in your home cleaner, and I personally love tending to my plants.

Repair Leaks

We can’t all be Tim the Tool Man from Home Improvement, but fixing a leak is usually as simple as tightening a cap or bolt. Leaky pipes under your sink can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water a year! All you have to do is give a few twists of a wrench to help conserve water and save on your utility bill.

These are some of my favorite examples, but there are hundreds of cheap ways to make your home more eco-friendly. What are some ways you’ve found succesful without breaking the bank?

My Top Eco-Living Tips

Looking to make your house more eco-friendly? Try out some of these methods I implement in my home.

The term “Eco-Living” covers a large spectrum of practices and habits that help to reduce our carbon footprints. I could write books on everything from creating a zero-waste home to eco-pet basics, but this is a blog post. So, if you are looking for ways to make your home as green as it can be, then try out some of my favorite practices.

Throw Away the Trash Can

One of the easiest ways to cut down on waste is by starting a compost bin. This allows me to re-use what would normally take up space in a land fill. Plus, it makes great fertilizer for my plants and garden!

Anything organic can be turned into compost, even the “cardboard” from egg cartons. It’s also an easy DIY project you can finish in a weekend.

Ditch the Grocery Bag

More and more stores like Whole Foods, Market District, and even Aldis are offering canvas bag alternatives instead of wasteful plastic ones. While it might cost you a few dollars, the benefits are worth the initial cost.

First of all, I used to find few things as frustrating as the gallon of milk I just purchased tearing through the grocery bag and breaking in the parking lot. Canvas is so much sturdier, making it useful for carrying milk jugs, soda bottles, and even for holding a few extra items when moving or heading on vacation.

Secondly, I’m doing my part to cut down on the roughly 10 billion bags making their way to land fills in my state. That means my state has to charge less taxes for the resources to dispose of those bags as well. It’s a win-win in my book.


Cut out the Meat

A plant-based diet has plenty of health benefits, but it can help reduce on nitrous oxide emissions at the same time. A recent study by the United Nations showed that nitrous oxide has 296 times the impact on Global Warming that CO2 does. These gases come from the massive amount of livestock being raised for consumption.

Cutting back on your meat intake means fewer cows, pigs, and chickens pumping out concentrated amounts of greenhouse gases and more land set aside for recreation.

Reduce Water Waste

This one is as simple as cutting back your shower time and using a low-flow shower head. I like to put two of my favorite songs on a playlist to help me keep track of my time spent bathing. It’s an enjoyable way to shorten your shower time.

Cutting back on bottled water purchases and investing in a purifier for your sink is another great way to reduce usage. I saved an easy $30 a month that way!

These are just a few of the ways I choose to make my home more eco-friendly that you can try out as well. What are some of your favorite eco-living habits? What are your favorites and how did you make the switch?